Fab 5 Freddy Explains E-Mail (1994)

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Ah man, we’ve come a long way baby. With MTV celebrating their 30th birthday on Monday, VH1 dug into their archives and dusted off a 17-year-old clip of Yo! MTV Raps host Fab 5 Freddy explaining email.

It’s easy to laugh now, but back then, this was some futuristic shit. Who would’ve thought technology would’ve come so far that you can send an email, or access the internet for that matter, via a mobile device. If you were lucky enough to even afford a computer, it took forever to log onto the ‘net. For Christ sakes, take look at that laptop Freddy’s using. That shit looks like he’s playing Battleship. After the jump, Kurt Loder gives an overall analysis of the ‘net.

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  1. RoeLuv says:

    There was a YouTube clip of Bryant Gumbel explaining email from the mid 90’s. It is crazy how far we’ve come. (as I type this on my iPhone)..still no flying cars tho ;(

  2. COLD DEATH says:


  3. lol says:

    Remember diskettes? lol

  4. still best rite now!! says:

    we was on that Oregon Trail heavy!! lmao

  5. lol says:

    holy shit NETSCAPE!!! lol damn wonder what happened to the dude who got 3 years for distributing porn online he must be pissed in 2011 lmao damn crazy how far it came damn when’s the last time anyone used AOL lol

  6. xxbomberxx says:

    This sounds like a conversation I overheard yesterday with my grandpops explaining computers to my grandma

  7. Aj says:

    Lmfao @Cold Death. Damn man, I’ll try to hustle up sum money to buy u a computer. Thats fucked up.

  8. Ricky Retardo says:

    america online and netscape wow!

  9. Deuce says:

    Lol at jerking off to still pictures on the internet

  10. rajon chrondo says:

    somethin we all take for granted @deuce

  11. SmokinAces says:

    My man said AOL. That shit used to move slow as shit to. And that loud ass noise it made you were connecting lol.

    @still best rite now!! Oregon Trail was the shit. And Sim City. Build a whole city then destroy the shit with tornado and earthquakes.

  12. yes oregon trail!! i was all over that too. that and laura croft!! my first first person shooter game. my parents still rock with aol. so old school. lmao. dial up is for fools.

  13. fat burning products says:


  14. WTF says:

    LOL! He said “Phone Line Connection!”

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