1. I Be Sayin... says:

    Word to Craig Mack.

  2. @last says:

    would sound cool if they dueted the chorus and alternated on the verses…

  3. lob says:

    lol there are way better pictures of her. song is nice.

  4. HAHAHAHA says:

    kinda boring but there’s a few moments…

  5. wow says:

    cudi i mean oceans version is better… better dynamic between his highs and normal singing voice… her’s kinda just went str8 thru but its a dope song nonetheless and had i not heard the original i would have been like finally this chic drops a song we could fuck wit… so ++

  6. YeBoy says:

    i like this. better than all that up tempo dance stuff everyone keeps doing.

  7. xtrajordinary says:

    frank ocean’s>

  8. Sam I Am says:

    i hate when stuff like this happens. If a song is demo for someone else, it shouldnt be released. it completely undermines the artist. maes them look like a tool.

  9. Sam I Am says:

    *makes them look like a tool

  10. Rome says:

    I hate shit like this. I’m stickin with the Frank Ocean version. Artists should protect references.

  11. Truth (The real one) says:

    Or….Just do a duet….

  12. Tim Lee VA Stand Up says:

    Shes definitely gonna feel the effects of Frank Ocean’s version coming out first. Thats fucked up, she shouldnt have to deal with that shit. Luckily Jamie Foxx got away scott free (generally speaking, in my opinion Drake killed Jamie’s version) with Fall for Your Type. That is fucked up though.

    I dig the Duet Idea @ Truth

  13. smh says:

    both are nice.. franks is better though.. or maybe its just grown on me.. i like this bridget kelly chick. though i;ve barely heard 3 tracks..

  14. Sam I Am says:

    @tim lee

    did Foxx really get away with it? Not to me at least. and i think it helped because Drake still featured on it, but i wouldnt say he got off scot-free.

  15. Converse says:

    What the fuck is this shit?

  16. Kareem says:

    The difference is, Frank leaked it himself. And also pur the transcribed lyrics on his Tumblr, too. Drake ain’t do Foxx dirty like THAT. Some other third party leaked their shit.

  17. Sam I Am says:


    thats foul

  18. CJ says:

    This is not bad at all.. but I agree with mostly all of the comments above. It’s unfair to her that Frank Ocean’s version was released first. His is superior.

  19. James says:

    Jay-z let one of his artist drop a song? LMAO…good job Bridget but we wont heard from you again….word to J Cole

  20. blakep267 says:

    yea, I think Franks range and the way he sung it was better. Her version is fine too, but come on, if somebody sang thriller after MJ did it. We;d know which version was better

  21. Pete from Harlem says:

    Both versions are cool.
    I like Frank Ocean’s better.
    To me,this isn’t the best song for her.
    Waaaaay too moody.
    For her tone and overall feel.
    But it’s a Frank Ocean joint.
    It’s not a good fit for her.

  22. Pete from Harlem says:

    She’s still trying to find her sound.
    Or should I say, Roc Nation is still trying to find her sound.

  23. gthangrec says:

    y didnt kelly rowland use this guy!!!

  24. […] Yesterday, we thought we got a brand new song from Frank Ocean. Turns out it was a demo for a tune that actually belongs to Roc Nation's Bridget Kelly. Not bad, but we might have to go with Mr. Ocean's version. Life+Times … Read More […]

  25. Yo says:

    Ahhh i get it,
    Frank Ocean wrote the lyrics
    thats why the leaked demo.
    Whyd he let that tune slip to somebody else though ? hmmmm

  26. 106 says:

    This version is better by far.

  27. […] Ocean teams up with High Five Collective to bring forth his new video for his track which was written for Bridget Kelly. Interesting video to say the least. Share […]

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  31. […] Twista has your girl on the brain by adding his signature flow for his rendition of

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    […] Twista has your girl on the brain by adding his signature flow for his rendition of

  33. Leevora Harris says:

    This is a good version but Frank Ocean killed it and his video to the song…no one can top that! He touched my heart when I first heard him sing it! Sorry love! But she does have a nice voice.

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