Joe Budden Brings Out Emanny In NYC

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Last night, Irving Plaza in NYC welcomed Joe Budden for a performance. At the end of Joey’s set, he brought out Emanny to recite their collabo, “Dreamerz” off his latest project, Mood Muzik 4.5.


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  1. rellyOnSMASH says:

    Niggas……… was goin crazzy B

  2. RC says:

    When Joe comes to the D, me and the fam are there.

    Rap Radar should post Emanny’s mixtape if they havent already. Its nice.

  3. dopeman says:

    these niccas gay

  4. Slamp says:

    he need to bring somebody out to make it interesting..
    ..I love my iTunes…but them songs add up..I got a $100 worth just by giving Apple my email.. i created 2 emails got 1 more..haha

  5. Black Shady says:


  6. MOOSE says:

    @Slamp dude, if you’ve never even been to a Joe Budden show, you’re lost saying “he needs to bring somebody out to make it interesting…” I’ve been to many music shows/concerts. Joey is easily, and by far one of the best artists to put on a show. Not to mention, Irving Plaza, over 1,000 people in the building. Says a lot for someone who “needs to bring someone out”. Btw, Budden also has been working with Emanny for many years, hence, trying to help get him noticed. So FOH.

  7. power says:

    power says: infBlack films joey shows the best .. serious go visit ifseen10601

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