1. Donn says:

    Mr.Hudson is that dude

    Straight No Chaser is amazing!!!!!

  2. toad3527 says:

    i like this one

  3. assasin says:

    Love that album

  4. Keith says:

    White lies. Pun intended?

  5. Yup says:

    Hudson reminds me of dude from Davinci Code. And Asher…well you know who he reminds me of #fabricated

  6. Ben Peters says:

    Damn this shit is cool though…I got more fire beats though http://robgrimes.blogspot.com/p/beats.html

  7. MR PHILADELPHIA...... says:

    Weak punk music…

  8. OffYaSelf says:

    not feeling this one usually asher comes through w/fire

  9. villain says:

    asher needs to go on those missing milk cartons where the fucks he been

  10. pienman says:

    ash roth killed the verse & the song waz dope mos definitely

    isn’t he wit G.O.O.D music ??

  11. alabaster says:

    I only like Asher Roth cause he’s white.

    Used to be the opposite, but yeah.

  12. Nathaniel says:

    i thought mr. hudson was muhfuckin anderson cooper at first. haha!

  13. dank nugz says:

    ashers verse was dope.

    there goes my stage plot on how to attract her/ to say im asher and im a famous rapper


  14. […] of Asher Roth (@asherroth) lately. Why? Pshhhh, because he’s fricken amazing. According to RapRadar, “At a recording session two years ago, Asher Roth added his fabricated flow to Mr. […]

  15. 5k on my wrist says:


  16. asher ross vs eminem…who would win…best white rapper alive lol


  17. Android says:

    These dudes are too white. There just isnt enough melanin in that pic.

  18. Android says:

    These dudes are TOO WHITE!!! WHERE IS THE MELANIN???!!!! Deleting my comment will not stop me from saying this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Android says:

    THEY TOO WHITE!!!!!!!!

  20. Android says:

    Where are my comments???

  21. haha says:

    I know they deleted mine too.

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