Amber Rose Addresses Nude Photos

By now, we’re pretty sure you got a full load of Amber Rose’s uncensored nude flicks. The Taylor Gang’s first lady took to her Twitter and allowed let her fingers do the playing talking on the matter.

No matter what I go thru or how embarrassed I am I have a man that Loves me & has my back thru everything. @RealWizKhalifa thank u. :- ) I was gonna wait until my radio show to address this but I want to say this now.

I trusted someone that worked 4 me & allowed them to use my laptop a million times, I caught this person sending my pics to themselves and I fired this person immediately.

Wiz & I & both of our families have known about this for 2 months now. We tried to prepare ourselves for this day. Those pictures r 2 1/2 years old just sitting in my computer.

I’m really hurt & embarr#!@%*#ed because I have so many young girls that look up to me. I would never put those pics out of myself. The company that I was working with no longer wants to work with me because of these pics and that prevents me from getting money to take care of my family. Its a messed up situation when someone so evil comes into ur life and tries to destroy it. I know I’m not the only girl in the world that has taken pics like that but they were very private.

I’m sorry for letting my young Rosebuds down. Pls understand this was a result of trusting a person that didn’t deserve my trust. I have cried for the past 2 days but I know this to shall p#!@%*#. Thank u for all of ur support.

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  1. Stan says:

    the site is bugging right now, not loading stuff, amber can address these nuts

  2. Fam says:

    Maaaaan she’s a freak..she dated famous people…so what..people need to let her live man…she aint no terrorist or no shit..let the woman live..damn

  3. Stan says:

    what pictures *looks up pictures*

  4. Protest says:

    If your kid looks up to Amber Rose, you failed at parenting.

    Real shit always

  5. CaliSteppin says:


  6. flute says:

    U are a bitch, a whore, prostitute, wench, harlot, skeezer and everything else period!! Nothing more nothing less. This bitch better scuk my dick someday

  7. Shade says:

    Result of trusting someone? Nah girl… this is a result of you being whore. Like seriously? Just sitting there on your laptop? Why was it even taken, let alone “just sitting in your laptop”. I’m tired of these female celebs taking pictures like this and then complain about them being the victims. At least when guys do this shot they admit what they were for. I’m overall tired of celebs taking naked pic expecting them never to get out in the open…come on y’all if you guys were high when you did that then you are all just plain stupid or gullible. And seriously? There are young girls who look up to Amber? I feel sorry for them. What is she teaching them? That you can get famous by stripping and hanging out/dating famous people one after the other? We don’t need more females like that! But lemme stop @Fam is right. She ain’t a terrorist or anything so I’m not coin to act like she some evil doer but still….shaking my damn head….

  8. Duncan says:

    how and why is she famous? i dont get it. why do you have to post about her?

  9. Post no billz says:

    Protest hit the nail on the head…

  10. NoSoup4Yu says:

    No link? lol
    no but seriously… link?

  11. Boom says:

    She has a beautiful snatch.

  12. DARKAQUA says:

    first…those pics…FIYAH!!! bad biatch…hands down

    second…she needs to get KRIS JENNER AND KIM K PHONE NUMBERS…they are certified professionals in making COINS OFF HO-LIKE ACTIVITIES!! FLIP THEM PICS AND MAKE SOME MONEY…CALL KRIS!!!

  13. Bobby Fresh says:

    She’s famous 4 fucking a famous person…..thats all i gottta say

  14. never break a mans heart says:




  15. ??? says:

    Here’s a novel idea how about don’t take compromising pictures of yourself *result* it won’t come back to bite you in the ass.

  16. never break a mans heart says:

    females look up to her?


  17. wow says:

    shes famous cuz of the papparazi and gossip blogs. niggas is nosy n wanted to find out who this girl that Kanye West was fuckin for an extended period of time is. they the ones that give celebrity value and fame to people that have little talent other than bein good masturbation material while at the same time pretendin to be ashamed about it.

    who leaves 2 and a half yr old spread-eagle naked pics of themselves on their laptop for that long? for wat purpose? are there random times that u forget wat u look like wit no clothes on n need to remind urself? or were u hopin theyd get out somehow (or leak them urself) so u can once again be in headlines? im not suprised she mentioned her upcomin radio show while “addressin the situation”..

  18. LEATHER-N-GOLD says:

    to me this shit was planned come on now…if u know about this for 2 months you could have send some goons at the person and let them erase it or just come out with it saying hey somebody got some naked pics of me and they might put them all over don’t think less of me if u see them…Wiz look like he was cool with the whole thing..seems like a set up but hey i seen allot of pussy so seen her its nice to see but she will get coverage for this to boost her reality and radio show comes what may Amber Rose a bad bitch with some hustle.

  19. never break a mans heart says:

    fuck this ho

    you gotta be hard on these hoz

    fuck her feelings

  20. jj jockinz says:

    this ho lyin cuh

    shawty had numerous naked pictures out there

    this ho wants attention, she tryna milk her 15 minz of fame

    a ho will be a ho

  21. jj jockinz says:

    and bitch next time grow some hair on dat pussy ho

  22. Kat Stacks says:

    anyway doe

  23. B. Emerson 909 says:

    Young girls look up to her???

  24. puerto-black says:

    WHo the looks up to amber rose?

  25. Black Shady says:

    Bitch please!

  26. NYC says:

    people look up to her? who lol hoes? lol

  27. Shawn says:

    You need more people.. FOH. And what exactly are the accomplishment these “young Rosebuds” are looking up to again?

  28. ameirboy says:

    ya, ya whore where are the pics

  29. I like the females look up to her part. I still don’t get what the big deal is though? It’s not like she’s a congressman but then again I didn’t think it was a big deal either

  30. THATDUDE says:

    As much as I don’t like her, good response and i believe it. So where dem pics at?

  31. RC says:

    Damn them shits is crazy…..

    Str8 hustler magazine material.

  32. Who Diss says:

    I think she meant young girls LITERALLY look up to her cuz she’s taller. A Pole model’s more like it.

  33. RC says:

    Oh a side note, have you folks took a look on twitter.

    Those little whores in training do look up to her. She aint lying. Those regular ass bitches are just as naked as she is.

    Take a look at that planking post. Its got a shorty planked on a mans dick right in the living room.

    These whores do look up to her. The real reason she mad is it was free and is fucking up her money.

  34. ruthless says:

    She has a beautiful snatch.

    co-sign. I’d eat that quicker than a malnutritioned Ethiopian at an Old Country Buffet.

  35. B.Dot says:

    *dead…and more dead*

  36. JJ Evans says:

    Amber Rose Nude Pics:

    Thank me later.

  37. RoeLuv says:

    Wait! Her fans are called Rosebuds??

  38. saywatuwant says:

    Lmfao hah haaaa @ruthless. U ain’t lying if she wasn’t running thru the whole industry I wud suck the shit out of that pretty pussy lmfao

  39. AVbomber says:

    Shoutout to @LA-CROWN_ROYAL & @JJ Evans haha

  40. Converse says:

    Oh lawd have mercy!

    ?Who told you how to get all sexy for a nigga?

    That is a pretty ass pussy belive I beat that juice box up!

  41. JAYE says:

    chile please… have this seat i found _. You sent the pics yourself to create some buzz for that faux reality show, if you admitted to it you could be more likable…

  42. Hey YO says:

    Ei Rapradar when ya guys gonna post dat Ross being called Officer Ricky?

  43. ITSDman says:


  44. […] Rap Radar Leave a Comment Cancel Reply […]

  45. pow pow says:


  46. Anthony says:

    Why would she keep the photos on her computer just sitting there…………………………

  47. john doe says:

    @ruthless lmao

  48. cback says:

    amber you was a slut and will always be a slut and wiz is a certified simp lol get your money back homie

  49. The Hater says:

    Rosebuds??? This hoe delusional

  50. Rodrick says:

    If you dont want your nude pics to wind up on the internet, dont take them……..

    Seriously, I dont feel sorry for any of these fools

  51. FlyGuy says:

    Maaannn really all i can say is this Amber Rose is a bad bitch and I see why niggaz be sprung off her. And I know niggaz would kill just to have this chick sit on they face and get no nani in return LMFAO hahaha yall dudes kno its true

  52. Shayla says:

    She should have been more careful don’t expect anyone to feel sorry for you. You know many girls looked up to you when you decided to take the pics. Wiz is just in love becuzz he never had anyone up to your standards thats all.

  53. Campano says:

    I FOUND 2 MORE PICTURES, salute me salute me i’m the man

    here you go (and enjoy) :

  54. FunkyFrijoles says:

    Hold up… somebody actually works under Amber Rose?

  55. wtf ? rosebuds? says:

    This is exactly what’s wrong with the world today.. these women that can’t keep there clothes on to just get paid. Let’s try something Amber.. DON’T TAKE PICS LIKE THAT !!! AND MAYBE THEY WON’T GET POSTED… Youre known for banging Kanye west and now you’re known for banging Wiz khalifa.. umm if there’s actually any rose buds out there, their parents FAILED! People always say that men can sleep with anyone and no one says anything but they dont go around fucking their way to the top. Keep your legs closed in front of cameras. Or just become a porn star.. but stop running around like your holy and that people betrayed you.. you’re a slut deal with it ..

  56. Jonathan says:

    Amber Rose needs to be more smart when it comes to doing stuff like this… she shouldn’t be taking nude pics anyway knowing how many males feen for her

    speaking of which, Wiz might need to keep an eye on her too, because he’s madly in love with her and all that… to put it short, he needs to step up and tell her like it is

  57. internetgod says:

    yea ok

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  58. Young Tom's Assistant says:

    This is an official message from Young Tom.

    “Amber Rose is pretty hot in those photos, but lets be real- this is the hottest shit of all time.”

  59. GOOD says:

    Yeezy taught you well.

  60. supa savage says:

    she wood be a 5 star if she had that long hair. But i’d still supa pipe dat joint down no doubt ,wiz betta be tearin dat twot up.

  61. prettyperry says:

    Ya mofo just hating who the fuck wouldn’t wanna walk in this bitch’s shoes? I dare ya’ll to say me… she has a fabulous life…and wat ya’ll saying don’t really matter at the end of the day she getting paypa! So unless u getting paid for ur opinions shut ya’ll regular basic asses up!

    p.s. and I really don’t give 2 shits for her just keeping it real!

  62. stillrill says:


  63. kendra says:

    if she new that somebody was going to use her pics from her personal computer she should have erased it before they used it….i just don,t understand her….nuff said thou…she know,s she,s a very famous person and all be careful next time…

  64. SpokenWord says:

    I Know Plenty Of Women Who Keep Naked Photos On Their Laptop Yall Obviously Dont Interact With Much Females lol

  65. 1. Of course she dropped these herself.
    2. Anybody that looks up to her should do us all a favor and swig some Drano.
    3. That pussy is fuckin’ beautimous.
    4. Since we done seen it all, might as well go hardcore now so I can get it fresh on the reg.
    Start with Pinky strokin’ with the dead bird if you’re nervous.

  66. Very Nice says:

    Nice pics. Very nice.

  67. Itz Yourz says:

    Look…everybody a hoe or a slut at a time in there life..your shit just not in the light for others scrutinize..and past judgement. But besides the name calling which is really female shit..let’s act like the men that we are..yall niggas do not see that fucking body? Them pics are insane…that’s how nude pics should look like! Don’t know about yall but I would still smash, even more so now. Wiz do your thang. Kanye I see why you mad nigga…I would have something to say everytime I see her also…lmao.

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  69. internetgod says:


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