1. FreeMyeye says:


  2. jordan cohen says:

    Wow, who is still checking for this dude?

  3. Your mother's "Friend" says:

    ^^ lmao , i was just about to say the same , i mean like really how does this guy survive ?? it’s mind boggling

  4. jordan cohen says:

    Rap Radar, I know its a recession but stop taking some of these dudes money. You’re better off putting up videos of regional breakout artists instead of these LAMES.

    Support some underground for once and i’m not talking about Lil B or those Odd Future f^cks.

  5. jordan cohen says:

    notice that his chain is getting smaller and smaller.

  6. roblo says:

    This is TOUGH!!!!!!!! Sumbody sign this nigga ASAP!!!

  7. wickwickwack says:

    in 2004 u was the man homie !

  8. Mars says:

    This nigga is trash

  9. Doe Money says:

    I agree with everything that has been commented. This nigga is only getting press on blogs because he’s probably friends with Eskay or Elliot. If he was my friend, I’d tell him to consider another line of work…Maybe becoming a garbage man because he releases alot of trash.

  10. ColoradoKnight says:

    His voice sounds way different from a couple of years ago?

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