Amber Rose & Wiz Khalifa Discuss Relationship

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During Wiz Khalifa’s sitdown on MTV’s RapFix Live, his main squeeze Amber Rose briefly spoke on their relationship. So much for that gag order. Somewhere, Kanye must be throwing haymakers into the air. On a related note, rumor has is it that Wiz got Amber’s initials tattooed on his thumb. Uh, macaroni?

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  1. […] These looove biiiiirds..! So cute that Wiz admits Amber is his first ‘grown woman’ relationship lol. I think Amber does receive a-lot of unnecessary flack. On the other hand, this might sound disrespectful but she’s very pretty until she starts to speak. via RR […]

  2. Samson says:

    WIZ LOST!!

    You tatting a known smut and Kanye’s leftovers name on you fam…


  3. petey wheatstraw says:

    wookin pa nub

  4. fuk waka says:

    wiz shud get her pregnant.. dats swagggggggggg
    kanye dosnt giv a shyt he got many other super models

  5. GucciFlipFlops says:

    So icy boi your list is retarded… oj da juice man #8?

    Amber rose is bald but she got back

    Little twist #12??? WTF lil twist blows

  6. Sugarshane says:

    ^why do you do this on every website?

  7. mack says:


  8. themuthafuckinreal says:

    Sloppy seconds or fifths for this bitch nigga.All the fine ass women out there at the mall,clubs,shit anywhere and he in love with that bald headed hoe?! This weirdo need to lay off the trees and get his muthafuckin mind right

  9. puerto-black says:

    “Im lady lover, dog/Not a stupid nigga” -Cam’ron

  10. g.a.m.e says:

    shutup dumbfucks go get your fine ass girls then let him fuck with what he wants to. you niggaz worst then bitches

  11. g.a.m.e says:

    most of you ugly muthfuckas cant girls if your hating on him….

  12. Braniak says:

    cant belive Wiz fell for this bitch…..she don’t know shit about music she a gold digger

  13. Donn says:

    Y’all such haters!!

    Any girl you end up marrying is going to have slept with somebody or sucked some niggas dick, so your getting THAT nigga’s leftovers then too huh

    She’s a bitch cus she has a new boyfriend? Y’all be reaching, they both some chill cool people trynna live positive and care free together. Y’all only saying that shit cus its Wiz Khalifa. If it was some no name nigga, y’all wouldn’t care. Let them live, get money and die happy…..

  14. meTHATSwho says:

    smh at this nigga… hes gotta know that shes a groupie…. so obvious..

  15. Im ugly as hell says:

    I definitely cant hate on the nigga id smack my 50’s grandma if i could smash amber

  16. g.a.m.e says:

    thats the best shit youve ever said

  17. IIG says:

    I can’t fuck with that tattoo shit. I definitely lost a bit of respect for Wiz the person. Now, his music is still the shit though.

  18. FOOTS says:

    Lmao this nigga @Donn only JUST became a fan of Wiz now he tryna ride his dick and take up for him. If Wiz was a NOBODY, you wouldnt give a fuck either just like you said. Stop tryna take up for famous people just cuz they famous bitch. If we was sayin this shit bout somebody you didnt know you wouldnt give a fuck

  19. puerto-black says:

    @Donn, I agree. Your/mine/everyone boo’s could be Your/mine/Everyone’s Nutcraker. However; She called herself a “South Philly Hoodrat my whole life”. I’d Smash but Wife? A Tat? If that was my friend I would say chill. Drake, Bush and Kiki hit it and told her to beat it. My Homey is Boo-lovin. Again, I would sell my dog for a June Month of fucking that broad but could be BM? 2nd’s to Ye isnt bad, it’s the ex dyke/stripper/Hoodrat/ that cant be taken home to mother part thats a bit much. Word to Rick James

  20. puerto-black says:

    Or maybe there is “Tigerblood in her cunt that cures aids and ends wars” -Dallas Penn

  21. JIMMY says:

    what did you think when you first met wiz?


  22. Mulatto Gato says:

    @ Petey Wheatstraw
    That shit was funny son!

  23. cezzy says:

    why does this bitch keep shaving her head

  24. Ze Pequeno says:

    yeezy taught me

  25. blade says:

    you see he didnt lay one on her lips….he knows whatsup. ha

  26. LA says:

    ?This is some Cirque Du Soleil pussy now?

  27. Andrew says:

    Interesting to see Amber with Wiz now. I wonder if Kanye will ever get into the studio with him now???

    Check out my blog @

  28. g.a.m.e says:

    your moms wack

  29. Black Shady says:

    LOL! once this nigga catch a brick…she gon move on to the next nigga with a buzz

  30. still best rite now!! says:

    ” sloppy seconds, is my preference” – Earl

  31. Seriously says:

    Wiz needs to focus on actually making decent music, his album was worse than Cabin Fever.

  32. serpentor says:

    can’t blame wiz too much. he probably jerked off to her on many occasions, now finally got in a position to smash, this nigga ended up falling in love. but real spit, you can’t wife a broad like that sonny jim. ya dumb ass is gonna be butt-hurt after she ‘roll,bounce skate’

  33. […] During Wiz Khalifa's sitdown on MTV's RapFix Live, his main squeeze Amber Rose briefly spoke on their relationship. So much for that gag order. Somewhere, Kanye must be throwing haymakers into the air. On a related note, rumor has is it that Wiz got Amber's initials tattooed on his thumb. … Read More […]

  34. ILUVHATERZ says:


  35. mac DIESEL says:



    ….HA!!!! U SUCKAAAAAAAA!!!!!


  36. Whitest Kid to Know Hip Hop says:

    So much for, “I dont love them, I dont chase them I duck them”

  37. Reg says:

    YO this nigga a sucka! all yall softies standing up for this dude… theyre are too many girls out there and this is who he chooses??!!

  38. SqueeGee says:

    Why are all these people tryna get with this chick? The only thing she has going for her is her big booty, and plenty of better looking girls have that. And she’s bald lol.

  39. James says:

    That ass will make a nigga think he sinning*lil wayne voice*! Shit it says rumor but if it true!? smh

  40. original will says:

    i think wiz been fuccing with this girl for a while now becuz when he did that whookid interview and mentioned her they had pics like the next day and she was at his show like the next day then she from Philly right and he from Pittsburgh same state IDK

  41. Wizhater says:

    Translation…. We became friends. She is basically saying they fucked. Before that did anyone notice how she didn’t say if Wiz was handsome or not? Charming does not count either

  42. hot interracial…i need that sextape


  43. NYC says:

    Let’s see when this niggas broke… Bitch will be a 100 miles & running…. But for now she’s probably sniffin coke off his dick… Yezzy taught her!!! More power too her… Wiz you a sucker for love!!

  44. Talk is Cheap says:

    Prediction: Amber ends up with an older white dude who’s filthy. I’ll put money on that

  45. Itz Yourz says:

    Shouts to Amber…for doing it on a nigga…got em! Sorry yall Wiz didnt stand a chance. She is an ex stripper…her pimp game strong…hell she still got kanye wilding out about her and he broke up with HER. This childs play for her…wiz is young and got love coming out his eyeballs for her….she gonna break thatt nigga heart.

    Also Wiz been on but he just getting put on to other ppl who wasnt in his fan based so you young you doing it, a real relationship isnt neccessary live nigga…his main focus is to leave them wet bed sheets,nigga ‘Im gone’ attitude.

  46. Van says:

    LMAO wiz lost. It’s okay to get sloppy seconds but to wife her? where’s the Taylor’s? get cha boi.

  47. Van says:

    Awww damn I feel bad for Sun, Sway completely played that nigga. That’s why I don’t watch shit like this.

  48. […] recently told MTV News that he doesn’t mind living out a public romance as he enjoys being open with […]

  49. Ze Pequeno says:

    In the words of Ghostaface Killah, “I would’ve never wifed that. Never.”

  50. […] recently told MTV News that he doesn’t mind living out a public romance as he enjoys being open with […]

  51. ireland says:

    lets be honest shes milkin it money money lifestyle lets be honest

  52. […] recently told MTV News that he doesn’t mind living out a public romance as he enjoys being open with […]

  53. Nick says:

    this is the day i saw them at best buy on 14th aha

  54. […] recently told MTV News that he doesn't mind living out a public romance as he enjoys being open with his […]

  55. […] recently t&#959ld MTV News th&#1072t h&#1077 doesn’t mind living out a public romance &#1072&#1109 h&#1077 […]

  56. […] recently told MTV News that he doesn’t mind living out a public romance as he enjoys being open with […]

  57. […] recently told MTV News that he doesn’t mind living out a public romance as he enjoys being open with […]

  58. […] recently told MTV News that he doesn’t mind living out a public romance as he enjoys being open with […]

  59. […] recently told MTV News that he doesn’t mind living out a public romance as he enjoys being open with […]

  60. […] recently told MTV News that he doesn’t mind living out a public romance as he enjoys being open with […]

  61. amber says:

    why the fuck did he compare these lames with bey and jay smh.

  62. […] recently told MTV News that he doesn’t mind living out a public romance as he enjoys being open with […]

  63. […] recently told MTV News that he doesn’t mind living out a public romance as he enjoys being open with […]

  64. […] recently t&#959ld MTV News th&#1072t h&#1077 doesn’t mind living out a public romance &#1072&#1109 h&#1077 […]

  65. […] recently told MTV News that he doesn’t mind living out a public romance as he enjoys being open with […]

  66. jsolo says:

    He has the jordan sevens im getting on april16

  67. majest says:

    .in highschool the hot chic likes you when you possess a lil school high fame…this is his a career move…amber has come to represent a sign of a trophy girl..for her it multiplys her stature as previously mention.from him it marks his arrival into a certain league in the game.i cold be wrong!!!

  68. bean says:

    turn off the lights and close the door but for we dont love dem hoes

  69. JNEW says:


  70. R says:

    So the lesbo couldnt say he looked good she only said charming 5 times? She 95% Gay thats why Yeezy took that Dildo she used on her girls like a Thugalicious! LMFAO

  71. BBoYJUJU says:

    fukin groupie

  72. […] I peeped the clip on the Rap Radar site, I quickly scanned the comments. Even though I already knew what was coming—pure foolishness—I […]

  73. Unknown says:

    Why are people sticking up for wiz?? haha 2 ago knew this nigga and if this nigga didn’t come out with that black and yellow record ya’ll wouldm’t give two fucks about him if somebody drove by listening to him.(like i did) lol but but anyway sh’s way overhyped.that hairstyle is a no no im rocking the same one right now and im a man lmao i would like to grab hair when im penetrating not scalp haha he sucka for tattooing her name on his hand. this nigga is losing his hunger and he’s getting worse wtf? i could understand if it cassie but this whore? naww

  74. Diamond khalifa says:

    People ain’t got nun to say nice then stfu wiz is the best ead his albums are the shit and so is his songs hop off the man dick he can date whatever the fuk he wants and whoever the fuk he wants. Fuck outta here with this shit ain’t got nun nice to say then stfu.

  75. Lul'mama says:

    -ithink it effin nasty how wiz nd tat b’th Amber Rosa qoiinq oudd she jusx playiinq hymee he nedd t2 open hisx eye’s she is a ex. Stipper cum wiz youee cn do beta tat.

  76. the best says:

    amber baby please just grow your hair out…..put on a wig or somthiing like for real

  77. WHy says:

    I cannt believe he had her at BET Awards show. You publicity whore (Amber Rose). Now I cannot respect him as a real rapper. Kayne’s left over. SHe used to be at the shows all over Kayne. That Trick is very slick spend their money girl. LMAO

  78. Dee says:

    Wiz is whipped… She got him wrappped around her fingers!!! His head is so far in the clouds… Poor baby… She’s gonna break his poor little heart… Smh

  79. lsggg says:

    think about it..wiz k had to get her preggies otherwys she was gona go back to also preg her if i had her you know i mean kanye is a top notch

  80. Sonya D says:

    leave them both alone! fuckin haters! why coz he dont want u girlz and she dont want u boyz!!

  81. Sonya D says:

    I think Amber Rose is beautiful and so fuckin wot if she is an ex stripper! Nobodys Perfect! and i think Kanye West shud be honored to get a real woman as sexy as her! his a pig headed… big egotistical twat!! i hope they have a nice futre together and YOU HATERS piss off and try to address some real problems in ur lives!!! LATERZ HATERZ!! WIZ KHALIFA UR SO SEXY!!

  82. imataylor says:

    fucks wit ur taylors dawg. not literally but in a way meaning “interact”. amber is a taylor, just a fan, dont actually fucks her bruh daaam

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