New Music: Bei Maejor x J.Cole “Trouble”

R&B artist Bei Maejor is up to no good with his brand new single featuring J.Cole. The track will be featured on his upcoming debut which will be available to purchase on iTunes this Friday.


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  1. HateOnPLY says:

    Bei Maejor is a sick ass producer, don’t know how I feel about his singing and shit but the production goes hard in my head phones!

  2. MaeMaddness says:

    This is my favorite song by Bei Maejor, but the fact its on Rap Radar means he’s doing better and I support it!

  3. Belize is g*y, mac weasel's opinion aint sh*t says:

    not feelin it

  4. bob says:

    of course cole is starting to sell out.. what ealse is new?

  5. JHP says:

    Will niggas shut the f*ck up with this sell out sh*t. Got damn, Cole drops a little 12 bar feature on a Bei Major song and he’s all of a sudden a sell out. Give me a break. This song isn’t that great anyway though, Bei Major’s vocals are weak, the singing isn’t gonna work out for him. Beat is decent, and Cole’s verse is nice. I might listen to it again, it’s not good enough to get on my ipod though

  6. Donn says:

    Hahaha, All the “sell out” comments are coming just like i said they would. That’s what happens when artist start gaining mainstream success, they get called sellouts.

    Hip Hop….

  7. assasin9 says:

    stfu with that sell out shit – yall want hip hop artists to still live in the hood and be poor – let the man be

  8. DJ says:

    How is J. Cole a “sell out”?

    Just because he did a song with an r & b artist now he’s a sale out?

    If I can remember correctly 2Pac and Biggie did songs with r & b artists too does that make them a “sell out” too?


    I’m not feeling Cole’s verse on this, he doesn’t seem to do well on features he does better on his own stuff.

    Can’t wait till his album comes out!

    Cole World No Blank

  9. DJ says:

    How is J. Cole a “sell out”?

    Just because he did a song with an r & b artist now he’s a sale out?

    If I can remember correctly 2Pac and Biggie did songs with r & b artists too does that make them a “sell out” too?


    I’m not feeling Cole’s verse on this, he doesn’t seem to do well on features he does better on his own stuff.

    Can’t wait till his album comes out!

    Cole World No Blanket!

  10. Yung Silv says:

    there both on sony music this is just a feature stop bitchin wierdos

  11. Black Shady says:

    sell out? FUCK OUTTA HERE NIGGA….

    never heard of that BEI nigga, but Cole ripped it as usual

    COLE WORLD! his debut gonna be AMAZING. get ready…

  12. Next UP!!! says:

    These same niggas callin my homie a sell out would jump if this joint if they had the opportunity….WAIT TILL THE ALBUM DROP!!!!…that sell out shit will be out the window….SHIT IS GONNA BE CLASSIC…i know first hand….and then when that drops the overrated comments will start….SMH….FUCKIN HIPHOP….

  13. suppppppp says:

    It ain’t selling out, but still, I can’t even defend Cole for that weak ass verse… I realize he was trying to dumb it down for a RnB track, but he was off…

  14. suppppppp says:

    I’m starting to think Cole isn’t what he was supposed to be. All his dope material is in the vault, is he going to release the real shit when he’s irrelevant? I don’t get it? If his album was that dope, why isn’t it getting released…

  15. suppppppp says:

    Where’s Lost Ones at? Where’s the Ross feature? Where’s the Trey Songz single? Where’s the work he did with NO I.D.? Half of FNL was old shit compiled together. FNL wasn’t even on Warm Ups level… What’s he waiting for

  16. Conway West says:

    Whut a buncha fagz smh..”fuck u, leave my baby cole alone! Hez not a sellout” . Yall soundin like that internet drag “leave britney alone!!!” Buncha faggz lmao

  17. mrcapela says:

    because the album is not ready yet….. and Cole has more collabos on way…..

    J. Cole x Miguel
    J. Cole x Freddie Gibbs
    J. Cole x Busta Rhymes
    J. Cole x Chingy
    J. Cole x Kendrick Lamar (album)
    J. Cole x Drake
    J. Cole x Tyga
    J. Cole x Big KRIT
    J. Cole x CyHi Da Prynce
    J. Cole x Jay Electronica x Jay-Z
    J. Cole x Trey Songz ?
    J. Cole x Maybach Music group (Self Made project)
    J. Cole x Rick Ross
    J. Cole x Lloyd Banks
    J. Cole x Omen ? (“Pity”)

    and more…

  18. Remiq says:

    fuck everybody sayin j cole sellin out, this shits an r&b song how many syllables do u expect the dude to drop?

  19. drake says:

    i though j coles verse was witty has hell .. fuck yall niggaz

  20. drake says:

    i aint gon tattle tell ddddaaammn yo ass bad as hell

  21. Not every song is a gem. And not every collaboration is organic and well done.

    This is an subpar track when you consider “In the Morning” and “All I Want is You”.

    This is not R&B. This is a generation of autotuned crooners who have no business near a microphone.

  22. flawda says:

    To Paraphrase J Cole, dude has said numerous time he isn’t underground and doesn’t want to be.

    “i want to be mainstream, i want to win Grammy’s and sell millions”

    You fans are fickle as hell, it’s just what Wale said. You put niggas in a box and as soon as they step out or people discover them, ya’ll turn on them.

  23. wuu says:

    it pissed me off when wack ass artist like ace hood,gucci, khaled could all drop brick after brick but they cant release a jcole album…like really? whats with the wait did they make him scrape it and start over like in his recent interviews he dont even look confident n e more!!!

  24. G says:

    ^Hey do’nt diss Gucci mane la flare!

  25. flawda says:

    Gucci Mane, Khaled, Ace Hood don’t have fanbases and are trendy artist, in 5 years they won’t be able to tour and put out albums. What J Cole is doing is building a real fanbase, dude constantly tours and make good money that way, once he builds his fanbase up all he will need is a hit single and he will cross over to the mainstream.

    If ya’ll haven’t noticed by now Roc Nation isn’t doing what these other labels are doing, by rushing artist and chasing hit records. Why do you think these niggas like Wacka have these big singles and can’t sell albums or make tour money, he doesn’t really have a fan base and the people who do buy his shit are trendy.

  26. Fat Joe LIker says:

    j cole is crack on the mike..nigga

    Walmart Giving Back After Laying Off Over 50,000 People.. $1,000 Giftcards – I Grab 2 of Them..LOL

  27. […] R&B artist Bei Maejor is up to no good with his brand new single featuring J.Cole. The track will be featured on his upcoming debut which will be available to purchase on iTunes this Friday. md … Read More […]

  28. firefly81 says:

    FACT : J Cole ISSSSSS A SELLLLLLOUTT. It is the season of sellout Cole. People were feeling Drake when he was underground but the minute he came out that is when people started hating on him. It seem that with cole it was bound to happen especially with these new cats.
    FACT: J Cole hasn’t brought out an album until he knows that he is so hype that he can sell a lot of CD but shouldn’t he just be making music for the fans that listen to him and let new listeners flock to him once they hear his music. What is this world coming too.

  29. G says:

    Gucci mane la flare is the best. But if you havent follow him from the beginning of his career, more than likely you will diss him. Listen to The movie mixtape part 1 , Writing on the wall, Wilt chambelin series! Dude has music for days!

  30. ethug says:

    lame ass lonely niggas whining that their favorite artist is a sellout. go eat some store brand rice krisipies and shut the fuck up. dumb ass niggas. you rather cole rush and drop a fucking flop like rolling papers? fuck outta here. eat a dick and go bump some mf doom you underground loving assclowns.

    and @mrcapela ive heard the kendrick, trey and ross joints. they’re all fire. it was dope to hear cole spit on some ignorant party type shit. definitely swagtastic.

  31. supppppp says:

    you ain’t heard the ross n trey joints, bullshittin ass nigga

  32. Ac@pella! says:

    Us Detroit boyz are commin up in the industry again…BANGER!

  33. ROC says:

    [J. Cole]
    Yeah, invitations in the whirlwind
    We both bad at it
    Told myself no more hittin’ n-ggas girlfriends
    Thats my old bad habit
    Here you go, round that
    Already know, what I’m staring at
    I mean from top to bottom your body is problem so
    Somebody better take care of that
    And who
    Better than, the n-gga let ‘em in
    When your man aint home, you can let him in
    Late night Letterman
    I aint gon tat-a-tale
    Damn your ass bad as hell

    …I am feeling the heat in this for sure… sounds like words I always wanted to say to the chicks that be chasing me around…

  34. meTHATSwho says:


  35. Itsfarfromover1 says:

    This song is fire, or at least it’s growing on me, Bei Maejor is crazy talent. If you don’t believe me listen to upside down 1 & 2

    And Cole needs to be on records like this. I bet every artist wants to have their records play in the club like jay-z or drake he still trying to get a good buzz

  36. Shzntt says:

    Ethug funny as shit….lol

  37. ethug says:

    @supppp sorry fam, i don’t need rapradar to hear new bangers.

    some niggas got connects and some niggas dont.

    i do, dont be mad. your favorite rappers has friends who get to listen to shit that you’ll never even hear.

    im out.

  38. _MrWhoDat says:


  39. […] Bei Major is still up to his shenanigans and puts Wale, Trey Songz, T-Pain up into the mix for his J.Cole-collabo.  […]

  40. […] is still up to his shenanigans and puts Wale, Trey Songz, T-Pain up into the mix for his J.Cole-collabo. Tags for […]

  41. […] is still up to his shenanigans and puts Wale, Trey Songz, T-Pain up into the mix for his J.Cole-collabo. Tags for […]

  42. […] is still up to his shenanigans and puts Wale, Trey Songz, T-Pain up into the mix for his J.Cole-collabo. Tags for […]

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