New Music: Yelawolf x Lil Jon “Hard White (Up In The Club)”

It’s about time! Here’s the first official offering from Yela’s Ghetto-Vision/Shady Records debut. Produced by Tha Hydrox. Radioactive on the way!

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  1. Toe Tagger says:

    Hard white boy crack. Pause.

  2. cmosa says:

    he wasn’t kidding about it being radio-active.. this shit sounds ready for the club. can’t wait to hear the whole album, so excited. get em catfish billay

  3. what,the,fuck,do,i,know says:

    would have been better than gangster of love if it wasnt for LIL JOHNS QUEER VOICE

  4. Jwax81 says:

    Killing The Game Yelawolf

  5. TheTruthIs... says:

    He killed this shit.

  6. mac DIESEL says:



  7. Deucetwoseven says:

    Fucking beat is insane.

  8. Rob Wydeven says:


  9. Martinez says:

    Wow, this is great. Nice sample btw

  10. Me says:

    Download link?!??!?! anyone?!?!?

  11. STRAYE says:


  12. KT says:

    good to strip to
    good to go!

  13. MistaSevenFour says:

    one of yela’s Best? i kinda think so

  14. this record is HARD AZ FUCK!!!! LOL. let’s hope these faggot ass dj’s catch on to this asap wit this!!!! lets go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yelawolf killed this shit!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. B.A. says:

    YES SIIIIIIIIIR, BAMA!!! This shit goes hard. Yela ready to get a grip on 2012.

  16. jessy says:

    I love Yelawolf but im not feelin this

  17. Weezy f f baby and the f f is for fucking faggot! says:


  18. Jaymalls says:

    i hate when dudes try and compare Jay 2 Eminem. This isnt really promotion. When Eminem does promotion for his albums… there is no comparison. He is Jimmy Iovine’s golden child.
    Did anybody noticed that Relapse, which was arguably 1 of the weakest albums of last year, but yet the most played hip-hop/rap album on TV and radio that year??? Hmmm…. numbers do lie!

  19. cruz00005 says:

    ^^^relapse wasnt weak…

  20. motherfuckerjones says:

    Wtf ft lil jon all he did was say yeah in his gay ass mainstream voice

  21. […] Here is the first official single from Yelawolf’s upcoming album Radioactive due out 9/27. This will hit iTunes & other online stores next Monday, August 8th. Props to RR. […]

  22. mr.nick216 says:

    This album is gnna be raw a’f no doubt…

  23. […] New single from Yelawolf’s Radioactive album. Features Lil Jon (‘Memba him?). Radioactive drops September 27th. Props RR. […]

  24. azza101 says:

    DAYUMMM this shit is fucking DOPE!

  25. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    Haha this joint is kinda nice but that chick humming in the background is annoying.

  26. Gadfly says:

    this shit goes. I wasn’t sold on him but this is hard as fuck

  27. Ice Cold says:

    Shady Records!!!!!! lets goooo

  28. TA says:

    shit goes hard. hopefully he pushes this as a single. gunna get crazy spins in the club. ready for that album

  29. Brandy says:

    Well hello white bread, hip hops been waitin for ya! Shit is off the hook and cant wait to dance to it! Better yet can’t wait for you to tour your redneck ass to upstate NY so I can personally take photos of you on stage! YEEE-HAWWWW

  30. JB says:

    A bit of a dubstep kinda beat.
    Very minimal.

  31. k1ngeljay says:

    Feels good to be from Alabama right now…can’t even front.

    Good to see everyone else is seeing what Yela can do. Alabama cats already knew, dude’s special. And it has nothing to do with color as far as his skills.


  32. […] is currently working on his Ghetto-Vision/Shady Records debut album Radioactive & now RR comes through with the first single featuring Lil’ […]

  33. bx slime says:

    I hope this song gets pushed more by the label, Yelawolf deserves it. 9/27 is gonna be a very good day for hip-hop, This dude, J.Cole, Big K.R.I.T, 9th Wonder and Phonte are dropping an album.

  34. […] Rap Radar More posts by kenny» Follow @PhillyCustoms on Twitter Comments Filed Under: […]

  35. Thank Me Hater says:

    This shit is dope

  36. D says:

    Normally I wouldn’t care for Yela or Lil Jon, but good god this song is bonkers.

  37. […] The official single for Yelawolf’s upcoming album Radioactive, dropping 9.27.11, is here. RR […]

  38. […] angry and makes a Limp Bizkit reference. Related: Limp Bizkit are back? Hear the track over at Rap Radar, preferably on good speakers. var addthis_product = 'wpp-258'; var addthis_config = […]

  39. BL35T says:

    lil jon should’nt have been on this song.. nuff said’ Just yelawolf

  40. J says:

    fuck shit damn he killed it

  41. Converse says:

    What the fuck is this shit?

  42. Converse says:

    Str8 ass music? cracka sound like a strung out meth head lmao

  43. submitcomment says:

    killed it.

  44. James says:

    Come on this is a generic club song. Same shit you hear on the radio smh

  45. Chadhalac says:

    Damn this sample is INSANE. and Jon is back!

  46. King (real one) says:

    The beat is insane…Yella did his thing!!!

  47. Cali's Finest says:

    This shit is CRACK!! if this ain’t a Banger, Idk what is…and Yela got himself a Hit without a Lex Luger beat or Pop Hook!
    Altho, I think the beats sounds alot similiar to Rich Boy’s “Drop”

  48. the One says:

    This track goes hard straight banger!! Remember Yellow wolf I made it cool to like you !!!!!!

  49. History_of_Negrum says:

    That shits wack

  50. This Cold Black says:

    This shit is wack. Yelawolf is average at best, and I fucking hate Lil Jon.

    Where are they now?

  51. says:


  52. the penguin says:

    @Gadfly Im a shady fan, and I wasnt sold on him either, but Practice Practice Practice, he’s ready for the world to know who he is…….

  53. Maleuka says:

    Crazy shit !!!!

  54. MadMike0082 says:

    Ill never get why Eminem signed the only rapper to ever rip his flow off 100%. I mean we are all influenced by people but come on son…. If you cant hear the exact copy of all of Em’s different flows then you dont hear music.

  55. res1 says:

    Great track! YELA keeps winning!!
    shady 2.0

  56. This album is gnna be raw a’f no doubt…

  57. GLASS says:

    fucking crazy. this shit go hard. thank god gangster of love leaked, cuz this deserve to be a single

  58. 9th wonder says:

    ahhhhhh cant get into this cat(Pause) but hey seems like he doing something right

  59. blake says:

    I’ve got to admit, when i saw ft. Lil Jon I was like ahhhhh…. But this shit is hard!

  60. brantley boy says:

    yo they just need to be in there own league..him lil wyte and em.. its over for this rap shit/…

  61. […] YN lets loose the first single (officially) off the upcoming Shady records debut album “Radioactive.” […]

  62. […] 5 PostsNew Music: Yelawolf x Lil Jon “Hard White (Up In The Club)”Posted by: YNGayle King On The Throne Listening SessionPosted by: Big HomieJay-Z Partners With […]

  63. Marshall says:



  64. Faida says:

    è UNA BOMBA!



  65. ishhhh says:


    Songs soooo dope

  66. Sir Ron says:

    Yela killed it i just hope that wasn’t the best song if it was the album going to flop. Just sayin

  67. […] might have noticed the guy with the hot new single has been riding around the Warped Tour in a pretty nice bus lately. Well the cool whip is courtesy […]

  68. Leisure says:

    Great Track!! Cat Fish Billy

  69. LaShawn says:

    Cant wait to hear Drake on this beat

  70. […] kann man dieses Spektakel bei Ab nächstem Montag könnt ihr die Single dann beim Digital-Dealer eures Vertrauens käuflich […]

  71. rodipipes says:

    DOPE! Love it! Yelawolf! Shady!

  72. Bangers N Mash says:

    Hard as fuck.

  73. MadMike0082 says:

    On the real dude sounds like Crucial Conflict from 95′

    Nigga its the final tiiiip!

  74. Corey says:

    I cant wait till the new shit is out!

  75. […] to now the album will now be released on October 25th. Make sure you check out his first single here. Share […]

  76. ToiletSpatula says:

    Comparing Jay and Em = Comparing Yelawolf and J. Cole
    You either like one, or both leave it at that suckas!

  77. […] nothing but ass ass ass in this short teaser for Yela’s upcoming vid. This is the first single off his upcoming album. Radioactive happens October 25. Share […]

  78. […] nothing but ass ass ass in this short teaser for Yela’s upcoming vid. This is the first single off his upcoming album. Radioactive happens October […]

  79. […] nothing but ass ass ass in this short teaser for Yela’s upcoming vid. This is the first single off his upcoming album. Radioactive happens October […]

  80. nikki says:

    whats the sample in the background with the womans voice??
    i remember hearing it on a song a few years back and i cant remember the song it was from but i used to love that song

  81. […] Yelawolf’s new track featuring Shady’s general and Gangsta Boo. Yea, hoe Yela’s three-for-three. You ain’t ready bitch Radioactive November 21. Share […]

  82. […] Yelawolf’s new track featuring Shady’s general and Gangsta Boo. Yea, hoe Yela’s three-for-three. You ain’t ready for it bitch! Radioactive […]

  83. […] Yelawolf’s new track featuring Shady’s general and Gangsta Boo. Yea, hoe Yela’s three-for-three. You ain’t ready for it bitch! Radioactive […]

  84. […] throws up Yelawolf’s new track featuring Shady’s general and Gangsta Boo. Yea, hoe Yela’s three-for-three. You ain’t ready for it bitch! Radioactive […]

  85. […] Yelawolf’s new track featuring Shady’s general and Gangsta Boo. Yea, hoe Yela’s three-for-three. You ain’t ready for it bitch! Radioactive […]

  86. […] throws up Yelawolf’s new track featuring Shady’s general and Gangsta Boo. Yea, hoe Yela’s three-for-three. You ain’t ready for it bitch! Radioactive […]

  87. […] releases Yelawolf’s new track featuring Shady’s general and Gangsta Boo. Yea, hoe! Yela’s three-for-three. You ain’t ready for it bitch! Radioactive […]

  88. marcus says:

    my nigga you killed this shit

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