1. c;mon says:

    give us alternate links…….. shit isnt working

  2. Coolstorybro32323232 says:

    The link is not working you fucking douche bastard….fuck this shit

  3. c;mon says:

    give us alternate links……..

  4. twitter says:

    Piece of shit RAPRADAR……fucking asshole billy willy skeet skeet all over you bitches face and fuck yo couch nigga this is invasion motherfucker ;adasdfkljdsfkja bahahahahaha fix this shit ….sry im high folks

  5. Cali760 says:

    Link sucks :/

  6. Mr Rich says:

    The site is flooded. It’s not RapRadars fault. C’mon people.

  7. fressh says:

    man, shut up you imbeciles……yu impatient a** f****…….its been 2 minutes and its free

  8. Wiz Sucks says:

    give us a new link you stupid fuck tards

  9. Word says:

    Man that shit shut down imma try in the morning. I need to take this album with me to school

  10. Gus says:

    i would pay 10 for a hardcopy. this tape is fire

  11. Big Homie says:

    Just added alternate links

  12. myjestik says:

    yo whats up with the hostility. its free music people!

  13. HarlemPrince1982 says:

    Some of the best music I’ve heard in a while. Well done…

  14. Di@z says:

    Quit bitching potheads!

  15. The REAL So Icy Boi! says:

    LMFAO. Rap Radar is laggin it.
    honestly, Never heard of Curensy, but I need to check em out. Alchemist is dope tho!!

  16. Di@z says:

    Let me know when the instrumentals for this come out..

  17. dat bull says:

    just downloaded this. curren$y is so nice i wish he got more shine. smh

  18. Yung Silv says:

    this was a dope project too quality to be free

  19. Killa Kellz says:

    ^^^word spitta cud ov made a fortune from this

  20. Carolina King says:

    Dope… when we gone get that Muscle Car Chronicles ?

  21. NotoriousRambo. says:


  22. Pat says:

    Damn, does Currensy live in the studio or something? Hes always putting out, good, quality stuff.

  23. Infamous_R_ says:

    Stalin Nice Touch Spitta

  24. Braniak says:

    Niggaz make music every day but you’ll neva hear a nigga do it this way*

  25. mac says:

    go 2 datpiff dis shyt iz fire

  26. n8o15301 says:

    livemixtapes.com cant believe you fake music fans dont know were its at………………..

  27. Respect! says:

    fake ass niggas. stfu broke niggas. you goin complain about shit thats free. go fuck yourself. for real, have respect or don’t go on this site. once again..#BrokeAssNiggasComplaining&ShitFOH.

  28. Respect! says:

    Ugly ass nigga. That’s why your ass got buttfucked in prison. bet you was moaning that autotune shit too huh? Nigga you 5’1. 120. stop actin like you run shit mini-me you ole fuckin south park lookin ass, dreads from 1960s looking mothafucka, same beats, same lyrics, same punchlines….

    here’s a punchline from young money… I GET BARS…………………HERSEY

    no flow, no fluidity, just straight horse shit. FOH

    like lil B said…


  29. Van says:


    Spitta keep that shit 100.

    Gold BBS flow (c)

  30. kalikush says:

    @respect get the fuck outta here. I bet your broker than a Beverly hills homeless. N who tha fucks talking about Wayne? ? Hahahahaha

  31. Killer talk says:

    can’t wait til the link starts working and I can snatch this up

    Me and my girl going on vacation…Travelocity giving away $1000 Giftcards for anywhere in US..just for giving them your email..haha..My whole fam got 1 http://goo.gl/8IQWl

  32. Van says:

    I’m about to cop a Saab on Gold BBS’s.

    Don’t bite my shit.


  33. BLaZe1 says:


  34. real nigga says:

    Hell Ya! Spitta is a fucking beast!

  35. Post no billz says:

    i cant fuckin find a good link anywhere.. anybody got one?

  36. GSB says:

    always fuck wit spitta def downloadin this

  37. ColoradoKnight says:

    This mixtape is SO ill. It’s funny how all the free music being put out in this day & age is better than it’s retail counterpart, go figure?!

  38. James says:


  39. […] off the release of the release his Covert Coup EP, Spitta keeps the momentum going with another smooth groove, which you can cop on iTunes. […]

  40. […] off the release his Covert Coup EP, Spitta keeps the momentum going with another smooth groove. Support the Jet Life and cop […]

  41. […] Curren$y & The Alchemist – Covert Coup Click for Tracklist LikeBe the first to like this […]

  42. […] off Covert Coup the visual treatment. If you haven’t done so yet, download it for free here and enjoy the […]

  43. […] In the direction of Court Dunn, Spitta is on the screen—literally for Nah Right and Restless Films latest edition of their “One Shot” series. Off Curren$y and Alchemist’s joint LP, Covert Coup. […]

  44. […] Under the direction of Court Dunn, Spitta is literally on the small screen for Nah Right and Restless Films’ latest edition of their “One Shot” series. Off Curren$y and Alchemist’s joint LP, Covert Coup. […]

  45. […] In support of his latest release, Weekend At Burnies, here’s the latest flick from Curren$y. After the jump, we head out west for the visual aid for “BBS” off his project with Alchemist, Covert Coup. […]

  46. […] In support of his latest release, Weekend At Burnies, here’s the latest flick from Curren$y. After the jump, we head out west for the visual aid for “BBS” off his project with Alchemist, Covert Coup. […]

  47. Yoga says:

    I dont disagree with this article..

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