1. Prabz says:

    Watch The Thone Tour >> This

  2. luckyP says:

    great. a tour with NO GOOD NEW music. perfect jizzle

  3. BK's Step Father says:

    Is he Performing New songs from 103!? If he’s Not, whats the Point of having a 103 Tour?
    Of course I’d Rather have him play 101 & Older songs…But I’m Just Saying.
    Not really feelin’ Freddie Gibbs tho 🙁

  4. phillybuk says:

    who can he possible bring out in philly meek fucks with ross,and all the other rapper dont give a fuck and will shoot this nigga for his chains

  5. Yat says:

    I hope this means Gibbs will release cold day in hell before this starts.
    Signed under a shakey label?delay after delay?
    He’s starting to look like every other rapper out there

  6. KingTD says:


  7. C'mon Son says:

    who the fuck set these tour plans? ok jeezy i think you need to go Sioux City Iowa cause your fan base in iowa is huge but skip Miami and Atlanta where the majority of your fans are? I mean really come the fuck on son. total tour fail another album i wont be buying. When these dumb fuckin rappers start to come to the cities where their fanbase and customer demographic is i might start buying cds again, until then you can find me bootlegging your shit.

  8. kappy says:

    his tour doesnt hit ny either…i know he just performed there but tickets were on sale…maybe hes opening for the throne

  9. im banned says:

    where the fuck is vancouver on that list? Motherfucker hates Canadians

  10. Codeen says:

    This is a good look as far as gettin his name out in the public again. I kinda agree with @C’mon Son though. He Def needs to go to the cities where his hardcore fan Base is and its really only 2 cities in the south on this list. No offense Jeezy, but if niggas aint feelin you all these years, that won’t change now.

  11. Codeen says:

    Although you can’t be mad at the homie touring across the country. That 103 is gonna be sick regardless!

  12. Converse says:

    Blah blah to many bitch made niggas commenting

    Jeezy represent anybody on their grind aka motivation music

    Imo Gibbs remind me of Pac? dude too street for you lames? he going to be great if he keep dropping that heat

    O yeah nigga up top you a bitch for real? whinning on here bc he want stop in your city? haha you know why bc of soft niggas like you haha

    Wtt pop tour<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Tm103 hiphop tour

  13. YelaWolfGangSwag says:

    Nobody show St. Louis any love

  14. Barack says:

    Wow no atlanta smh

  15. Converse says:

    lmao@the nigga crying bc Jeezy skip your city?

    Haha I guess he doesn’t want lame groupie niggas like you their?

    You mad? LOL

    Dope Gibbs imo got a lil Pac in him

    Wtt <<<<<<<<<<<<Tm103 gangster

  16. daniel says:

    ayo jeezy

    i want da fucking tracklist

    for ya next crazy shit TM103 n1gg@ ! #leggo

  17. Bigeasy1392 says:

    Jeezy going for a Pokemon themed tour?

  18. […] up RR DEF Sounds Hip Hop Information & Music This entry was posted in Deals and tagged […]

  19. […] that his long awaited TM 103 will be released on September 20, and on Tuesday, he announced a 26-ctiy tour that will begin in New Orleans on July 31, concluding in Seattle on September […]

  20. […] that his long awaited TM 103 will be released on September 20, and on Tuesday, he announced a 26-ctiy tour that will begin in New Orleans on July 31, concluding in Seattle on September 2. Share your […]

  21. […] that his long awaited TM 103 will be released on September 20, and on Tuesday, he announced a 26-ctiy tour that will begin in New Orleans on July 31, concluding in Seattle on September […]

  22. […] that his long awaited TM 103 will be released on September 20, and on Tuesday, he announced a 26-ctiy tour that will begin in New Orleans on July 31, concluding in Seattle on September […]

  23. […] that his long awaited TM 103 will be released on September 20, and on Tuesday, he announced a 26-ctiy tour that will begin in New Orleans on July 31, concluding in Seattle on September […]

  24. […] that his long awaited TM 103 will be released on September 20, and on Tuesday, he announced a 26-ctiy tour that will begin in New Orleans on July 31, concluding in Seattle on September […]

  25. […] that his long awaited TM 103 will be released on September 20, and on Tuesday, he announced a 26-ctiy tour that will begin in New Orleans on July 31, concluding in Seattle on September […]

  26. […] that his long awaited TM 103 will be released on September 20, and on Tuesday, he announced a 26-ctiy tour that will begin in New Orleans on July 31, concluding in Seattle on September […]

  27. […] that his long awaited TM 103 will be released on September 20, and on Tuesday, he announced a 26-ctiy tour that will begin in New Orleans on July 31, concluding in Seattle on September […]

  28. […] that his long awaited TM 103 will be released on September 20, and on Tuesday, he announced a 26-ctiy tour that will begin in New Orleans on July 31, concluding in Seattle on September […]

  29. […] that his long awaited TM 103 will be released on September 20, and on Tuesday, he announced a 26-ctiy tour that will begin in New Orleans on July 31, concluding in Seattle on September […]

  30. […] that his long awaited TM 103 will be released on September 20, and on Tuesday, he announced a 26-ctiy tour that will begin in New Orleans on July 31, concluding in Seattle on September 2. Share your […]

  31. […] that his long awaited TM 103 will be released on September 20, and on Tuesday, he announced a 26-ctiy tour that will begin in New Orleans on July 31, concluding in Seattle on September […]

  32. […] released on September 20, and on Tuesday, he announced a 26-ctiy tour that will begin in New Orleans on July […]

  33. […] that his long awaited TM 103 will be released on September 20, and on Tuesday, he announced a 26-ctiy tour that will begin in New Orleans on July 31, concluding in Seattle on September […]

  34. […] that his long awaited TM 103 will be released on September 20, and on Tuesday, he announced a 26-ctiy tour that will begin in New Orleans on July 31, concluding in Seattle on September […]

  35. […] that his long awaited TM 103 will be released on September 20, and on Tuesday, he announced a 26-ctiy tour that will begin in New Orleans on July 31, concluding in Seattle on September […]

  36. […] that his prolonged awaited TM 103 will be expelled on Sep 20, and on Tuesday, he announced a 26-ctiy tour that will start in New Orleans on Jul 31, final in Seattle on Sep […]

  37. Idylic says:

    Im goin in Louisville, KY. Can’t wait cuz I missed him in ChiTown! Thankfully my travels bring me into a town the very day he is gonna set it off. Love Jeezy *muah*

  38. Scott says:

    When’s A Cold Day in Hell dropping? Been waitin on Gibbs to drop that for a hot minute. I hope he puts it out after the tour is over.

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