Wiz Khalifa’s Rolling Stone Cover Shoot

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A week after Wiz’s Rolling Stone cover was unveiling, here’s film of how it went down. Pick up copy now and Rolling Papers on March 29th.

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  1. still best rite now!! says:

    98k 1st week….

  2. Black Shady says:

    I aint snitching or nothing, but you’re tellin me this nigga walks around with marijuana at EVERY PHOTOSHOOT and nobody saying nothing?

    I understand the label’s with it because of the whole smoker image and shit, but wtf…

    50k first week, and watch all the TGOD talk stop LOL

  3. How To Rap says:

    Off da chain for real. This is an incredible glimpse of the cover shoot. That’s a true honor.

    Writing Hip Hop Lyrics

  4. WiggityWiggityWack says:

    they gave that nigga a fukin paragraph in the book flip the mag Snooki got a huge feature. Hey Rolling Stone you aint hip trying to get down with hip-hop. Hand me his Source, Fader, Vibe theres more info there

  5. Citylivin' says:

    Charlie Sheening!!

  6. smoove mooth says:

    yo.word to wat homie said uptop…rollingstone covered more in this video then they actually did in the magazine.that was some shit…all to sell magazines..which is crazy because most of the spots i seen in ny was not even displaying his side of the magazine..

  7. COLD BLOOD says:



  8. android says:

    1=hermaphrodite=cold blood

  9. CK says:

    if ya’ll be talkin nymbers you should at least mesure his buzz. any (even unofficial) videos of wiz got crazy views.. he’s got a n1 record (#anthem) , whole pittsburgh behind him a good distribution and a commercial single who should do great numbers…WIZ WILL AT LEAST DO 120k first week #likeitornot

  10. Gee Wiz says:

    yo cosign Black Shady, i read in bookstores a lot and every Barnes or borders I was in had their Rolling stones mags with the Snooki side out. I pitied the nigga and turned one over for the Wiz side to show. Tell me why my girl was like “Who the fuck is that?” and i had to explain that thats what Khalifa looked like hahahaha. And all that weed in the photo shoot shit, im not fooled. All Hollywood, my nig. I can get some okra and an oven and make it look just like that. NO fucking way are you going to just sit here and believe that the nigga is that open with the rolling shit. Hoe niggas, man.

  11. Keith says:

    I don’t smoke weed, but this video made me want to, haha.

  12. zezzoi says:

    Wiz gunna do like 300k

  13. original will says:

    man i surprised he dont get arrested every town he tour in all you have to do is have your warrant ready

    its a video on youtube where this guy has like a forest of weed plants just like on his tour bus like wtf LOL he trying to kill himself LOL

    look up the video on youtube he going to catch a federal case smoking all that shit its going to lead to stronger drugs

    ex:Snoop,Wayne,Cudi,Charles Hamilton

    like smoking that shit too much going to lead you to that white girl the way he smoking i wouldnt be surprised if he smoking on them puffs right now

  14. wsiok says:

    Does he ever stop smoking 😀 ??

  15. Ze Pequeno says:

    The subject matter will not be new in “Rolling Papers”. Trust me on this one.

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