Yelawolf Radioactive Pushed Back

Yelawolf’s debut album, Radioactive was originally scheduled for a September 27th release date, but now the album will now be released on October 25th. Make sure you check out his first single here.

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  1. Que Dijo!? says:

    Hell yeah can’t waite!! I hope he uses the same producers from trunk muzik, every song was a banger!!!!

  2. Not surprised, but it would have been good to see J.cole’s album and Yelawolf’s album in the same week

  3. Not surprised, but it would have been good to see J.cole’s album and Yelawolf’s album in the same week

  4. Black Cloud says:

    J Cole will body that nigga

  5. Fuck Ya Life says:

    Well he’s damn sure bout to get bodied now cuz thats the day after Drake releases.

  6. Davvvve says:

    It’s a good move.
    As long as he puts out good music he’ll be aight

  7. Shaq says:

    FUCK! Can’t wait …

  8. Frankie says:

    shit now at least i can get that for my bday haha oys on the 28th so dope shit i think jcole & yelawolfs album are the only ones ill be buying haha

  9. jetsfoo says:

    j cole is cool, but body that nigga? LOL SMH , yela could rap circles round j

  10. tron says:

    “but according to now the album will now be released on October 25th”

    Yo is this nigga NOW the nigga that pushed tha carter 4 back too!?!?!?

  11. Your Father says:

    Good call!
    Yela needs time to build some momentum.

  12. Black Shady says:

    good shit he pushed it back. Sept 27 is ALL ABOUT COLE NIGGA!!!!


  13. Manjeo says:

    bwahhhhhhhh!!! move bitch it’s Cole World !!!!!!!!!!

  14. fake ass em ^^^ says:

    haha cole and big krit got this wack artist shook hahah

  15. MadMike0082 says:

    Who fucking cares …. Dude sounds like a southern trailer park version of Eminem…….

    I rarely dont like a new artist AT ALL but this mo fugga makes me cringe its so forced sounding.

  16. Gordon B. says:

    One of them was going to move and J. Cole already has the promo going and tour dates set so this wasn’t really a surprise.

  17. ppppp says:

    and it will be pushed back again.. and again… and again….

  18. breaks says:

    Jump off the same date as Cole & K.R.I.T.’s debut albums.

    Jump on the same date as Drake’s sophomore album.

    Was this a good move or a retarded move? I can’t tell.

  19. Aj says:

    @ Mad Mike 0082, eminem sounds like a southern trailer park version of eminem.

  20. Aggie Pride says:

    I Guess 2much J.Cole & Jeezy

  21. Money says:

    big krit album drop on sep 27 too

  22. Res1 says:

    I hate it when shady is pushing albums back, but i think this was a smart move…yela needs more promo!

  23. hahahateonme says:



  24. […] the 27th. Yelawolf has pushed his album back to the 25th of October according to the guys over at RapRadar. Look on the bright side though, there’s still Cole, 9th Wonder and Phonte dropping on the […]

  25. Tanya says:

    There are many people who are angry because they want to buy others a snack but it doesn’t happen, because everyone doesn’t tell who doesn’t have money, and there are those who are not showing up. For example McDonalds…

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