VH1 Behind The Music: Ice Cube
July 7, 2011 @ 10:43 AM EDT

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Last night, it was Ice Cube’s turn to have his career chronicled on Behind The Music. In case you missed it, here’s the full episode courtesy of Video Hits One.
i still cant wait to see one on the rapper rick ross
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Pretty good show, wish they would of focus on the WC break up.
I cant wait till they expose Officer Ricky as well.
went from f the cops…to bill cosby..haha
…Not big on snapbacks..but since Lids giving away $150 cards http://goo.gl/dLNlw i cop 5 of them
Cube stay killin these soft niggas! dope stuff
Overall, it was good; however, they never focused on any of his time in Westside Connection and the Common and Cypress Hill beefs!
hahahaha!!! The one on rick ross will be classiccc!!
Ice Cube is boring. he was great 20 years ago but today he is a tyCoon.
An all around amazingly written blog…