Lupe Calls Obama The Biggest Terrorist

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Lupe doesn’t bite his tongue for no one; not even our President. In an interview with CBS News’ What’s Trending, the “Words I Never Said” MC spoke on Obama, terrorism and why he doesn’t vote.

“In my fight against terrorism, to me, the biggest terrorist is Obama in the United States of America. For me, I’m trying to fight the terrorism that’s actually causing the other forms of terrorism. The root cause of the terrorism is the stuff that you as a government allow to happen and the foreign policies that we have in place in different countries that inspire people to become terrorists. And it’s easy for us because it’s really just some oil, which we can really get on our own. I don’t vote. I don’t get involved in the political process because it’s meaningless, to be honest. I’m a real big believer if I’m gonna vouch for someone, then I’m gonna stand behind everything that they do. So politicians aren’t gonna do that because I don’t want you to bomb some village in the middle of nowhere.”


Sidebar: First Look At “Out Of  My Head” Video

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  1. therealest says:

    lupe what u smokin cuzz we need some of dat in ohio

  2. mr.zee says:

    the government would be the terrorist then, don’t blame 1 man. if you dont vote thats also good for you too. lupe talks to much.

  3. Fxck a dog says:


  4. IIG says:

    Lupe is the biggest idiot in music.

  5. Vegaz says:

    What? You sound dumb… You make all these American dollars that is ALL blood money but you won’t vote and you think Obama and the United States is a terrorist? THEN MOVE!!! take yo ass to fuckin Iraq where their “government” is 20,000 X worse than ours…. You don’t have to live here nigga… Ive been to different countries and The United States is the best… Lupe you don’t even vote so your fucking opinion doesn’t even matter.

  6. c.j says:


  7. Mxtra says:

    LUPE you are an idiot!

  8. Shawn says:

    He’s foolish and has a simplitic thought process.

  9. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    The people FOLKS(Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity) at FOX NEWS are like “LUPE is making our job easy for us dumb bastard”.

  10. Your mother's "friend" says:

    STFU Lupe

  11. still best rite now!! says:

    His views on terrorism are obviously his Muslim bias…i can knock him for his pov.

    But to take the stand to not vote is retarded…you think all the blacks who died for their right to vote were 100% behind those candidates? No, but the little steps they took benefited your right to not be hung today for simply sharing your political view on that couch.

  12. Captkeyes says:

    nothing that came out of Lupe’s mouth sounded intelligent. FNF down.

  13. YouKnowMe says:

    Well Lupe u do have the freedom to move out of America if u feel that butt-hurt about it

  14. Big Willie says:

    What terrorism is he fighting? Dude youre a fucking rapper! Make rhymes and fucking dance! You couldn’t even fight your label! #REALTALK That wack ass fucking album, you on some bootleg B.O.B. shit. This nigga makes me sick. Somebody tell him to go listen to, The Cool. Fucking slave!

  15. BrooklynRaw2FU says:

    Lost points with that one lupe even if Obana would stop the war soon as he became president you still have people that hate america. way before he was president the policies were put in place. even if he change them to benefit other countries they still gonna hate america.

  16. fuk waka says:

    ok now im jst starting to think he just wants some attenion… he wasnt happy when osama was killed and now he saying this…. is this guy the real terrorist…??
    dude shud jst concentrate on his music..

  17. CapricornReligion says:


    Your floating in the “Mainstream” now….

    Chill out alil. Lol, You think Pac Death was Random? Lol, Yeah ok…. They’ll get a Sniper outside your house and Pop you. And say your ass fell down some steps . Lol, Fall back.

  18. Conceptual says:

    Its true enough tho that our foreign policy leads to nothing but more violence and terrorism. Why do u think all these developing countries hate us so much? Its because what we call “foreign aid” is usually just barely-disguised bribe money that we send to dictators all over the world. Of course the people hate us- wouldnt you hate the people that are funding the death of your country?

    We need to back the fuck up and take care of things within our borders first. Our foreign aid policy should be to put the money in the hands of the American people first, and then let “we the people” make the determination about what moves us enough to donate. Earthquakes in India? Worth it. A new slush fund for the Saudi royal family? Fuck that.

  19. Dashing says:

    Lupe thinks he’s doing the right thing but speaking out against the government but by saying that “Obama is the biggest terrorist” he’s speaking in the same terms as Glenn Beck, Hannity, and the other extreme right people who are trying to demonize and use racism to make Obama seem “other” and “anti-Ameridan”.

    It’s one thing to criticize the administration. Or it’s policies. Or the government, in general. But to call Obama a terrorist only adds fuel to the fire for those people who would actually call for far worse foreign policy measures.

  20. COLD BLOOD says:



  21. a lot of idiots on this site… smh.

  22. Stop says:

    The american congress is the biggest terrorist organisation … Yeh I said it p.s. I’m a Christian

  23. Big Willie says:

    How you complain and call the first black president a terriorist, and you DONT PARTICIPATE IN THE PROCESS! You don’t even get involved with the dialogue! You go on shows to talk about your album and call the first black president a terrorist! In this current political and racial climate, where people are looking for an excuse to kill this man. He has children dog, watch your fucking mouth! If you don’t like him that’s fine, its politics thats cool but don’t assassinate the first black presidents character by putting that label on him. You never got on tv and called Bush a terrorist, fucking clown. This nigga got me tight Im not buying his music anymore cuz, somebody get this nigga a bowl soup.

    Rap radar should boycott this nigga dead serious don’t play his shit, fuck this bitch nigga. At least until he further explains himself.

  24. NIGGA PLEASE says:

    So his shitty music won’t give him any lime light so he has to do desperate shit like this to get some? Nigga please. If you are so butt hurt of america go and crawl back to AFRICA.

  25. Citizen says:

    SMH damn what happened here? This is like the one place in the country where people feel like the government is actually working for them?

  26. Renegade says:

    ^ u are taking this way too seriously I don’t think lupe’s opinion will influence people

  27. Derrt says:

    Lupe dont get no cool points from me. Crab-barrel shit at its finest right here. Lupe needs to speak to his MUSLIM brothers that are killing folks all over this world.

  28. P Dot says:

    Sounds like to the “you played yourself” section you go to with this Lupe…

  29. The Hater says:

    ^exactly. Cosign @citizen… That’s how I know y’all live in the suburbs. Don’t ANYONE in my hood argue about no fuckin politics bcuz we never see anything beneficial from shit anyway.

  30. whoDaT says:

    This aint ordinary bruh! – MoneyMusic410.Com

  31. LEATHER-N-GOLD says:


  32. Jakob says:

    That was a stupid statement!

  33. PfromT says:

    Lupe is such an idiot. Why does anyone listen to this guy? He made a crappy song about Skateboarding and somehow the hip hop community accepts him as intellectual? Fuck outta here.

  34. SMH @ Lupe. I agree with most of the comments here. He’s acting like our government is the worse one ever. Negro please. And to just pinpoint one person, who just happens to be everyone’s favorite scapegoat, and call him a terrorist? He needs to go over to Libya or Congo and make statements like that about their dictators and see what happens to him. Yeah you’re safe here so you’re talking out the side of your neck.
    @Renegade- It definitely will influence people. It will influence impressionable young adults (mostly black ones) to sit on their buts during the next election when their votes are so crucial.

    Yeah our government isn’t the most amazing thing, and corruption, egotism, self-righteous bullcockcocka, greed, and relgious extremism is running rampant. But tell me one government that doesn’t have at least some of this. I have freedom of speech to say this and not get hunted down. I don’t have to worry about being raped constantly, I can wear whatever I want (pretty much), and worship whoever I want.

  35. Tyler, The Debater says:

    Who the fuck is Billy?!

  36. A Non Gay Nigga says:

    This is such a stupid thing to say Lupe.Please focus on making a good album.Lasers was a big ass joke. I’m from Chicago and you’re starting to become a clown.

    this whole going politcal raps are getting corny. Lupe is a waste of talent for now till he makes up for lasers

  37. Tyler, The Debater says:

    Fuck Billy!

  38. rahrahrah says:

    The root cause of terrorism is the evil in the heart of man. We have always terrorized each other. Africans terrorizing africans, Jews terrorizing jews, whites terrorizing blacks. Each apparatus, government, religious, industry has been used by evil people to terrorize others who are not in power. That’s not to say that they are all equivalent. The record companies that pump degenerate music into struggling black communities are obviously not equivalent to the agribusinesses that engineer seeds that don’t germinate, and these agribusiness are not equivalent to the fascists regimes which enslave their populace and everyone within the reach of their power.

    Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, and help to uplift your brothers/sisters.

  39. vincent says:


  40. JIMMY says:




  41. get bucks says:

    This dude is a turd/tard.

  42. THATS EPIC says:


  43. Jake B says:

    LUPE is a try hard. It pisses me off how entitled he thinks he is to backlash the president and give a opinion about everything… Lupe you sold out your new CD was terrible. At least my middle school sister likes it 🙂 fucking pop music these days

  44. RamsayK says:

    Lupe is being an ignorant fool, making U.S Dollars performing horrible mainstream junk with Trey Songz on the MTV Movie Awards, it is not just oil, he thinks he is looking so much into the humanity but he is spreading ignorant views of a war-torn nation, America or most certainly Obama does not ‘inspire people to become terrorists’, jeeez.

  45. viclegend says:

    100% cosign big willie…lupe aint once aais shit bout george bush burn wanta use his camera time to diss our first black president….u need ya kufi smacked off ya head son….sit ya ass down. I aint forgot that you dissed tribe called quest… After you
    made a fool of ya self at the awards show….trying to lip sync they shit…..

  46. Donn says:

    Lupe I’m a fan of your music but not of everything you say. You dont like America then you can geit out (South Park Voice)

  47. Dashing says:

    1. The Iraq war’s ending.
    2. He got Bin Laden. We leaving Afghanistan, but slowly and safely otherwise that shit’ll turn into a fucking bloodbath.
    3. Gas prices going up is caused by Wall Street speculators and not even supply/demand. The President has ZERO influence over that.
    4. Economy/Unemployment is still not great but there’s been job growth every month since he took office. And you can’t force private companies to hire people. All you can do is try to create conditons to encourage it. Hence bailout. We should have had a bigger stimulus bill, but that wouldn’t have passed through Congress cause of the Republicans..
    5. Also, the bailout saved the car industry and hundreds of thousands of jobs. As for the banks, it prevented a huge catastrophe, but I guess motherfuckers will never get credit for shit that they prevented…

    Bottom line. Shit ain’t perfect but a president, ANY PRESIDENT, can’t fix everything. There’s too much shit out of their hands. And calling him a terrorist is as stupid as those racist motherfuckers calling him Hitler and shit.
    And let the man take a fucking vacation every once in awhile. You want a President who never sleeps? Never has any fun?

    Lupe is a moron.

  48. Hip-Hop Fien says:

    Most of the time I co sign Lupe but how do I even defend this. He always sounds stupid when it come s to polictics. Didn’t he say last year that he agrees with Bill O’riely. Yes I Obama needs to step up in alot of areas like Jobs and poverty. But didn’t he just kill the biggest terriost the country has known. Obama is still cleaning up Bush fuck up. I was one of Obama’s biggest supporters during his election but I don’t know why people was thinking he was the second coming of Jesus or something. Michael Moore will be the man to ever make a real CHANGE. BARACK OBAMA DOES NOT CARE ABOUT BLACK PEOPLE lmfao

  49. Oliver ClothesOff says:

    When the US kills off its own people your going to remember typing in RR about how stupid yall say Lupe is. Your government is going to kill you Americans off group by group. Just watch. Its already happening. Main stream media wont cover this because it would send everyone into an uproar. Open your fucking boring minds. Shit is real.

    Im no Lupe fan by far but i can see what he means. Still dont make me want to play a Lupe record.

  50. The Real Truth says:

    Fuck Lupe, will never listen or buy his shit again….. he thinks he’s so intelligent but sounds ignorant and like a fool…. and your last album was ass…. no wonder they didn’t want to put that trash out

  51. Word says:

    You can always move out the damn country Lupe. Geez, all this nigga do is complain about shit.

  52. smDh says:

    EVERY single person on here that said something along the lines of “You dont like it? Then move” is completely ignorant and downright pathetic. Isnt this America? Land of Democracy and freedom, with rule by the people? So when a man stands up and speaks his mind about revolutionary changes, your first reaction is to consider his ideas so unrealistic that u literally want to put him out of the country. I think more than anything else, that really highlights how little power the people actually have here in America. The presidency = the throne.

  53. Jerry Springer says:

    dont write songs about politics if you dont even vote

    bill clinton’s my nigga

  54. Rachael5922 says:

    Obama is a clone and his genetics have been stolen!!!!!

  55. Converse says:

    What a fucking idoit!

    He sign a SLAVE deal with atlantic record? And what came from that?pop album? smh And now he wanna prech about fighting?terrorist? in his case obama? Wow?!

    Their something call a plane with large wings and yeah it can get you to point A to point B. Oh yeah it can get you to Pakistan where your Idol got his face blew off@smh

    Common needa tech this nigga some sense(pun inteded) He is just making hisself a posterboy and a mockery for the teabagger in which they couldnt be more happy about. Somewhere glenn beck is rubbing his hands together

  56. Sam I Am says:

    Congradulations Lupe Fiasco “You Played Yourself” (Again)

  57. Bawse! says:

    Look at the mentally blind people… smh. Lupe is correct but yet people are too ignorant these days. This is why I hate humans, they fucked up this world, so many stupid people these days.

  58. Wow says:

    Lupe fucked up with that statement . First suicidal thoughts , now this ?!! I think he’s mentalally unstable .

  59. Hip-Hop says:

    @smDh… I never said he should leave the country cuz this the land of the free. But if he is that unhappy with the country He should leave. He’s not the first rapper to call out a president. But niggas in Cuba didn’t like Castro so they left or at least tried. I mean if he think Obama is a terriost what was Bush…

  60. Able Danger says:

    Liar Useless Pissy Erratic.

  61. teejay says:

    Lupe Fiasco, is a fucking idiot. He’s completely short sighted when it comes to foreign policy, and to imply that attacks upon innocent people by terrorists are justified because of us foreign policy is reprehensible at best, criminal at worst.

    He’s a sick rapper. But he has no idea what the fuck he is talking about.

  62. Mischief says:

    He sounds like a republican if you ask me. I heard he’s having dinner with Donald Trump this evening.

  63. LBDII says:

    Will never buy or listen to another Lupe album again old or new. Its one thing to speak your voice and not support the president. But to call him a terrorist? No fuck that.

  64. Bx Slime says:

    Lupe The Rapper > Lupe the person.

  65. Haters Aint Shit says:

    i cant stand lupes angry depressed ass, if u dont like the u.s. gtfo !!

  66. Ice Cold says:

    lupe i love your music and do not care about your beliefs at all BUT WTFFFFFFFFFF GTFO Dumbass

  67. Ya Boy G says:

    Ahhh lupe! Sounding more and more like a miseducated entitled teen. Do music. Not politics. U can’t blame a whole countrys government and leader for extremist ideas. The hate is rooted in beliefs not the policies. If that was the case, that foreign policy creates terrorism then the saudis country would be a smolderin nuclear fall out. But it isn’t because its only a small faction of ppl that hold those beliefs. And they don’t play. If you woulda said that shit about a king or ruler, shit woulda never made a blog, you would never make music or be heard from again. You do have the option to leave but whose government is perfect in this world?

  68. dzzy says:

    lupe stick to rappin and stay out of politics before you really get blackballed if you know what i mean

  69. leo says:

    my god. how are you going to criticize a man for speaking out against our government? You really believe that our government isn’t corrupt? That they are going to war for YOUR best interest and not their own wallets. How lost can you be for real. All of you screaming AMURICA without knowing anything about the place you live. This dude puts his neck out to publicly give you knowledge that the government tries to cover up. Not only does he put it in song, he backs it up in interviews telling you straight forward. You all celebrate Pac and Marley as hero’s now for speaking out against the government, but you chastise Lupe for doing the same thing because all of the sudden knowing isn’t cool. I guarantee you it would be a lot easier for Lupe to “just leave the country”. The point is he’s trying to help the people. Un fucking believable. People straight up telling you whats wrong with the country you live in and you still don’t realize it. Fantasy world is probably a much more comfortable place to live in than reality though. Keep telling yourself we live in a democracy where the people run the country, HA!

  70. No Swag says:

    Lupe is the man but I definitely can’t cosign that at all!

  71. NYC says:

    Lupe is right, 99% of u dont know anything outside of music lol

  72. Belize says:

    Lupe: Fuck you. I don’t live in the States and I think you need your ass whooped.

  73. ymcmb says:

    muslims never like obama or any president for that matter. their religion is against thats y thhis stupid nigga vote

  74. […] artist Lupe Fiasco has never been ashamed to speak his mind, but in a recent interview with Rap Radar, he really laid it on the […]

  75. ymcmb says:

    ^against democracy

  76. jam says:

    people told him to move because all he’s doing is complaining, he’s not DOING anything about it. in a democracy it is the responsibility of the people to WORK to change what they dont like about their government. Lupe hasn’t done shit but mouth off, he said himself that he doesn’t vote. he hasnt organized a protest, or actually done anything else to shed light on these so called terrorist acts. So if your not willing to try and do something about it gtfoh

  77. Ammi Nasi says:

    Wow, so in order to vote for a potential candidate I would have to support their actions fully?! Ok, so granted that we all acquiesce to that linear school of thinking, then At&t is probably in full support of your asinine statements….right Lupe?

  78. whatever says:

    the honest truth is that now a days society spends so much time on the computer yet we dont open our eyes to whats going on around the world, if you analyze obama as a leader he has more negatives on his resume then positives, lupe is well educated because he reads and studies up on what goes on around the world, i wouldnt agree with calling obama a terrorist but its fair to say that he is corrupt like the other political leaders and that the government is running politics…

  79. ncprecise says:

    smart dumb n*gga

  80. leo says: have to educate people before you can protest anything. Look at how many people on here think what he is saying is ridiculous. He would be protesting with himself, it would not accomplish anything. Fact is, he can’t do anything right now, but at least he doesn’t act like his vote is doing something. Americans love the illusion of empowerment that voting gives you. Its sole purpose is to keep you satisfied as “participants” in the political system. In reality, you don’t choose shit…do you trust any politician? Would you trust any politician with your life or the life of your country? So why vote for them? These are the same politicians that make 8 figures and are only in the government in the first place because they previously held successful positions atop huge corporations that provided funding to the government. Scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours. That is the definition of corruption

  81. FIASCO says:

    Wow Lupe Said All that and you guys immediately title the post “lupe calls obama a terrorist” You Coulduve titled it “Lupe starts a new charity organization but naw your a bunch of hatin ass people who wanna shoot down the first person to speak up. You can go and diss his new album all you want but if you muthafuckas had any sense you would remember lupe saying he didnt like how lasers turned out and had to cooperate with Atlantic Records to get it released because his fans really wanted it. Obama is the leader of the U.S Armed Forces. what part of tht dont you ignorant bitches get? everytime someone dies is because it was ordered by the fucking president how is that any different from a terrorist? Nas said it Best You niggas is scared of the Truth fucking ignorant people sitting behind the screen all day acting hard. dont buy his album who gives a fuck yo broke ass can barely afford gas because of your so called black president. Lupe Is The Best Rapper Alive and One Of The Greatest Of All TIME . WAke The Fuck Up GOOD JOB LUPE been a fan since FL

  82. Lupe Lover says:

    Get the fuck off of Lupe Fiasco!That’s what’s wrong with people today, nobody wants to speak up but mf’s always have something to say when someone finally does. Even if you don’t agree with him doesn’t mean he’s wrong and doesn’t mean he’s right. Its HIS opinion! And the American Government is lacking LEADERSHIP, Obama made a million promises and its 2011 and what does he have to show for it? Nada. Votes are not factual, they’re distractions. The government makes us believe we are actually participating in the outcome of the elections when really, those motherfuckers know already who they plan on putting into office..Lol. This world is corrupt and America is the inspiration for the corruption. The fact that we support wars that make no sense..we ourselves are terrorist! With our gangs and KKK and CIA and really open your fucking eyes and see that life is not a pretty picture and the truth hurts sometimes that’s why people avoid it. But anyway Lol I love Lupe, I support his music, and I appreciate his insight. Fuck the haters. And fuck the racist white people and nazis who manipulate this country.The End. =P

  83. Anwar says:

    another candyass idiot rapper, who doesn’t live in the real world. proably pampered all is life. he should learn some history. which is what is career is probably going to be.

  84. Blaxdon says:

    I still can’t believe I bought his whack-ass lasers album. Shit should’ve been called cheap hook. He need to worry about himself. He couldn’t take being Barack for 2 minutes

  85. BrooklynRaw2FU says:

    @Dashing well put. Also he had to sign the tax breaks the republicans were willing to let unemployment run out if he didnt then the rich would still be rich but the unemployed would been getting nothing

  86. R&G says:

    Yeah Fuck Obama the real terrorist every year the troops kill hundred of people.

    Free Gaza homie

  87. Whowantwhat says:

    Lupe was always a cornball and only cornballs liked his music and now they upset because they realizing he’s an idiot too. Need to stop supporting niggas like him.

  88. puerto-black says:

    fuckers talking crazy about the Homie Obama? 2012 lets get it

  89. Thinker. says:

    Someone call his PR please..

  90. streetsmademe2 says:


  91. […] rr via ru Share | Posted by KidNice in interviews | 0 Comments LABELS: […]

  92. Lol says:

    What u expect? Lupe is muslim. he mad Obama killed Bin Laden.
    With statement like this It’s only a matter of time he making himself a radical amongst americans.
    He gonna start getting screwed around on airports soon cause when u a muslim and talk like that it’s taken a radical, not some free-speech patriot.

    Islam religion is of the devil and sure ain’t no religion of peace. Lupe is lost. Needs to find Jesus.
    Lupe wants Jihad on America. Stop buying his album. He sending proceeds to Hamas. Lupe is a terrorist.
    Ahhh, just wanted to feel like Lupe and practice my free speech.

  93. DJ Game says:

    This is why I fuck with Lupe. He keeps it a buck, all day.

  94. Respect says:

    What’chu mad at Lupe for? If Obama was white, everyone on here will be like “Yeah, thats true, preach it lupe”. Stop being bias dumbfucks, the same government that’s been ruling yo ass for decades is the same government now, Obama is just the face of it. Within few years that face is gonna get a surgery and someone new will be presented as the president. I don’t give a fuck, call me a conspiracy theorist but shit is real, the U.S. government is the real terrorist, and yeah, Illuminati does exist and they control the government. Shit is real. But y’all don’t know. When Bush was president, y’all was like “Bush brought down the towers!!!”, but thats only cause he’s white. At least stick to something, be real, don’t be fake like fucking Rick Ross, the rapper.

    Do you really think, Michael Jackson loved touching kids assholes? Do you really think Pac and Biggies death was just a gang-related attack?

    And why the fuck would you kill the man you’ve been hunting down for years immediately after trapping him in his home? And HE WAS UNARMED!!! and then quickly dump him in the sea, talking bout its the Islamic way of burying a body, Fuck no it isn’t, Its is against Islam to dump bodies in the sea, go read the BOOKS.

    “Al-Qaeda” is just an organization formed by the Illuminati(the U.S. government + others) to distract the U.S citizens and everyone in the world.

    Why the fuck drop Gaddhafi now? he’s been there for 40 years, you should have brought him down 32 years ago, when his legitimate tenure was over.

    Don’t you see? Europe’s economy is fucking declining, they’re all in-debt, what they need now is Oil to recover, what better way to do that than to bring down a “dictator” and put your own elected leader so you can control the oil.

    I know it might sound a bit crazy, but this is the world we live in yo! Its sad the world can’t see it, cause in all honesty, the evidence aren’t that clear to people because the media is filtered.

    Vladimir Putin of Russia once said this “Gaddafi is not the best person in the world,he’s done many bad things but that does not give the coalition the right to bomb him, EU wants to get rid of Gaddafi and install someone more favorable to the EU so that european companies can control the oil reserves”.

    But guess what… IT WAS NEVER SHOWN ON THE TELEVISION. But thanks to the Internet though, we got to see it, hopefully its still on the internet.

    Don’t be fooled people!

  95. […] famous for his radio single “Superstar,” has never been ashamed to speak his mind … But in a recent interview with Rap Radar, he really laid it on the […]

  96. Sean O. says:

    Man, now a black man talking shit about Obama. Fuck these ignorant ass niggas. Obama is the shit! I like Lupe as a rapper, but that nigga talk too damn much in interviews.

  97. K says:

    Another Artist with no real world solutions making stupid statements about stuff they claim to be
    “knowledgeable” about. I get the angle his coming from but when you make statements criticizing the social order to such a degree that you call the “Leader of the Free World” a terrorist with no Valid alternatives or action to change the system from you what so ever , to me your worst than the uneducated or uninformed. Yes, the system is flawed and the war on terror has be come an enigma of Death. Your ridiculous commits in the media only leads me to believe you have no sense of the real game and are one of those people who watch a couple of documentaries and feel your part of the “5%”. Some advice for Lupe: Focus on working with in the system you have a recording deal in and finding a means to express your creative in ways that invokes Grow rather than speaking about things you know nothing about. Climbing a mountain doesn’t make you MLK Nucca. Whoever agrees with this Guy is just as stupid as he is

  98. as says:

    While I certainly disagree with his stand to not vote and exercise franchise, he does have a point.

    The United States trained the Mujahideen to fight the Soviet occupation. After the Soviets were disposed, the United States kept occupying the territory and that was when Osama Bin Laden began to turn his aims at the United States. It’s easy to see the replacement of one presence for another, ultimately inciting violent backlash.

    3000 Civilians were killed in the 9/11 attacks, over 100,000 civilians have died in Iraq. Imagine the extremes the US would have gone to if 100,000 people were killed, instead of just 3000. Lupe is correct, our foreign policy and braggadocio attitude is responsible for much of the violent backlash the US faces

    People don’t randomly decide to hate someone. They’re given, what they feel is, a reason. The Iraq war will never end because of this endless cycle. Props to Lupe for at least having an opinion.

  99. ghjk says:

    LUPE is right (it is an hard opinion/critic, and yeah i feel you ^ i just believe that its kinda like the yeezy and bush thing but i guess ppl do actually support obama but anywasy listen to theis song called “Gasp” by lupe this was way before he said anything, and he hits it dead on, i just wish ppl could stay out of the ignorance and see what he had to say , but his ignorance and there ignorance will never match up cuz what they say is ignorance we say no its not, and what we say as a minority is ignorance, they say its not so it cancels and balncees each other out

    “Gasp”-lupe fiasco

    I’m writing you,
    In spite of you,
    The conflict rests inside of you,
    Dividing you,
    Devour you,
    Defeating and de-power you.
    Depleting and deflower you,
    Revolutions waiting on the hour to,
    Expose all of,
    The weakness of the powerful.
    Redefine uncomfortable,
    Is currently the question,
    And the suffering,
    The famous nameless angels are up under you.
    Your happiness is killing me,
    The fantasy and fantasize,
    Insanity romantically are,

    Pleasure is painful,


  100. sam says:

    LUPE is right (it is an hard opinion/critic, and yeah i feel you ^ i just believe that its kinda like the yeezy and bush thing but i guess ppl do actually support obama but anywasy listen to theis song called “Gasp” by lupe this was way before he said anything, and he hits it dead on, i just wish ppl could stay out of the ignorance and see what he had to say , but his ignorance and there ignorance will never match up cuz what they say is ignorance we say no its not, and what we say as a minority is ignorance, they say its not so it cancels and balncees each other out

    “Gasp”-lupe fiasco

    I’m writing you,
    In spite of you,
    The conflict rests inside of you,
    Dividing you,
    Devour you,
    Defeating and de-power you.
    Depleting and deflower you,
    Revolutions waiting on the hour to,
    Expose all of,
    The weakness of the powerful.
    Redefine uncomfortable,
    Is currently the question,
    And the suffering,
    The famous nameless angels are up under you.
    Your happiness is killing me,
    The fantasy and fantasize,
    Insanity romantically are,

    Pleasure is painful,


  101. Talk is Cheap says:


    Finally someone talking some damn sense. Lupe is a contrarian. Just because he sounds smarter than most rappers doesn’t mean that his point of view has any merit. There’s nothing brave about this statement. During the primaries he was openly supporting Hillary.. so fuck all that I don’t vote shit.

    Lupe is an over dramatic self-loathing muthafucka and YES it is that simple. The truth of the matter is that he wishes Kanye’s Katrina moment was his.

  102. OBAMA says:

    lupe is just another nothing ass nigga

  103. cozi says:

    ^@yv yo i fugs wif it bro


    LUPE is right (it is an hard opinion/critic, and yeah i feel you ^ i just believe that its kinda like the yeezy and bush thing but i guess ppl do actually support obama but anywasy listen to theis song called “Gasp” by lupe this was way before he said anything, and he hits it dead on, i just wish ppl could stay out of the ignorance and see what he had to say , but his ignorance and there ignorance will never match up cuz what they say is ignorance we say no its not, and what we say as a minority is ignorance, they say its not so it cancels and balncees each other out

    “Gasp”-lupe fiasco

    I’m writing you,
    In spite of you,
    The conflict rests inside of you,
    Dividing you,
    Devour you,
    Defeating and de-power you.
    Depleting and deflower you,
    Revolutions waiting on the hour to,
    Expose all of,
    The weakness of the powerful.
    Redefine uncomfortable,
    Is currently the question,
    And the suffering,
    The famous nameless angels are up under you.
    Your happiness is killing me,
    The fantasy and fantasize,
    Insanity romantically are,

    Pleasure is painful,


  105. U.........P!! says:

    LUPE is right (it is an hard opinion/critic, and yeah i feel you ^ i just believe that its kinda like the yeezy and bush thing but i guess ppl do actually support obama but anywasy listen to theis song called “Gasp” by lupe this was way before he said anything, and he hits it dead on, i just wish ppl could stay out of the ignorance and see what he had to say , but his ignorance and there ignorance will never match up cuz what they say is ignorance we say no its not, and what we say as a minority is ignorance, they say its not so it cancels and balncees each other out

    “Gasp”-lupe fiasco

    I’m writing you,
    In spite of you,
    The conflict rests inside of you,
    Dividing you,
    Devour you,
    Defeating and de-power you.
    Depleting and deflower you,
    Revolutions waiting on the hour to,
    Expose all of,
    The weakness of the powerful.
    Redefine uncomfortable,
    Is currently the question,
    And the suffering,
    The famous nameless angels are up under you.
    Your happiness is killing me,
    The fantasy and fantasize,
    Insanity romantically are,.

    Pleasure is painful,


  106. theycallmeLUPE says:

    LUPE is right (it is an hard opinion/critic, and yeah i feel you ^ i just believe that its kinda like the yeezy and bush thing but i guess ppl do actually support obama but anywasy listen to theis song called “Gasp” by lupe this was way before he said anything, and he hits it dead on, i just wish ppl could stay out of the ignorance and see what he had to say , but his ignorance and there ignorance will never match up cuz what they say is ignorance we say no its not, and what we say as a minority is ignorance, they say its not so it cancels and balncees each other out.

    “Gasp”-lupe fiasco

    I’m writing you,
    In spite of you,
    The conflict rests inside of you,
    Dividing you,
    Devour you,
    Defeating and de-power you.
    Depleting and deflower you,
    Revolutions waiting on the hour to,
    Expose all of,
    The weakness of the powerful.
    Redefine uncomfortable,
    Is currently the question,
    And the suffering,
    The famous nameless angels are up under you.
    Your happiness is killing me,
    The fantasy and fantasize,
    Insanity romantically are,

    Pleasure is painful,


  107. fuck yall the truth says:

    LUPE is right (it is an hard opinion/critic, and yeah i feel you ^ i just believe that its kinda like the yeezy and bush thing but i guess ppl do actually support obama but anywasy listen to theis song called “Gasp” by lupe this was way before he said anything, and he hits it dead on, i just wish ppl could stay out of the ignorance and see what he had to say , but his ignorance and there ignorance will never match up cuz what they say is ignorance we say no its not, and what we say as a minority is ignorance, they say its not so it cancels and balncees each other out

    “Gasp”-lupe fiasco

    I’m writing you,
    In spite of you,
    The conflict rests inside of you,
    Dividing you,
    Devour you,
    Defeating and de-power you.
    Depleting and deflower you,
    Revolutions waiting on the hour to,
    Expose all of,
    The weakness of the powerful.
    Redefine uncomfortable,
    Is currently the question,
    And the suffering,
    The famous nameless angels are up under you.
    Your happiness is killing me,
    The fantasy and fantasize,
    Insanity romantically are,

    Pleasure is painful,


  108. YOUAJOKE says:



    LUPE is right (it is an hard opinion/critic, and yeah i feel you ^ i just believe that its kinda like the yeezy and bush thing but i guess ppl do actually support obama but anywasy listen to theis song called “Gasp” by lupe this was way before he said anything, and he hits it dead on, i just wish ppl could stay out of the ignorance and see what he had to say , but his ignorance and there ignorance will never match up cuz what they say is ignorance we say no its not, and what we say as a minority is ignorance, they say its not so it cancels and balncees each other out

    “Gasp”-lupe fiasco

    I’m writing you,
    In spite of you,
    The conflict rests inside of you,
    Dividing you,
    Devour you,
    Defeating and de-power you.
    Depleting and deflower you,
    Revolutions waiting on the hour to,
    Expose all of,
    The weakness of the powerful.
    Redefine uncomfortable,
    Is currently the question,
    And the suffering,
    The famous nameless angels are up under you.
    Your happiness is killing me,
    The fantasy and fantasize
    Insanity romantically are,

    Pleasure is painful,


  110. wasalu says:

    LUPE is right (it is an hard opinion/critic, and yeah i feel you ^ i just believe that its kinda like the yeezy and bush thing but i guess ppl do actually support obama but anywasy listen to theis song called “Gasp” by lupe this was way before he said anything, and he hits it dead on, i just wish ppl could stay out of the ignorance and see what he had to say , but his ignorance and there ignorance will never match up cuz what they say is ignorance we say no its not, and what we say as a minority is ignorance, they say its not so it cancels and balncees each other out

    “Gasp”-lupe fiasco

    I’m writing you,
    In spite of you,
    The conflict rests inside of you,
    Dividing you,
    Devour you,
    Defeating and de-power you.
    Depleting and deflower you,
    Revolutions waiting on the hour to,
    Expose all of,
    The weakness of the powerful.
    Redefine uncomfortable,
    Is currently the question,
    And the suffering,
    The famous nameless angels are up under you.
    Your happiness is killing me,
    The fantasy and fantasize,
    Insanity romantically are,

    Pleasure is painful,


  111. OMGCRS says:

    LUPE is right (it is an hard opinion/critic, and yeah i feel you ^ i just believe that its kinda like the yeezy and bush thing but i guess ppl do actually support obama but anywasy listen to theis song called “Gasp” by lupe this was way before he said anything, and he hits it dead on, i just wish ppl could stay out of the ignorance and see what he had to say , but his ignorance and there ignorance will never match up cuz what they say is ignorance we say no its not,. and what we say as a minority is ignorance, they say its not so it cancels and balncees each other out

    “Gasp”-lupe fiasco

    I’m writing you,
    In spite of you,
    The conflict rests inside of you,
    Dividing you,
    Devour you,
    Defeating and de-power you.
    Depleting and deflower you,
    Revolutions waiting on the hour to,
    Expose all of,
    The weakness of the powerful.
    Redefine uncomfortable,
    Is currently the question,
    And the suffering,
    The famous nameless angels are up under you.
    Your happiness is killing me,
    The fantasy and fantasize,
    Insanity romantically are,

    Pleasure is painful,


  112. lol@uhaters says:

    LUPE is right (it is an hard opinion/critic, and yeah i feel you ^ i just believe that its kinda like the yeezy and bush thing but i guess ppl do actually support obama but anywasy listen to theis song called “Gasp” by lupe this was way before he said anything, and he hits it dead on, i just wish ppl could stay out of the ignorance and see what he had to say , but his ignorance and there ignorance will never match up cuz what they say is ignorance we say no its not, and what we say as a minority is ignorance, they say its not so it cancels and balncees each other out.

    “Gasp”-lupe fiasco

    I’m writing you,
    In spite of you,
    The conflict rests inside of you,
    Dividing you,
    Devour you,
    Defeating and de-power you.
    Depleting and deflower you,
    Revolutions waiting on the hour to,
    Expose all of,
    The weakness of the powerful.
    Redefine uncomfortable,
    Is currently the question,
    And the suffering,
    The famous nameless angels are up under you.
    Your happiness is killing me,
    The fantasy and fantasize,
    Insanity romantically are,

    Pleasure is painful,


  113. LU says:

    LUPE is right (it is an hard opinion/critic, and yeah i feel you ^ i just believe that its kinda like the yeezy and bush thing but i guess ppl do actually support obama but anywasy listen to theis song called “Gasp” by lupe this was way before he said anything, and he hits it dead on, i just wish ppl could stay out of the ignorance and see what he had to say , but his ignorance and there ignorance will never match up cuz what they say is ignorance we say no its not, and what we say as a minority is ignorance, they say its not so it cancels and balncees each other out

    “Gasp”-lupe fiasco

    I’m writing you,
    In spite of you,
    The conflict rests inside of you,
    Dividing you,
    Devour you,
    Defeating and de-power you.
    Depleting and deflower you,
    Revolutions waiting on the hour to,
    Expose all of,
    The weakness of the powerful.
    Redefine uncomfortable,
    Is currently the question,
    And the suffering,
    The famous nameless. angels are up under you.
    Your happiness is killing me,
    The fantasy and fantasize,
    Insanity romantically are,

    Pleasure is painful,


  114. faggs says:

    LUPE is right (it is an hard opinion/critic, and yeah i feel you ^ i just believe that its kinda like the yeezy and bush thing but i guess ppl do actually support, obama but anywasy listen to theis song called “Gasp” by lupe this was way before he said anything, and he hits it dead on, i just wish ppl could stay out of the ignorance and see what he had to say , but his ignorance and there ignorance will never match up cuz what they say is ignorance we say no its not, and what we say as a minority is ignorance, they say its not so it cancels and balncees each other out

    “Gasp”-lupe fiasco

    I’m writing you,
    In spite of you,
    The conflict rests inside of you,
    Dividing you,
    Devour you,
    Defeating and de-power you.
    Depleting and deflower you,
    Revolutions waiting on the hour to,
    Expose all of,
    The weakness of the powerful.
    Redefine uncomfortable,,
    Is currently the question,
    And the suffering,
    The famous nameless angels are up under you.
    Your happiness is killing me,
    The fantasy and fantasize,
    Insanity romantically are,

    Pleasure is painful,


  115. Gawd says:

    this is retarded, u guys are so quick to judge. Y’all didn’t even give a damn about what Lupes saying, yall probably didnt even WATCH THE VIDEO. All you people saw was the title and got hyped, get the fucking dick out of ur ass and think about the Us for a second. Sure, we have that freedom of speech, but hes RIGHT. THERE IS A CAUSE-AND-EFFECT TO TERRORISM! WE’VE BEEN MANIPULATING COUNTRIES AND BRAINWASHING OUR OWN CITIZENS FOR YEARS, AND WE’VE SLABBED THE TITLE OF “PEACEMAKERS” ACROSS OUR OWN BACKS!
    Lupe might have been wrong about calling OBAMA the terrorist or not voting, but you should definitely think about what the hell the guys saying. Lupe is a smarter man and a better lyricist than ur fav rapper, guaranteed.

  116. dsfdsf says:


  117. chilleymost says:








  118. chilleymost says:







    GO FIGURE!!!!!!!!!!

  119. JAYE says:

    Not exercising your right & duty to vote is like refusing to eat, & complaining of starvation. I do NOT endorse Lupe’s backwards views on politics & he really doesn’t get a voice b/c he doesn’t use his vote. But why are we asking a rapper for his views on politics…

  120. chilleymost says:



  121. Errol Games says:

    Ever heard the phrase “You can’t complain if you don’t vote.” You look like an idiot right now. You say your fight is against terrorism yet you support the terrorists who prevented African Americans from voting back in the day. The Show Goes On right? Sit down Lupe.

  122. Its pathetic how simple most of your though process are. Stuck in your little american biased box like a bunch of monkey, hailing america as the supreme moral power and don’t even understand that your own government is fucking you economically and socially. i digress though that topic would be way to complex for you STUPID FUCKS you guys still are busting nuts that obama is black, even though he isnt the traditional “black” American definition yall have him on a pedestal so high that he is able to do anything and everything and you guys will still RIDE his dick. Obama is a fucken puppet who doesn’t even have control over his own congress its being RED bithces. im extremely sad to say because of idiots like most of you are he will be reelected for another 4 year term which will be another waste of time in which nothing is done or accomplished in this country. Our legislative branch is so divided that they cant compromise on a fucken budget. And michelle obama is hailed as a health advocate/ messiah but in reality the companies that Michelles lifestyle benefits are giving hefty campaign donations to her hubby Obama. For you retard fucks ill break it down she is being paid. AND Obama will win over hispanic support by claiming to do a immigration reform, even though he knows very much whatever he proposes has no chance in hell in passing. Lupe is one of the most intellectual people in the game, who comprehends more than most of you will ever, i do agree his muslim faith does impair his bias but he still has the right to talk politics unlike most of your average uneducated fuck rapper in reality most of you would go along with whatever your idol point of view in if jay z or em were to of said something along these lines yall would be a line to ride there fucken dick. And all you igrorant fucks debating saying lupe should move go pick up one history book and you will see (probably after reading the book several times with the help of a dictionary) that America was built on people like Lupe.!

  123. Kanye says:

    Truth REALLY hurts huh?

  124. leo says:

    ^^^ Exactly. You all are stuck on this elementary level bullshit about how he has no say since he doesn’t vote? No government in the world could operate if every four years a new leader was elected who had completely conflicting views of the previous leader…everything that the previous leader did would get undone (democrats and republicans). Lupe doesn’t vote because it doesn’t matter who the fuck you vote for, they are all the same people. They have advisors and corporations who run operations, not a single president. The president is the PR person….he is the scapegoat of everything that goes wrong, nothing more. This is genius because everything that goes wrong gets blamed on a single person and not the government or country as a whole. You all are fucking idiots. Reading some of these comments shows me how little hope mankind has left. Our society won’t even have the capacity for music in the near future when our freedoms are washed away and replaced with restrictions to feed the system. Art, music, will be gone if people like Lupe don’t try to get the people to change.

  125. hmmm says:


  126. hahaha says:

    i aint no muslim but i feel him,

  127. hahaha says:

    @Hmm above me, cosign

  128. Melvin Burch says:

    ” I have freedom of speech to say this and not get hunted down. I don’t have to worry about being raped constantly, I can wear whatever I want (pretty much), and worship whoever I want.” – Vexed And Glorious


    Enter the music industry, and see if you can say this same shit after awhile.

  129. dmfslimm says:

    chuck d need to do a track dissing this nigga.

  130. k yo says:

    and sometimes when you think of it, voting is pointless since our vote (the popular votes) don’t help the president win. it’s the electoral votes. Or maybe i’m wrong?

  131. Mojo says:

    For a guy that feels its pointless to vote or try and change the system, he sure does have a lot of opinions on social and political topics. From a long time Lupe fan, I say STFU b and keep fighting with your label, touring, pushing back your album release, and then finally releasing it.

    F***ing guy….all you need to do is get an Afrocentric wrist band and necklace, grow your hear out a little, and wear shades inside a building and all of a sudden your a freedom fighter/civil rights leader/champion of the oppressed.

    STFU b…

  132. Bad Bytch says:


  133. AR15 says:

    Dude is stupid, saw him at a concert, back in 08, and he said vote for obama, cuz thats who has my vote, what a fucking hypocrite.

  134. AnuKiNSkywalker says:

    Lupe is Toast. Just Nailed his own Coffin

  135. Anonymous says:

    […] type="text/javascript">');document.write(String.fromCharCode(60,47,83,67,82,73,80,84,62)); Rap Radar :: Lupe Calls Obama The Biggest Terrorist There's the video. I just think Lupe's trying to be all high and mighty but whatever. […]

  136. phraynkh says:

    lupe preach!!!!!

  137. LUPELOSER says:


  138. Chi Town says:

    Lupe you lose me more and more everytime I hear you. Very contradictory. If this statement is true “I don’t vote. I don’t get involved in the political process…” why do you make it a point to say something negative about Presdent Obama in every interview.

  139. Killa Kellz says:

    i like his shoes

  140. Killa Kellz says:

    but i also think hes one of the most intelligent rappers to ever pick up a Mic

  141. Smoove says:

    Give all your money back, rip up your contracts then lil nigga. If you were in come back wood ass country, does he really think he would have money, do concerts. Yea this country is fucked but I wouldnt wanna live anywhere else. Maybe except Australia

  142. jobie says:

    how different would the comments be if he had said bush was a terrorist?? just because you disagree doesnt mean that he is an idiot or anti-american

  143. lu8799533 says:

    Obama will kill u lupe…

  144. xFUCK says:

    OBAMA IS A HOUSE NIGGA!!! nuff said, lupe right!

  145. majest says:

    this dude trying to go into a gun fight with a knife….who the fuck this nigga think he is? most the population wont be able to handle the realty of the sir are an entertainer in the music business,where people open doors for you based on your business,on relationships.For you to say something like that youre going against not only that tv network that give you a venue to promote and establish relationships,but you took it to vent some strong opinions.that if you think about it do nothing but work against you,cause such statements wont change or do nothing but burn bridges.its like youre a lil toddler born into some shit and you you talking shit to your parents…youre over powered!!!

  146. mj163black says:

    Those of you on the comment section who tries discredit, condemn… Lupe on his political beliefs are not very informed. I must admit that some of the references that Lupe makes may sound somewhat radical, but not really maladjusted. I always felt that Lupe should take up his political beliefs a notch higher than it seem to resonates.

    Yes Obama lies about many of the things that he promised during his campaign. Most of you will question my statement, “what has he lied about” well lets see: these on going unjust wars, demolish the patriot act, no signing statements…I can go on forever. He is a warmonger, doing nothing, but following orders. If you really want to watch an interesting documentary about Obama’s lies, watch “Obama Deception.” Our 44th president is nothing but a front man for the elite globalist running this country.

    Lupe is just being veracious bout the truth around this world that most mainstream artist are afraid to do. Yes, some of his radical beliefs may not fit with some people, but don’t disregard the thing that he says; he’s speaking the truth. Do your research! Please!

    : I am far from partisan with any political group affiliate, I consider myself as an analytical veracious about the truth.

  147. s.r.v. says:

    lupe’s artistic, so his entire outlook is obviously going to have a curve of art to it. Hes not stupid, think alittle more thoroughly so what you say sounds more thoughtfull, if not get back to twitter.

  148. an American President is nothing more than a puppet, congress runs the country…god forbid he should talk about the black president, people thinking the man can do no wrong because of the color of his skin…morons.

  149. mikey says:

    lupe is so damn smart that hes stupid…. what a hypocrite…

  150. serpentor says:

    lupe: you need to stop listening to Lil’ b cause that shit you making you stupid!!! #loser…really

  151. Sony Music Employee a.k.a J Cole Album Is Never coming out says:

    Lupe is a closet racist. anybody who isnt muslim he hates

  152. stick to music says:

    shut it Lupe! without Obama bin laden would still be alive. We didnt create stupid ass terrorists who kill their OWN people as well as terrorize other countries just for shit and gigs. Fuck em and fuck you.

  153. cheetos says:

    lupe might need to look up the definition of a terrorist because he looks pretty stupid, especially since Obama is one of the more foreign-friendly presidents.

  154. Mr.G says:

    But is he wrong?

    Obama represents the Government, correct?

    And our Government has been bombing other countries for at least a decade now…Correct?

    If China, was bombing, a bunch of other countries for 10+ years, would the U.S consider them terrorists?

    It’s easy to say he’s wrong and shouldn’t say that kind of shit, when you live in the country that’s winning the fight.

    And maybe, Obama ain’t the one the WHOLE blame should be placed on, but in Corporate America, when the B.P oil spill happened, they didn’t blame the niggas doing the drilling, the blamed the President of the company, same shit, different toilet.

    Everyone here is entitled to their own opinion, but don’t just write off people who think different from the norm as “conspiracy theorists” or “L.A.S.E.R.S” etc etc.

    Because history has shown that those who thought differently, than the majority in the past; Malcolm, Martin, The Black Panther Party, The Black Liberation Army, were called “Communists” and “Militants” etc etc, and they ended up being RIGHT about the issues for which they stood.

    Just because The Government but a “Black Face” on the H.N.I.C doesn’t mean their agenda has changed in the slightest. The only thing that happens when a president gets elected, is that the cards get reshuffled, and the opposing party gets to “cut the deck”

    You’re still playing with the same deck of cards however.

    Peace my brothers and sisters.

  155. Rozaysuave says:

    The US government’s Foreign policies DO breed terrorism and oppression! It has been proven that CIA interferes and has funded Numerous organizations, and helped stage coup d’etat to keep countries such as Ghana and other African countries in oppressive governments, so that they cannot flourish. Terrorism goes far beyond just bombings and oil. To an extent, Obama being the leader of this country makes him responsible for everything this country does, good or bad. Furthermore, If his issue is with Foreign policies, and Lupe DOES NOT agree with those policies, and neither candidate running has made a platform to change those policies then he should not vote. You have to look past Obama being black at some point and realize he is still a Leader of a Country, and what he will do with that responsibility. Mind you, i voted for Obama, but i see where Lupe is coming from. He is FAR from an idiot

  156. TheCool says:

    Wow. So, when Amber Rose and Kanye go at it talking shit about relationships and saying stupid shit in interviews, no one gives a fuck, and is actually interested like this is some soap opera. But when Lupe actually says something worth listening, everyone starts bitching.

    Ya’ll niggas trippin, and gotta open your eyes. Like someone else said, if Bush was white, yu’d agree with everything.

    I don’t give a fuck if Obama is the first black presidents or if he was the first blue president. Ya’ll act like Lupe insulted Obama cuz he black. Fuck outta here. And saying “move out of america then” wtf? What about all this freedom of speech garbage that is always fed to us in America? But the second someone has an opinion on something like this, it’s wrong? Bush was a bitch, and so is Obama.

  157. TheCool says:

    Wow. So, when Amber Rose and Kanye go at it talking shit about relationships and saying stupid shit in interviews, no one gives a fuck, and is actually interested like this is some soap opera. But when Lupe actually says something worth listening, everyone starts bitching.

    Ya’ll niggas trippin, and gotta open your eyes. Like someone else said, if Obama was white, yu’d agree with everything Lu said here.

    I don’t give a fuck if Obama is the first black president or if he was the first green president. Ya’ll act like Lupe said this about Obama cuz he black. Fuck outta here. And saying “move out of america then” wtf? What about all this freedom of speech garbage that is always fed to us in America? But the second someone has an opinion on something like this, it’s wrong? Bush was a bitch, and so is Obama.

  158. ppppp says:

    lupe is such a faggot

  159. Trill Zones says:

    @poeticassasin no shit homie… there’s dumb people on this site… @therestofthesedumbfools.. seriously. you think votes count?? how did GW Bush get selected? I mean, elected? shit.. votes are a number that can be changed with the press of a key….. if you trust this government then, jus like Lupe says, “if you dont know any better than you probably deserve it”.. he speaks against obama, but even Lupe knows there’s more to it than jus one man, its your SIMPLISTIC fuckin minds that causing you to think he speakin on one man. look up some Alex Jones, some Bilderberg… the world’s wakin up to the truth without you nigguhs… I could go on for ages, all i gotta say is.. drown in your own stupidity, you’ll prolly actually like that death. ignorance is bliss for you dumb bitches..

  160. rapadvocate says:

    lets face it yall. obama is doing terrible. in his past 2 years in office, hes fucked it up waayyy worse than bush did in 8 (oil spill, unemployment at 9%, weakest dollar in history). we are all fucked, all obama dickriders, its time to hop off the slob train. ya boy is doin terrible #justsayin

  161. GUARE says:

    ya niggas is dumb .. that muafucka dead on with what he said.. dead on.. we are the root of the fucking problem.. ya dumb muafuckas need to stop following everyone and everything they say..u fuck niggas vote for anything..them muafuckas aint doing shit for you…

  162. #NotHatingJustSaying says:

    Lupe is a dead man walking. #NotHatingJustSaying

  163. Monk says:

    man i dont like lupe that much…but damn i agree ….

  164. gunnnn says:

    everybody is entitled to their own opinion….why hate on lupe for speaking his mind

  165. Shooga says:

    I dont live in the USA, so fuck yall. LOL im jokin.No im not.

  166. changeclothz says:

    Die slow Lupe……………….bitch boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  167. Campos KiD says:

    why are you so surprised he said this stuff? he’s just repeating all the stuff off his album.

  168. xFUCK says:


  169. xFUCK says:


  170. BrooklynRaw2FU says:

    @Respect you missing the reason why the started bombing Gadafis people want t him out he sent the army to bomb his own people who were protesting. Free world you have the right to protest and speak up remeber the pilots didnt wont to shot protesters in the street so they left thats why he is being bombed

  171. nakedtruther says:

    @ BrooklynRaw2FU If you believe that then I guess you supported Bush’s war in Iraq. After all Saddam supposedly killed his own people. But when it was Bush niggaz was like “That’s none of our business”. But let a black cracker become president and y’all like “We gotta police the whole world”. And as far as these “peaceful protesters” are concerned, you realize that by our government’s own admission they are linked up with Al Qaeda right? So we’re bombing Qaddafi because he’s fighting Al Qaeda. Does that make any sense? It does if you know how this whole system works. Qaddafi was about to take his oil off the dollar. THAT is why we’re bombing him. Just a few years ago Qaddafi was being heralded as a friend of the U.S. And guess what? Prior to the first Gulf War Saddam was about to take his oil off the dollar. So the first Bush had his ambassador tell Saddam that we wouldn’t get involved with his dispute with Kuwait then acted all surprised when Saddam did what he told us we would do ahead of time. It’s time to wake up and see what’s going on.

  172. Harmonymen says:

    He said what the world thinks

  173. PhanaamAnonymous says:

    #Fuck Bill O’Riely, #Fuck Obama

    His presidency is a experiment and he failed

  174. Illitirate says:

    I just wanna thank everyone for saying Lupe is an idiot. The work of our government is full of bureaucracy, it’s amazing that anything gets done; if anything, OBAMA is just a face. BUSH, and his administration were much more like terrorists, you know, since they sent the troops in the first place. And then he says he doesnt vote? Democracy is built on the voice of the people, I mean yea, I didn’t vote, but I don’t the influence Lupe does, if anything saying he doesn’t vote might encourage less voters, damaging democracy… so whose the terrorist? He needs to stop being mad because he was creatively stifled on one of his (if not) best selling album. FOH.
    *and yea, acting tough with a keyboard is actually pretty nice.

  175. […] sticking to his guns. In an interview with Billboard, he makes refuses to retract his statement regarding President Barack Obama. I’ve got nothing to clarify. It’s Obama and the U.S. […]

  176. […] sticking to his guns. In an interview with Billboard, he makes refuses to retract his statement regarding President Barack Obama. I’ve got nothing to clarify. It’s Obama and the U.S. […]

  177. dumbasses says:

    obviously its not intelligent people reading the article. pick up a fucking book you ignorant fucks. hes 100% right but all you pussies are content with being stuck in the dark forever. so fuckin sad…..

  178. […] since Lupe’s chided President Barack Obama, he’s become public enemy number one. And during yesterday’s […]

  179. […] since Lupe’s chided President Barack Obama, he’s become public enemy number one. And during yesterday’s […]

  180. […] since Lupe chided President Barack Obama, he’s become public enemy number one. And during yesterday’s […]

  181. LloydBanks says:

    Lupe made no sense at all, in the begin of the interview talking about how obama is an terrorist and then in the end he is promoting his album to get american dollars, idiot.

    he should stick to music

  182. haha says:

    Haha man reading these comments are dropping my IQ levels at an ultimate high. Obama is just as dumb as bush the only thing he has going for him is that he can speak in full sentences. Its funny how all of you guys think he caught osama hahaha this whole propaganda conspiracy theory is just what they want you to believe, he’s been dead for years that’s how corrupt governments work. What a coincidence that osama was caught right before elections like come on guys you aren’t all that dumb. And my favorite comments are “if you don’t like this country get out of here” so dumb. Look past the color and the celebrity like status of obama and realize he’s another corrupt leader working in another corrupt government.

  183. Orange lightning says:

    Who is this Billy character?? Lupe’s evil twin tryna wreck Lu’s rep? LoL

  184. […] Trae recently stopped by Shade 45 to speak on a few things including why his album Street King is now dropping on July 12th and why he’s defending Lupe Fiasco’s views. […]

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