Rhymefest Loses Alderman Election Bid

Rhymefest lost his bid for alderman of Chicago’s 20th Ward Tuesday night to incumbent Willie Cochran. The Chicago Tribune reports the rapper pulled an impressive 45.4 percent of the votes, but it wasn’t enough for Cochran’s 54.6. Last October, Che announced he was running for the seat and in February he successfully forced a run-off election.

Sidebar: B.Dot Speaks On Rhymefest With CNN

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  1. Nathaniel says:


    and THAT picture, big homie? foreal? lol

  2. kallywood says:

    Hell of an accomplishment regardless, applaud this man.

  3. yesssir says:

    sad day for Che. it’s even more sad that his opponents who look to clean up the 20th Ward targeted Rhymefest as a “gangster.” Can only imagine what they will do help the people who actually are on the streets.

  4. Big Homie says:

    and THAT picture, big homie? foreal? lol

    ^ Yea, but the picture was funny tho. Ha! Replaced with footage.

  5. Sony Music Employee a.k.a J Cole Album Is Never coming out says:

    damn cant make it as a rapper cant make it as a alderman. wtf homie gon do? i hope he kept that BRAND NEW money

  6. xcb says:

    Oh Amazing !! 😛

    Vanessa, has got a millionaire lover on ~~ Lo ve Wealt hy * c//0 m~~. Karen, who is 27 yrs old, married with a wealthy CEO with the help of this c lu b too. Will you be the next?

  7. ThatChickCanSpit says:

    We should all be extremely proud of him. What a great role model. If nothing else, he has paved the way… this is in no way a loss. They know now that we have a voice; and this will inspire someone somewhere.

  8. http://www.myspace.com/onepercentfree says:

    HE NEEDED chuck d as a trustee/
    Don/t trust people in politics = just like all does ace douches investors at the top in showbiz.

    + We already have two prez = obama and jay/z


  9. Itz Yourz says:

    I applaude him. He had short time to pull off what he did. If he got gully with his campaign trail def. Would of won. Jus goes to show you can be a rapper and a got damn politician if you want to. Him obama,clef and others are showing we can do more for our ppl your community. Take back what Itz Yourz…..this rap game too!

  10. maaaan says:

    Wow, this is big, i didnt even know. i hope he stays involved in this!

  11. Belize says:

    Good for him for trying! Full support!

  12. Bronx, NY says:

    This is what pac wanted to do. Take over government. Hip Hop has the numbers to do it. Only problem is that too many in hiphop have records, are not registered, or simply do not vote. oh well…. Maybe one day… Jay-z may have a shot shuld he considers running. He crossed over to mainstream. it’s not impossible for him to win locally, then nationally. Anyway. Congrats to rhymefest. win or lose its a good look for hip hop.

  13. NYC says:

    I respect this man.. Win or lose.

  14. brutally honest says:

    No matter how much a black man from the ghetto, succeeds as a rapper ; tries his hand in politics. The white man still looks at him like a “nigger” #truefact

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