New Music: Lil Wayne “How To Love”


Yesterday, we got word that Weezy’s new single would be dropping sometime this week. And today Karen Civil comes through with the MP3. It’s produced by Detail and will appear on Tha Carter IV this summer.

Sidebar: Lil Wayne’s New Girlfriend

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  1. NuJew says:

    *Turns on The Weeknd “Rolling Stone”*

  2. cli-city.. says:

    This is funky…I like it….

  3. k1ngeljay says:

    Wow. This was actually kind of hot.


  4. James says:

    Autotune works miracles

  5. C4 sir! says:

    C4’s Lollipop. C4 is gonna be fire, 1 mill in 1 week. fuck the haters!

  6. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    hahaha i got a good laugh for today. HOW TO LOVE? This dude knocking up chicks every chance he gets.

  7. risrob2 says:

    man is album is sounding more n more like a dud!!!

  8. GT says:

    I like it after a few listens but I’m not his typical target demographic (gay white guy) I love all his music but I have a feeling this isn’t gonna go well with his demographic. Hope i’m proven wrong.

  9. thatnigga says:

    w/o all those drugs..he can actually hold a note tho..#winning

  10. Mr. A. From Tha T says:

    idk i dont think this is forreal

  11. Mr. A. From Tha T says:

    Drizzy shoulda got this one

  12. don cannon says:


  13. kaoz says:

    Rap Today!!! huh?

  14. G-Roc says:

    I like it. I would be lying if I said this song is not jammin’.

    TSG Plug:

  15. b says:

    Man.. This is just the worst..

  16. Pete boii says:

    this was kinda fuckin gay……

  17. blv says:

    He got money. Why is he sucking rap-pop cock, just to get radio spins.

  18. Downgraded To Human says:


  19. thetruth says:

    i like weezy but na this shit wus terrible. dis nigga singing like a fruitcup dis aint hip hop. this song wus a fail. BAD MEETS EVIL >>>>>> CARTER 4

  20. Big Beats says:

    Someone needs to shoot Icy Boi

  21. rhys says:

    Terrible, absolutely awful.

  22. Nigger With A White Dick says:

    weezy singing like a bird, no thanks.

  23. Derrick Rose says:

    Its not that bad like these fucking wayne haters say.I bet they’re favorite artist isnt doing shit

  24. Fuck Ya Life says:

    What the fuck did I just listen to?

  25. youngjannetti says:

    It ain’t bad *shrugs*

  26. Word says:

    Not that bad actually. But this shit so pop. And Wayne singing. Everything the Em haters who love Wayne were making fun of him about. Now he singing and making a pop song too. But im sure the Wayne stans gonna justify it with some bullshit excuse. This is deep and it has substance so I can’t knock Wayne for talking about something that matters this time, but he can’t sing. Its Good lyrics but come on Wayne stans, y’all love this don’t y’all? Y’all gonna bump this all day in your cars with volume maxed out ain’t y’all? Softies.

  27. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    “Terrible, absolutely awful”…But the wayne SUPER stans think its a great song. This song is deplorable.

  28. Citylivin' says:

    salute to those strings(don’t know the instrument, i was gonna say acoustic guitar)….this joint is funky though.

  29. belly says:

    i blame drake wtf was that

  30. Word says:

    This song is softer than a wet diaper

  31. NextEpisode says:

    I’m not really a fan of Wayne’s, but still checking out his new stuff from time to time, and I’m aware that he’s dropping C4 soon… So was kind of excited about that… But is this for C4? Is it even a single? :O Hope not…

    And please, do you guys really think it’s correct to say “Support real hiphop”, to a song like this? Is this what hiphop/rap is to you guys?… I guess I’m too old for this new-generation rap…

    *going back listening to some 90s rap*

    Hopefully Em & Royce, Jay-z & Kanye, 50 cent, Game & Slaughterhouse can deliver!

  32. 106 says:

    Awful. Em never made something this bad don’t even try it…

  33. kaoz says:

    ….dunno how to feel about this Weezy joint, i wanna go on a ‘witch-hunt’ with this one but i’ ll go out on a limb and say the song is a straight billboard battle contestant against anything Beyonce-not for it being a good rap song but it has everything thats comprised of a ‘PoP record’ and not a rap record that went PoP,(yes!! theres a difference). With a great video, this should warrant us to get someone popcorn(i hate popcorn but who cares!) and watch how this turns out. The Hip-hop fiend in me hopes this doesnt slowly tarnish his rap credibility, we saw Nelly take this route(Remember him?), yo this is the music industry,anything can happen..i mean Lil’ B exists right?!! Not my cup of tea though from a so called ‘Street Rapper’.

  34. crooks and castles says:

    Im a wayne stan and THIS IS HORRIBLE. Honestly FUCK C4, im done. Wayne is selling 200k if he doesnt push it back one more time. From 1mill to 200k.

  35. Swissssh says:

    might not be to every1 taste, it was waay different but shit wayne knows how sell albums

  36. Hydroflouricacid says:


  37. Anchorman says:

    Wayne biting Wiz’s Rolling Papers style

  38. Young Jack says:

    Really this song is a dedication to the ladies..nobody has done this in the long time not even EMINEM for you stans… he gone sell about 500k and as for street rapper he never said he was a street rapper if he stay being a street rapper he not gone sell as much like boosie gucci its a good radio everybody stop bitchin

  39. Pac Man says:

    this is terrible

    if 50 cent or young jeezy released this then everyone would say it’s trash.

  40. NYC says:

    lol @ people liking this 0_o

    if u like this song, u’ll like Justin beiber rapping also !!! Clowns, this is the wackest thing i heard in the last 5 years

  41. Belize is g*y, mac weasel's opinion aint sh*t says:

    wack smh, so dissapointed

  42. John Doe says:

    WHY WOULD I BUMP THIS WITHOUT A CHICK IN THE WHIP?!!!!!! I GET PUSSY UNLIKE WORD YOU ARE GAY SON!!!!!!! C4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  43. Citylivin' says:

    @LilDuval : If this maybach music album don’t sell good the labels is really gon say fuck street music. Y’all know that right?
    @LilDuval : don’t be surpise when rappers start doin nothin but pop rap becuz street rap has no dollar value no more
    @LilDuval : I don’t think will ever see another street rapper become a worldwide superstar again. That’s over. the last were lil Wayne and T.I.
    a tissue for y’all sorrows…

  44. GAM3x1991 says:

    if your wayne stan and you still support this trash then ur just as bad as some of these Em stans. This shit was WAY worse than the Recovery songs.

  45. Young Jack says:

    STANS always gonna hate on somebody thats not there favorite artist…just how it is..this song prolly gone be #1 or at least in the top 5 cause 1. He’s lil wayne 2. Its a pop alternative song 3. Its to the ladies

  46. shadyman says:

    lol this nigga weezy… wait till R.E.D. drop to listen sum real hip hop shit..wayne is old news……

  47. Stmfkonge says:

    Never thought I would like Weezy this way, but this was different and nice..

  48. Donn says:

    This shit is fiyah, all the hardcore thug gangstas ain’t gon like this one lol

    Definitely liking this one

  49. kcmo says:

    yo this is straight tampon music

  50. LOL says:

    know wats funny? if this was 50 yall would be up on youre feet talkin bout “commericial” “sellout” “bitch” “stop signin like a bitch” … corny azz fanboys

  51. Big Beats says:

    Wow this is crap, I can’t believe this is a single!
    -Sincerely, a real Wayne Stan

  52. SHADY says:

    LIL WAYNE = DUMB NIGGER LOL EMINEM 100 MILLION SOLd SHADY TILL I DIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  53. SHADY says:


  54. Duh Nigga says:

    For All You Niggas Judging This Song U Gay U Can Tell This Is Not For You Play It For Your Bitch And Ask Her What She Thinks

  55. lmao says:

    lol @so icy boi

    lollipop- soul?
    on fire- grunge?
    get a life- blues-rock?
    right above it- jazz rap?

    lmao nigga wayne only does 1 genre and hes been doing it for the last 4 years straight- pop rap. Thats it. Anybody that thinks differently is the same kind of retard that thought “Rebirth” was actually rock.

  56. iamhiphop says:

    its all for the sales guys plus its diff dont hate its how he sellin the album its ccalled new fans that wouldnt uy the album might like the song nd cop the cd its not that bad

  57. TDF says:

    im still trying to figure out if this is the gayest song ive ever heard of if this is gonna grow on sure it will once i heard it on the radio 50 times a day

  58. Word says:

    If you have to listen to Lil Wayne music to get pussy then you have no game or swag lmao

  59. Coffee Cup says:

    @So Icy Boi! For once I agree with you. Lil Wayne is a genius.

  60. G-Unit White Flag says:

    If 50 would have made this song everyone including the Stans would be hating!

  61. Mr. A. From Tha T says:

    @ Cannon wtf man drizzy aint had nothin out since TML, he’s been on like 3 joints this whole year??? its just what i thot about the song

    Oh and i kno this aint the next single cuz they said it was gonna be a track by Jim Jonson

  62. Black Shady says:

    this is not hip hop, this is not pop. LOL

    the sad thing is I know its gonna WORK. Yep radio gonna play it nonstop. then he’ll drop a video and its gonna be on MTV 24/7. smh i see what yall doing lol

  63. Whowantwhat says:

    This is the reason the new generation is either gay or metrosexual! Bloods can’t co-sign this! How is this acceptable? So called gangsta? Lol

  64. Jay Fingers says:

    This is going to be a MASSIVE hit.

    And yes, it’s dope.

  65. still best rite now!! says:

    So Icy Boi!! is a fkn genius..ha! i luv it

  66. iamhiphop says:

    yu guys r straight haters…if yu dont like it dont listen it shouldnt affect yu at all……its for album sales not every one in the world like hip hop so its expandin his fans….stop hatin ur nobodies

  67. Citylivin' says:

    don’t blame Wayne or any other artist for making pop songs….blame the “hip-hop fan.” For some reason hip-hop fans put sooooo much emphasis on sales n shit….this is the music these artists have to make to sell….plus women buy records more than men anyway so deal with it….
    ………Thank you, Hip-Hop fan God

  68. Surrounded By Stupid People says:

    Why is selling out a legitimate excuse? All these fools talking about “he just did it for the sales”, of course he did! How is that any better? Thats literally the definition of selling out, and u idiots are just eating it up. smh

  69. Jones says:

    All of y’all get on Wayne about putting out stuff that sounds the same, and then he gives y’all some good music like this and y’all don’t like it. I’m starting to think y’all don’t really know what good music sounds like. That’s why ur just a fan. Wayne gave us a good track whether it lands on C4 or not. And all of y’all that’s saying this is gay, y’all prolly don’t know how to love. WAYNE KEEP DOING UR THING!

  70. jimmy says:

    just realize that this wont go down well with most fans. i mean you think you gonna ride around bumping this around town?

  71. GAM3x1991 says:

    @Jones- you sound really gay. “And all of y’all that’s saying this is gay, y’all prolly don’t know how to love. WAYNE KEEP DOING UR THING!”
    6’7 was alright but had no concept, John was wack, and this is beyond trash.

  72. Citylivin' says:

    what’s the first thing “the average hip-hop fan” does when know a album is about to drop?…*Let’s search the internet so I can see what the “projected” sales are gonna be…50K!!! HAHA that shit is a flop.*
    …..but as soon as they have a popish sound to their songs…..they get slandered….then their album does 200K or more……that “average hip-hop fan” has not shit to say after that.

  73. Biggi247 says:

    @So Icy Boi!

    Hahaha you cant say shit now, errrrr “Eminem does hip-pop” he’s not a true MC.

    You can suck dick now this is the most pop thing ever. I actually like it, it will work well as part of an album but you can eat dick if you say anything about Eminem now being pop.

    Ahhh silence. Thanks Weezy.

  74. Sosa says:

    1st of all, Most of yawl on these comments don’t know how to appreciate real music anyway. You dont know wut real music is supposed to sound like, that’s why yawl think this is a rap song. Smh I like when an artist has the guts to step outside the box n try something different. I don’t wanna hear 14 songs that sound similar in instrumentation or structure. The song is not bad, its ok BUT MOST OF YAWL LAME AS HELL.

  75. @Citylivin' says:

    Where did u get the “average hip-hop fan” playbook? Cuz I dont think Ive ever actually searched for album sales, and Im pretty sure Im an average hip hop fan. Id rather get a good album that bombs than a bad album that sells well. As long as Im not seeing any money from the album, I couldnt care less what its sales are.

  76. Keyan says:

    I like the simple guitar beat a lot, but it sounds to much like “Ever since”

    Sorry wayne

  77. Protest says:

    This aint even that bad. Get out of your hiphop mode if you wanna judge this song lol. The nigga who adjusted his auto-tune settings is a genius cuz that nigga is borderline hittin notes now. Not bad but its not my kinda music…this is gonna be a smash tho so brace yourself

  78. Citylivin' says:

    @Citylivin’ says:
    Thursday, May 26 2011 at 1:11 PM EST

    Where did u get the “average hip-hop fan” playbook? Cuz I dont think Ive ever actually searched for album sales, and Im pretty sure Im an average hip hop fan. Id rather get a good album that bombs than a bad album that sells well. As long as Im not seeing any money from the album, I couldnt care less what its sales are.

    well whoever you are with my name….you are the way a hip-hop fan is “supposed” to be…i could give a fuck about sales cuz it ain’t putting no money in my pocket….it’s these muthafuckas who clown artists for “flopping” are the reason that they’re doing pop songs….and it’s also the same reason why niggas like J.Cole(who i’m a fan of) album won’t see the light of day.Or niggas like Jeezy & 50 are struggling to put out an album.

  79. Sosa says:


  80. Codeen says:

    C4 is gonna flop. Wayne seem like he lost his flow and creativity. This sound just like that other soft song he got. Wayne in trouble.

  81. YN's Sister says:

    This is just plain garbage, Wayne has been sucking dick since the Carter 3. Weee-wooo-weee-wooo-weeee-woooo. They need to start teaching hip hop in schools so these little 13 year old’s know what real lyricism is, Bruno Mars & Jodeci go harder than this.

  82. RG says:

    wtf is this shit..this guy’s in love

  83. ok.. says:

    icy boi you know nothing about alternative music, just quit.

    rather you like the song or not, i have no idea what it has to do with eminem?

    and yes this is dissapointing comming from a “street rapper” wasn’t this dude sayin he was a blood? yeahh….

    I’m by no means a wayne fan but i did like the first two songs from C4 so far but this one is just.. smh. and to be honest i dont dislike it because of it being a pop song, i like acoustic guitar and the whole general sound, its the singing. Literally, when i first hit play on the song i got embarrassed and turned the shit waaayy down, i cant imagine one of these fags ridin around blarin it in the whip, if i see that shit i absolutely will yell “FAG!”

    Pretty sure this one was just meant for the ladies tho so they can just keep that lol, but icy boi, you prolly shouldnt be ridin the songs nuts unless you wanna look like a fag, im sure people outside the internet already think that about you anyways based off your taste in music, YMCM > shady??? my ass, your obviously 15, young money sucks, nikkis the hardest one in that group

  84. B says:


  85. Mockiiee says:

    So hold on? It’s alright for Eminem to sing on songs but when Lil Wayne does .. It’s classed as gay? Get you’re head out off Eminem’s ass LOL!

    Lil Wayne – Tha Carter IV
    1 Million In It’s First Week
    Bitch It’s Coming Soon.

    Don’t get me wrong I still think Eminem’s better but damn so many haters!

  86. ayo4yayo says:

    come on wtf. like 6 foot 7 foot was alright i call it album worthy and john was okay i guess even tho it was just rick ross’s song kinda changed up. but this is shit wtf. coulda swore he was off the autotune shit since we hadnt heard it in awhileee

  87. loch121 says:

    @citylivin you need a a homo’s dick for your mouth

  88. Converse says:

    Im just waiting on that new jeezy mixtape aka tha real. snowman prolly laughing@dis weak shit

    better than anything off pop recovery lmao coarse tha females will like this they love anything with a catchy hook

    better than lollipop espeically tha beat that shit is dope

  89. kush247 says:

    hahah wtf is this lil wayne is a fukn fagget!!! since he got out of jail he turnt into a bitch…!! worst shit ive ever herd we got another drake haha..!! all u fools need to bump some real shit forreal look this dude up on youtube.. kendrick lamar nigga from compton… rapps about positive shit!! and the nigga lloyd banks thatrs the real shit

  90. Weezy F. Baby says:

    Got a red bone she look tropic…

  91. kush247 says:

    hahah straight fagg wtf is this lil wayne is a fukn fagget!!! since he got out of jail he turnt into a bitch…!! worst shit ive ever herd we got another drake haha..!! all u fools need to bump some real shit forreal look this dude up on youtube.. kendrick lamar nigga from compton… rapps about positive shit!! and the nigga lloyd banks thatrs the real shit

  92. Jones says:

    @GAM3x1991 keep my dick out ur mouth bitch

  93. BalladOfTheBlackGold says:

    Who is the chick ?

  94. TheCool says:

    Damn. Even Drake hasn’t made a song THIS pop. This shit sounds like Justin Beiber. I was gonna give it a chance after 6 7 Foot but now, naww.

    Ill wait for Watch The Throne, Bad Meets Evil, and RED Nation.

  95. Later says:

    Damn this was hawt. Didn’t expect it at all though. Sounds like Drake co-wrote this with him.

  96. Later says:

    Lol @ niggas. Make a song about love and you are a softie? It is human nature to love. Yeah this is a Pop song and what is exactly wrong with making a pop song?

  97. Word says:

    LMAO @ the Wayne stans tryna justify this bullshit. Yall just giving up now. Now its okay to sell out, now its okay to auto-tune, now its okay for Wayne to do all the shit yall trash other rappers about JUST because Wayne did it. Yall niggas really need to hop off this man dick. YEah its steppign out the box, but is it good music? FUCK NO. This shit is straight garbage.

    Yall think just bacause someone makes a POP song its automatically gonna get the white ppl vote. FUCK NO. It still has to be GOOD. This shit suck. White ppl gonnaz say this shit garbage because it is what it is. Nelly made a pop song hsi single, sold well and everything, but flopped in album sales. So pop single =/= good sales. Get that out your head.

    I feel sorry for Wayne cuz he use to be so Hip Hop with C2 and parts of C3 but the typical soft faggot ass fan in this day has forced everyone to turn POP. Now everything is generic. Yall say the old shit was generic, this shit is gonna become generic too. Rolling Papers sounds just like this shit! So when pop rap becomes generic, then what are yall gonna do? Fall back n the old shit again. Its a cycle. This shit is getting played. Pop rap. Rappers wanna be singers now. Singers wanna rap. Why dont you stick to what you do well and just DO IT.

    This shit makes me cringe listening to it. Its sad when you see a artist who use to be sooooo different from this switch up and sell out in attempts to “branch out”. This shit aint branching out its just garbage. Its pop, but that dont mean its gonna sell. Why do you ppl wanna hear Wayne sing? And then yall wanna say “play this for your bitch” lmao WHATS that gonna do? Get you pussy? You NEED Lil Wayne music to get you pussy? I fuck my girl to no music all the time. And even if I was to fuck a girl to some music, it DAMN sure wouldnt be no Lil Wayne LMAO The fuck? You think I wanna hear Wayne verse while im getting some? Yall homo.

  98. JIMMY says:




  99. Keith says:

    Excellent song.

  100. Fr3$h says:

    Weezy needs to learn how to NOT put songs like this on C4. I’d rather chew on glass than listen to this a 2nd time

  101. the finish line says:


  102. BeatzByRizzo says:

    this is fire this is how you sell records this is straight crossover can’t knock the hustle

  103. zezzoi says:

    Yo, Wayne & Detail combo = win…

    You Da Shit >>>>

    This song >>>>>

    We Back Soon >>>>

  104. JNasty says:

    Pac Man says:
    Thursday, May 26 2011 at 12:00 PM EST
    this is terrible

    if 50 cent or young jeezy released this then everyone would say it’s trash.

    Pac Man you are so right on this one!

  105. […] the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.DownloadVia Rap Radar via Karen Civil Popular This WeekIt’s Barbie B!tch: Nicki Minaj InterviewBeyonce Performs […]

  106. Damn Homie says:

    I guess we can now kill all that talk about who the best “Carter” is. This dude going to far with it.. he experiment more then girls in college. And fails more then a retard taking the SATs.

  107. GAM3x1991 says:

    Co-Sign at Word. If any other artist did this, it would be called trash. Well because its TRASH lol. and im never going to get some while listening to Wayne or any rapper. wtf?

  108. Belize is g*y, mac weasel's opinion aint sh*t says:

    @Word i agree with your last comment -____-

    wayne is still one of the best rappers out though

  109. 106 says:

    i’m just confused about this. I want to know why yall think Wayne needs to crossover? He got everything he wants all eyes on him already. Face facts this dude wants to be a singer after C3 what he do when he got the spotlight? Start singing. He got out of jail rapped for a little bit to build buzz then what? Started singing again.

  110. lil wayne says:

    Funny how some of you talk about the genre stereotype. How he is droppin singles for Pop cultures and that it’s not that bad, that you can bump to it and this and that. Did you orget about the time when he was coming out with hits like: Bling Bling, CM records, Fire Man? Were you following him then? Nope. But then changes his type of music around and makes it just as big. Stop bobbing your head to the music and going with the beat. If you know the standards that Wayne is supposed to go by in the Game of Hip Hop. Then you’d know that this is Straight garbage to the Community of Hip Hop. But you forget it’s still the same man droppin the music. Doesn’t matter if its Hip Hop, Rock, Pop; it’s still Wayne. Besides all of this, bypass the stereotype, Wayne flat out dropped. Got too smooth with his life, tired of faking what he really is. This is funny to me. I’m embarrassed to see Wayne on the Rap “Radar”.

    As well as other rappers. Hip Hop is all History and Politics, what the hell are you doing to it? You should be disqualified form Hip Hop. You forfeited the race.

    Not surprised though. This makes the situation about his FATHER Birdman, and Lil Wayne connection, even funnier to me.


  111. The X says:

    Funny how some of you talk about the genre stereotype. How he is droppin singles for Pop cultures and that it’s not that bad, that you can bump to it and this and that. Did you orget about the time when he was coming out with hits like: Bling Bling, CM records, Fire Man? Were you following him then? Nope. But then changes his type of music around and makes it just as big. Stop bobbing your head to the music and going with the beat. If you know the standards that Wayne is supposed to go by in the Game of Hip Hop. Then you’d know that this is Straight garbage to the Community of Hip Hop. But you forget it’s still the same man droppin the music. Doesn’t matter if its Hip Hop, Rock, Pop; it’s still Wayne. Besides all of this, bypass the stereotype, Wayne flat out dropped. Got too smooth with his life, tired of faking what he really is. This is funny to me. I’m embarrassed to see Wayne on the Rap “Radar”.

    As well as other rappers. Hip Hop is all History and Politics, what the hell are you doing to it? You should be disqualified form Hip Hop. You forfeited the race.

    Not surprised though. This makes the situation about his FATHER Birdman, and Lil Wayne connection, even funnier to me.

  112. El negro says:

    Nice song i like and im a wetback.

  113. THIS SONG SUCK says:

    ATTENTION WAYNE STANS: The song isnt wack because its POP, its wack because its WACK. Listen to Lil Waynes vocals. They are horrible. Completely horrible. How would he perform this live? Take away the fact that its pop, that doesnt matter. LISTEN TO THE SONG. Its wack. IF this was 50 Cent, or Eminem, or shit Jay-Z how would you feel about this? IF this was a professional singer singing this then itd be good but its Lil Wayne trying to sing. Come on folks. You would rather listen to this than Trey Songz or Chris Brown? This song is “hawt’ ? Come on folks, the dick riding must stop. Forget that its outside the box, whats the point if the song still sucks? Half of yall defending it are saying “its okay” or “its not bad”. Thats not saying its good, cus im sure none of yall think it is

  114. Damn Homie says:

    If this is outside the box.. this nigga need to run down to the UPS store and get boxed back up.. and sent back to 04′.

  115. Are Yall Serious says:

    Yo this does seem like he is bitting a lil bit of the Frank Ocean swag.

  116. mac DIESEL says:

    @Lil Wayne



  117. Word says:

    Ima pick sum hoes up with this song BLASTING!!! I dunno why so much hate? And shout to my imposter!

  118. gibzon says:

    weezy #1
    1 mill c4 1st week nickas

  119. Word says:

    HA! Thats how you know you’ve struck a nerve when niggas start impersonating you! At leats make that shit believeable, you think ppl would believe I wrote that comment after all the shit I just said before it? FUCK OUTTA HERE immature Wayne stans. I said something you mad about so you wanna impersonate. Have fun! BWAHAHA

  120. YouKnow says:

    Sadly, this is going to be a hit haha.

    Still disappointed that this was suppose to be C4’s Lollipop.

  121. Darrell Lee says:

    That was pretty cool. I dig that a lot!

  122. talwaniya says:

    woooooaahhh itss fukin amazinnn nu beat nu wayne i ws sik of d same beats C4 will b 1billion in one week im def pre ordering d album asap fuk haters

  123. really? says:

    wayne sings an entire song – he’s creative, can’t knock the hustle

    50 sings a hook/bridge – what a corny faggot, stop singing you bitch

    wayne sings an ENTIRE song – can’t hate he gettin paper, cross over smash!

    Em sings a hook/bridge – lol this whiteboy is the pop singer of our generation! #fail

    wayne sings an ENTIRE SONG IN AUTOTUNE – nice, i can fuck my bitch to this

    Jeezy sings a hook/bridge – man TM103 is gunna be a flop, what a sell out

    – whats the lesson here? wayne fans are bitch made

  124. really? says:


    bitch made. period

  125. really? says:

    it’s official, Wayne’s new stage name is Dwayne “Colbie Caillat” Carter

  126. BABY BY ME says:

    I like dis but wayne gonna need a street single to couple it with.

  127. Mat says:

    stfu!! No way is this better than Eminem. Rapping is syllables and lil waynes can’t even rhyme one. Shady>Young money

  128. UMAR says:

    Fast Lane >>>>> C4

  129. Ronaldo says:

    fuckin’ pop garbage

  130. Majesty22 says:


  131. sway-z says:

    He’s pop now, it probably would be a mistake to go back to Carter II and make a punch of punchline heavy music niggas is gonna just download anyway.

    I like the message, even if the execution is spotty, so get ready niggas, you gon hear this shit ALLLLLLL summer long, in way more places than a club. You probably won’t hear this shit once in the club, but your mom might fuck wit it. Hopefully you don’t got no white college friends either or you gon be sick

  132. KniceTheBeauty says:

    I love it….Wayne has really stepped his game up!!

  133. still best rite now!! says:

    man..i respect it for being different. but to Wayne fans who been holdin him down since The Block is Hot, this kinda disappointing…

    i mean we expected Wayne to come out of jail like Pac did!! droppin straight fire. this is meh

  134. no id says:

    weezy definitely on some syrup and like a comment i saw above i blame drake as well dis is so faggish lil wayne be talking about love what he knw about that with like 5 baby mamma’s and shit stick to rap nigger dis aint cutting it for us definately

  135. Quinn says:

    This is hot, but everyone has to realize that when you make a record to sale in the stores you have to play the politics of the game to get as many sales as possible, he is the president of a company that is a money machine and now he cant just keep makining the same song over and over when your money grows you have to find a way to grow with it, if it means taking chances and reaching for the stars then he has done it, and no one can say wayne aint made no hard traccs, look at his track record

  136. Keith says:

    What a great song. What the hell? This blows my mind. Did he write this? It sounds like John Mayer or something, haha.

  137. RECOVERED says:

    Um. This is actually kinda cool. Not what i expected from wayne. Love the beat, acoustic guitar is awesome.

    I think he might be going for that Love the Way You Lie kinda shit…

  138. RECOVERED says:

    Even tho im not really a Weezy fan, I respect that he changing his style, and not doing the same old song to a different beat. Unlike 50 cent.

  139. awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! cute!! love it. #BeFree

  140. Mixtapes says:

    I love this song. Even though Wayne isn’t rapping, we still get to hear that unique voice of his, just in a different way.

  141. Bawse! says:

    @So Icy Boi! Your a dick rider in denial.

  142. Jake says:

    Who knew he could actually sing! Nice track very cool.

  143. yooooo says:

    “Yo this does seem like he is bitting a lil bit of the Frank Ocean swag.”

    Yoooooooooooo, exaaaaaaaaaactly I was like man something seems familiar couldn’t quite put my finger on it. Ay it’s his creativity I just feel bad for the live show cause you can’t pitch correct vocals on stage

  144. JJ says:

    Da fuck was this shit???!!! GET TAYLOR SWIFT ON IN WHILE YOURE AT IT! GTFOH!

  145. Pete says:

    Really…… WTF…..I don’t understand what’s going on.

  146. Master says:

    Stop running up on me with this wack shit…

  147. wayne fan says:

    basically with this joint rite here with weezy or young money fans you can relate this soft shit(which is hot) to stuff in your real life while all those “Stans” who hate on weezy dont have shit to relate to with this

  148. Later says:

    This is a good listen. Ofcourse wayne can’t sing that much s obvious but this still sounds good.

    The problem here is that you rapradar idiots aren’t fans of music. You are just hip hop heads. You love hip hop…wait let me rephrase that. You love gangster rap. Anything other than that isn’t your thing. So ofcourse you opinion means shit

  149. mr.zee says:

    very good song but just isnt the usual wayne. this is alternative music.

  150. K_W says:

    So Icy Boi stfu you sound like such an idiot. This is horrible!! If I wanted to listen to some bad singing I would turn on R. Kelly. I want Wayne to RAP. He’s a rapper isn’t he? Enough with the singing in rap!!!

  151. Wow says:

    This was straight… GARBAGE ! tf ?!! I would sound gay a.f bumping this shit in my car ! How do you go from a song like “6’7” to “John” to this shit ? Random a.f ! You know what , COLE WORLD BITCH !

  152. Later says:

    @Wow: You would sound Gay bumpin a song about a girl? Please explain oh wait you probably can’t since you are an idiot.

  153. […] [RapRadar via Karen Civil] Posted in Media & Tech « Subway gettin’ fancy?!?! You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. […]

  154. Bangers N Mash says:

    The funny thing is when Em puts out a single meant for radio he is still rapping (love the way you lie, not afraid) but this was just garbage. Lets hope bad meets evil steals away all the light for the sake of hip hop.

  155. Errol Games says:

    Songs like these make me think Lil Wayne fell the fuck off. Jail made you soft Mr. Sometime I Cry

  156. Frontrunner says:

    This is a hit, he shoulda came this way on rebirth

  157. Lawse says:

    Nothing new, Wayne been pop since his auto-tune bullshit. Well he’s getting worried since his other shit isn’t buzzing lmao.

  158. Word says:

    @Later Its one thing to not like another genre cuz its different. Its something else to not like a genre because it simply sucks. Whether or not this is pop, rap, fazz, funk, soul, watever. Is it a good song? No. Its a bad song cuz its a bad song, and I see the majority of the people here arent feeling it. It aint cuz niggas like hardcore rap or whatever, its cuz its a bad song. If Wayne wanna sing than fine, stack him up against other singers if he wants to sing a WHOLE song. This or Trey? This or Chris? SMH. This shit is wack. Face it.

  159. Pauper says:

    I’m loving the minimalist production. This is an actual love song about alienation and abandonment, I think its a great contrast from the tasteless tripe on the radio.

  160. Juiceman says:


  161. Reppin CT says:

    i mean theres no way he’s not gettin laid after puttin this song out.. decent change of pace song. C4 will undoubtedly be fire.

  162. Tru Talk says:

    just awful.. this is a joke

  163. Tru Talk says:

    fuck i literally just threw up after listening to this

  164. West Coast says:

    Old school rap won’t sell but it’s a million times better than this shit

  165. Fred says:

    If Amazon sells his Album for 0.99$ like Gaga’s Album maybe he will sell 500-600k

  166. YOUR pusha says:

    interesting song..but they have to push the hell out of this one if it will be a single, its one of those songs you can only listen to once maybe twice and forget about or it might grow on you but if its a actual single then, boy they gonna have to go hard even if its lil wayne

  167. Jbreezy says:

    fuck the haters. keep doinn ya thang wayne. C4 about to blow up.

  168. D. L. says:

    Take the time out and pay attention to the lyrics not the shock value.

  169. Lanii says:

    I love this song…I think it shows another side of him♥ ..

  170. MadMike0082 says:

    Wow Im so happy for the people over at! A song made entirely with Fruity Loops makes it onto Carter 4! (*FUCKING SMH…….*)

    This beat sounds like something I made on a Motif ES back in 01′. Was this shit originally produced for “Pain Is Love” by Ja Rule from 01′ ?

    And this fucking corny mother fuckers twitter proves my point……

    Please help us here people…. If you enjoy this please blow your fucking head off with a 12 gauge.

  171. TF says:

    This is some wack ass shit .! How do you go from a song like “6’7” , to “John” , to this shit ! LMAO , RANDOM a.f ! I swear , and he’s reppin’ BLOOD ?! He would get his ass stomped for making this bullshit if he was truly a Blood . tf ?!! . Waynes the new 50 , except 50 still gets money and is a smarter business man.

    J.Cole’s album > Take Care > Carter 4 .

  172. Bangers N Mash says:

    still garbage.

  173. yesk says:

    man i fucks with wayne s music but this is SHIT!!!!!!!

  174. […] 5 PostsNew Music: Lil Wayne “How To Love”Posted by: AmayaNew Music: Raekwon Ft. DJ Khaled, The Game, Pharrell, & Busta Rhymes “Rock […]

  175. BIG JOE DOGG says:


  176. TMOTM says:

    ……F A I L!!!

  177. MadMike0082 says:

    How the fuck is this producer gonna walk out with his chest puffed out over a fucking beat that has literally THREE TRACKS at most. Im not saying fire shit cant be done with three tracks….. But fuck bro you know this sorry mother fucker didnt even play the guitar on it so what the fuck exactly is he so proud of???

    Three chords, three tracks, three drum sounds? Go to radio shack and cop a fucking keyboard from that shit hole and you can kill this shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

  178. “I told him to quit bitchin this isn’t a fuckin hotline”

  179. matthew says:

    Waynes not hitting his target white female/ dude bro white prep (CD buying) demographic with this song. And he’s sure as hell not hitting the traditional hip-hop demographic.

  180. […] is that you? Ha! Anyways, after Lil Wayne’s new single hit the net yesterday, Detroit producer Details explained to MTV how the slow song came about. Tha […]

  181. I personally love all forms of music, and the fact is that Wayne is trying something new every time and he never forgets his roots (6 Foot 7, & John). So he will never be boring, and he is diverse so his fans will continue to grow.

    This dude is under 30 too!! Hahaha Legendary Shit!!

    I want to make a Bet, weak or not. C4 will be the “talk” of summer!! YMCMBiotch!!

  182. Young Jack says:

    And everyone saying auto tune….this is mos def no auto tune dont even sound close fareal

  183. pienman says:

    wow, dude needs to get back on that Carter 2… Carter sound

  184. CJ says:

    wtf is this crap wayne is losing it

  185. thetruth says:

    good song..but change the site name to popradar cuz theres

  186. SS says:

    I think its good 4 an artist to explore different ways of expressing his feelings as his career progess. Some carter one and two fans will not like this. I liked when kanye west made 808s just as much as i liked college drop out even though they was completely different. I like this song. wayne got talent, rap rock and pop

  187. Fuck Yeah says:

    justin bieber?

  188. mr.argentina-boy says:

    niceeeeee songgg 😀 strings & guitar and 808 basS XD

  189. Angelo Jules says:

    I see wayne went country on us .. but I’m feeling

  190. db koopa says:

    Wayne is a real artist. real artists are going to always grow and change.. some of u motherfuckers that r hatin now r gonna love this when it gets copied 100 different ways. great song. fuck these haters. the man is in front of the pack.

  191. Mike Lowry says:

    A good song is a good song, doesnt matter who the fuck is rapping or singing, if you’re a fan of music you like a good record. Niggas stay making rules up and shit. Get over it artists are artists they dont have to stick to one script just because you want them too.

  192. the One says:

    Yo this dude is really jealous of Drake’s success … Now this is some faget shit!!! Did he take Beyonce’s next single??? SMFH Garbage!

  193. nikki says:

    Thank you Wayne. I love the new song, it’s simple yet powerful…

  194. Chan says:

    I can’t believe anyone is saying this is hot. This is the worst piece of shit I have ever heard. This is a bigger let down than wiz khalifas album. This rap pop shit is super gay. I used to be a huge wayne fan but unfortuantely he is past his prime. When you try to be the most relevant rapper and the hottest rapper, when you past you prime you try to be cool and different instead of making good music. This is when you become wack. This is horrible. Carter 3 will remain a classic. Everything after that is a flop. Sorry just being real.

  195. kid chronic says:

    i hate all of you!!! EVERYONE IS FUCKIN DUMB!!!

  196. kid chronic says:

    and this nigga definitely took tay swifts next single aha

  197. A Typical Lil Wayne Stan says:

    Maaaan, this song is hawt! Weezy F branchin’ ouuut!! And he’s not selling out you meanies, he’s “selling out”! Don’t you see that he’s just trying to get records! Better than Em’s pop ass! Eminem ain’t even better than Wayne. He said some wack shit like, “Love is evol, spell it backwards I’ll show ya”. Wayne said WAAAAY better shit than this!!!

    C4>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>90’s hip hop and Hell: The Sequel

    Lil Wayne>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Ice Cube, Tupac, Biggie, Eminem, Jay-Z, and every 90’s niggaaaaaa!!

  198. Mo says:

    It’s sad that that amazing beat went to that!!

  199. […] Carter has been pushed back from June 21 to August 29th. With the sound of his latest leak, “How To Love“, this delay is a wise […]

  200. […] Carter has been pushed back from June 21 to August 29th. With the sound of his latest leak, “How To Love“, this delay is a wise […]

  201. E@rl Th@ Pe@rl says:

    Yo NUJEW!

    good lookin out on The Weeknd joint!

    *turns off this Wayne bullshit*

  202. mr.badass says:

    ok so im not a weezy hater, but i only like some of his music. and i like this song, its really good.. and this is coming from a stan. so i dont know y its getting so much hate..

  203. LOLOL says:

    this was so fucking gay…wayne has completely fell off in my book, i’ve tried to deny it since Carter 2 but damn man its a wrap…Carter 4 will maybe go 2x platinum by 2014.

  204. PRETTY BLACC says:


  205. […] I reps the C.O.B. and schools you amateurs on how to thug it up over Weezy’s “How To Love“. Planet C.O.B. Vol. 2 coming July 12 and Million Dollar Story coming […]

  206. […] I reps the C.O.B. and schools you amateurs on how to thug it up over Weezy’s new single “How To Love“. Planet C.O.B. Vol. 2 coming July 12 and Million Dollar Story coming […]

  207. […] I lets the masses know how to thug it up over Weezy’s  “How To Love“.  Planet C.O.B. Vol. 2 coming July 12 and Million Dollar Story coming […]

  208. Ben says:

    Amazing song so smooth.

  209. […] 3- Triple Exclusive 4- Nightmares Of The Bottom 5- My Wife Hate My Life (Feat Cee-Lo Green) 6- How To Love 7- Block My Black Heart 8- Bad Stripin’ (Girl’s Bad) 9- Pray To Big Mason (Feat Drake […]

  210. […] 3- Triple Exclusive 4- Nightmares Of The Bottom 5- My Wife Hate My Life (Feat Cee-Lo Green) 6- How To Love 7- Block My Black Heart 8- Bad Stripin’ (Girl’s Bad) 9- Pray To Big Mason (Feat Drake & […]

  211. […] 3- Triple Exclusive 4- Nightmares Of The Bottom 5- My Wife Hate My Life (Feat Cee-Lo Green) 6- How To Love 7- Block My Black Heart 8- Bad Strippin’ (Girl’s Bad) 9- Pray To Big Mason (Feat Drake […]

  212. […] 3- Triple Exclusive 4- Nightmares Of The Bottom 5- My Wife Hate My Life (Feat Cee-Lo Green) 6- How To Love 7- Block My Black Heart 8- Bad Strippin’ (Girl’s Bad) 9- Pray To Big Mason (Feat Drake & […]

  213. […] 3- Triple Exclusive 4- Nightmares Of The Bottom 5- My Wife Hate My Life (Feat Cee-Lo Green) 6- How To Love 7- Block My Black Heart 8- Bad Strippin’ (Girl’s Bad) 9- Pray To Big Mason (Feat Drake & […]

  214. […] 3- Triple Exclusive 4- Nightmares Of The Bottom 5- My Wife Hate My Life (Feat Cee-Lo Green) 6- How To Love 7- Block My Black Heart 8- Bad Strippin’ (Girl’s Bad) 9- Pray To Big Mason (Feat Drake & […]

  215. […] 3- Triple Exclusive 4- Nightmares Of The Bottom 5- My Wife Hate My Life (Feat Cee-Lo Green) 6- How To Love 7- Block My Black Heart 8- Bad Strippin’ (Girl’s Bad) 9- Pray To Big Mason (Feat Drake & […]

  216. […] 3- Triple Exclusive 4- Nightmares Of The Bottom 5- My Wife Hate My Life (Feat Cee-Lo Green) 6- How To Love 7- Block My Black Heart 8- Bad Strippin’ (Girl’s Bad) 9- Pray To Big Mason (Feat Drake & […]

  217. Nujew says:

    Well I was wrong. Great song after I quit being closemined lol C4!

  218. […] (feat. Tech N9ne) 09. John (feat. Rick Ross) 10. Abortion 11. So Special (feat. John Legend) 12. How To Love 13. President Carter 14. Its Good (feat. Drake & Jadakiss) 15. Outro (feat. Bun B, Nas, Shyne […]

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