Kanye West Freestyles In Denmark

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While performing at Tivoli Copenhagen, Denmark on Thursday, Kanye took a moment to do a quick freestyle with the Auto-Tune turned all the way up. Don’t forget, Watch The Throne in stores now.

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  1. What? says:

    You should post the video with Prince bringing out Kanye West @ Way Out West, in Gothenburg.

  2. Me says:

    Not all rappers can freestyle real good and yeezy is one of those that cant…..

  3. So Icy Boiǃ says:

    Kanye da worst rappa alive. his muzik suckz elephant balls. he not creative or talented. fucken pop nigguh. MBDTF wuz wack…. watch tha thong gon flop had. #FERRARIBOYZ #ALBUMOF2011. swag

  4. Fuck Ya Life says:


    This nigga. That bullshit made me forget what the fuck I really wanted to post.

  5. So Icy Boiǃ says:

    ^^ coz u fucken dumb. how can u forgot what u wanted 2 post ninja? #FERARRIBOYZ #BUYONITUNESORAMAZON #1MILLIFIRSTWEEK #REVOLUTION swag

  6. CodyB says:

    Hahaha 1 milli first week hashtag made me laugh pretty hard

  7. Fuck Ya Life says:


    Cuz u blurt out shit like that thats why. Niggas already know ur a fuckin troll but u more than that on some semi retard shit. Get Waka dick out ya ass and Gucci dick out ya mouth them niggas is wack but the fact that u called me a ninja means u prolly a white boy who don’t know bout this shit anyway.

  8. So Icy Boiǃ says:

    ^ u called me white boi? U CALLED ME WHITE? I kill ya bitch nigguh. I hate whitez & u. fagget. whatz yo address? Im a real thug. I was in jail 3 fucken timez. dont mess with real gangsta niggaz. swag

  9. Fuck Ya Life says:

    haha oh shit white boy got mad cuz I called him white boy.

  10. Aj says:

    @ Fuck Ya Life, face it, Kanye west is terrible.

  11. Capeman says:

    809 & Heartbreaks, The Sequel, lol

  12. Fuck Ya Life says:


    Even tho this is a Kanye post this had nothin to do with on why I was bashing Icy Bitch. I diss niggas on here that says retarded off the wall shit. But as far as Kanye being terrible I can say yes this video is terrible but overall I can name at least 5 people worse then him right now.

  13. Aj says:

    @ Fuck ya Life, well Gucci and Flocka are better than kanye.

  14. So Icy Boiǃ says:

    @ Aj knows whut good music is. u still a bitch. mac DIESEL fucked yo momma. Cold Death fucked yo momma. I fucked yo hoe momma too. lmao. fucken white boi. swag

  15. So Icy Boiǃ says:

    @Fuck Ya Life u dumber den dumb & dumber. u forget whut u wanted to post. retard. lmao. swag

  16. Fuck Ya Life says:


    lol Gucci is barely on par with that Kreyshawn bitch and Flocka is wacker then Gucci. Don’t matter either way cuz I ain’t a fan of none of these niggas.

  17. So Icy Boiǃ says:

    I’m an intellectual and educated black man though. I’m just irrelevant on an irrelevant blog site. Paul Rosenberg is my boss. I’ve worked on ‘Recovery’. swag

  18. Fuck Ya Life says:

    @So Icy Boi really nigga “dumber den dumb & dumber” Ima give u 10 mins to come with somethin better.

  19. So Icy Boiǃ says:

    @Fuck Ya Life Read my last comment and finish the school! Blogging is not a career choice.

  20. So Icy Boiǃ says:

    Oh, I forget – “swag”.

  21. Aj says:

    @ So Icy Boi, y you come at me? Huh? You bitch ass nigga. My whole block and @ Fuck Ya Life ‘s whole block fucked yo slutty momma and grandma. You fuckin fag. What type of nigga name hisself after a group and puttin yoself in the group. Dont play with me boy. I a beat the shit outta yo ass in person. NIGGA!!!!

  22. CodyB says:

    @ aj and fuck ya life

    You two are truly the stupid ones if you fail to realize when someone is joking around or being sarcastic.. U really think so icy boi thinks Ferrari bouzouki is gonna push 20 mil albums worldwide? Seriously calm down

  23. Aj says:

    @ CodyB, you are the stupid one because I clearly was agreeing with @ So Icy Bitch, and only started going at him when he started saying some stupid about my momma. So do you know what you are saying?

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  25. Stan says:


    Anyways! 🙂

    I was there. Woo

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