Arrests Made In Waka Flocka Shooting

Four days after the fusillade outside of Waka’s tour bus in North Carolina, local authorities have made six arrests in connection to the shooting. In fact, one of the suspects was arrested 14 hours prior to the gunfire. Guess this would be a good time to mention Waka’s new mixtape, Salute Me Or Shoot Me 3 is available to download now. Blaow!

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  1. NewMoney says:

    waka SNITCHED!!!

  2. Belize says:

    Don’t wish death on no one, just Wacka Floppa’s career.

  3. ur boy says:

    Queen city fucks yo shit up you fake ass rapper #704

  4. still best rite now!! says:

    i just luv hearing reporters say his name…lmao

  5. BLV says:

    “ jail just hours before..” stupid fuck

  6. boston-morgan says:

    niggas being niggas… pathetic losers

  7. NoSoup4Yu says:

    wait. That nigga name Ronnie Cochran? Lmao

  8. Citylivin' says:

    soooo 6 niggas couldn’t shoot 1 nigga(not saying that I want him shot)….hahaha….they can’t go back to they block, they gonna get clowned heavy…..this is nothing but song material for Waka….he’s gonna be able to stretch this out in 3 songs, expect a new Waka album in 2011.

  9. ui says:

    throw all the coons and x-cons in jail where they belong

  10. YMCMB says:

    ?cosign?still best rite now!! They act like they prouncing a new word or something lol. flocka a straight up G

  11. YMCMB says:

    ?citylivin All those charges? them niggas aint seeing light for a while.

  12. -__- Look at dis world we got some wako head loonatick actin motha fuckas runin up on a poor raper for no dame reason. What da fuck are this Crazy dry ass niggas tryin to prove here O_o. this world is sick and inhuman. GOD pleas give us a message

  13. […] Charlotte Observer reports charges were dismissed against the 6 men allegedly involved in Waka’s shooting last February. His tour bus was riddled outside a car […]

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