Odd Future On MTV’s RapFix

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There’s no doubt about it that OFWGKTA has the Internet in a frenzy. Even Kanye approves. With the group’s H.N.I.C, Tyler The Creator’s latest clip already racking over a million views since its release two weeks ago, MTV‘s RapFix followed Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All after their appearance on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon last week. The emsemble discussed their shows,  movement, and what’s next.

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  1. SweetDeebs says:

    “Oh…hey, It’s Tyler the Creator from Odd Future.” SWAG

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Elliott Wilson and JUICE Magazin, Urban Socialista. Urban Socialista said: RT @ElliottWilson: Odd Future On MTV's RapFix http://wp.me/pzXrp-s1b […]

  3. me says:

    There cool to listen to in small doses…..the horror core element is kinda corny to me though.

  4. Fucktyler says:

    I love horrorcore

  5. Your mother's "Friend" says:

    Lmao this nigga said “i’m a fuckin table”

  6. Skunk says:

    ICP pt. 2

    And I actually kinda like em, but its hard not to see it.

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  8. haterzeverywhere says:

    Yea I dont get why people are trippin when they are compared to ICP or early slim “I just dont give a fuck” shady.. that’s exactly where they are in terms of genre…

    only difference is they are middle class black kids doing it

  9. Belize says:

    Kids ain’t bad.

  10. Dujay says:

    i like rock metal eletronica hip hop etc, and i go to crazy rock shows where people are moshing and i go to rap shows where like no-one is moving and the most these posers do is nod they head, and im there wilin out and jumpin and they look at me like im reatarded, and its super refreshin to seee a rap show where everyones goin mmmmmad and theres hella energy, truly inspiring, they bout to change hip hop

  11. Nathaniel says:


    exactly. i think it’s cool that they feel free enough to do whatever the fuck they want. it’s just weird having a youth movement of kids with no sense of reality or direction. they just wanna do the absolute most outlandish shit.

    that’s how you know how society has failed young people. we channel our energy into reckless rebellion for the fuck of it, for the sole purpose of being seen, being infamous, and making people uncomfortable.

    that video is dope though. the yonkers joint. whew… black youth culture be switching and changing like a muthafucka. a paradox, haha

  12. Cold Blood says:



  13. Word says:

    Are these niggas like Lil B or something?

  14. rahrahrah says:

    Did these guys take a 3:00 bolt bus to New York from Philly last Friday?

  15. Errol James says:

    Original as fuck. Became a fan after watching a couple of Tyler’s music videos on Youtube. Odd but entertaining. The West Coast got the internet going nuts with Lil B and Odd Future.

  16. Walt says:

    OFWGKTA reppin’ hard — Free Earl!

  17. fuk waka says:

    ermm im fucking lost… how come they got a million+ views within weeks? who are they ? and where did they come from?
    im lost!!! and but im not into there music aint hiphop to me

  18. chilleymost says:


  19. philly boul says:

    that table and unicorn stuff, as simple as it is, is the truth. society has brainwashed the youth of america so that we follow the system.

  20. Asa says:

    Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All doing they’re thing.
    Should do a show with the Firing Squad M.O.P… “where worlds collide”….first family….


  21. ehhh says:

    where are they from? Philly?

  22. King Jugganott says:

    Ahhh, Kids.

  23. I like them alot…hip hop needs this. ADD ANOTHER GENRE TO OUR HIP HOP CULTURE! THANKS!

  24. people that dont like this are nervous. and if your nervous your getting old. it’s a hard truth to face.

  25. Harv says:

    Originality. They’ve got it….. I’ll give it to them.

  26. WiscoFinest says:

    Fuck Steve Harvey! Shout out to Bieber!

  27. haq says:

    hahahahahaha fuckin’ herbs straight from the burbs.

  28. CHechu says:

    these dudes sure do curse a lot.

  29. Itz Yourz says:

    Yonkers..cool vid. I see your movement,,,surburban kids acting out…anit nothing wrong wit that…we all go a little mad sometimes…do your thing.

    Ah show of theres def. cant do..I knw Im maturing…cus all I’ll be thinking is if I get a concusion (caught one in a onyx mosh pit before) my ass anit got no insurance…lol…I think my ass is just gonna go ahead and two step and nod my head.

    “I got punched in the mouth and it felt great…yeah? SMH….careful wit those…I seen someone whole speech go to shit for too many space in there mouth from knocked out teeth.

  30. papology says:


  31. HN says:

    You are not a table. Or a lamp. Or a unicorn.

  32. ColoradoKnight says:

    The “Yonkers” video is somethin’ else. His mannerisms give the video a lot of depth, but the kid doesn’t seem to be all there? This will definitely catch on with the kids and we’ll be seeing mad followers within months. Ah, to be young and rebelious.

  33. j. says:

    they gonna go far bcuz they are pushin the envelopes of hip hop

  34. d'evil says:



  35. BLU LAMBO says:



  36. bjack says:

    I like them, but I hate their fans.

  37. ur boy says:

    frank ocean is my boy

  38. rahrahrah says:

    I think these guys were the ones on Boltbus a couple Friday’s back. When I first got on the bus they were loud, but the calmed down and allowed me to read and listen to my music without being bothered. There were a couple of white kids interacting with them, the kids looked like 8th or 9th graders, I was confused by the interaction. The white kids were obviously a lot younger than them, so I wondered how they were familiar with each other. I thought their performance was great on Kimmel, but started to watch Yonkers, and gave up after a minute. Talking shit about Jesus, and trying to shocking doesn’t float my boat. Good luck to them. Perhaps the entertainment gods will bless them, hope their lives survive the blessing.

  39. kidcasper says:

    I respect Odd Future. Yonkers is a crazy ass song/video. But they are NOT NEW in any way. Two words


    He was doin this exact shit back in 99 when he blew up, except he was a WHITE boy. When you even get the President of the United States talkin about you, and people PICKETING your music, THATS when you know you’re cutting edge.

    But like i said, respect to Tyler and the rest of Odd Future

  40. to many lil bs craving attention not caring of music and being different for the sake of being different

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