New Video: Bad Meets Evil x Bruno Mars “Lighters”
August 22, 2011 @ 12:14 PM EDT

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Eminem fades to blonde while Royce returns to the can for Bad Meets Evil’s new video featuring Bruno Mars. Dope concept. Hell: The Sequel in stores now.
Swag, straight fire
These niggas suck.
I can’t hate anymore. This is very nice
song is good i don’t know why niggas hate on it.
i like this shit because it
worst song on the whole album…doesn’t fit the tone of it.
Like seriously, who listens to eminem ? Not to be funny, but Im dead serious. Who actually listens to eminem.
song is dope, i really don’t see why cats hate on it… dope video
^^^white people
@ask me wow thhat is is so fuckin true ha
but yeh the vid is dope, and song is good if bruno mars dint ruin the mood and scream shit. Love that em went to blonde ha slim shady shit right there!
Like seriously, who listens to eminem ? Not to be funny, but Im dead serious. Who actually listens to eminem.
are you stupid
alot of people cause he 1 of the biggest sellers
who listens to rick ross ????????????????????????????????????????????????
@ So Icy Boi, your a fag who gets fucked in the ass by yo daddy.
@ rpqc, stop lying to him. Only white people listen to eminem and you know it.
Icy boi quit choking on guccis dick you faggot-ass muthafucker. Shady Records taking over!
radio likes it and so do alot of people so who cares BITCHES
Dope video!! love the concept
I love em but this shit is trash….32 bar verses with a hook that barely fits? Em could really shit on a record and itd be a hit tho
I am black and I know a whole lot of people listen to em nd dats cs he is d best! Even Rakim said if he was black he wud be d mohamed ali of rap! So who the fuck r u to hate? Stop playing d racial card and accept talent
Wow? only thing they are missing is a rainbow flag
Royce sold out? nigga sucking feminem dick on wax? and what was the outcome? a top 10 hit a #1 album? and a loss of respect
not my type of song but its good to em has grown up and is making differnt tracks now cause he would have never done this a few years ago and i hear this on the radio quite alot so its all love
lol @ “ask me”
Why does everybody hates Eminem? Lil Wayne collaborated with Madonna, Cassie, Jay Sean, Mike Posner, Jennifer Lopez and Enrique Iglesias. Fools say “Lil Wayne is the best rapper alive”. That gay nigga is a pop star, kissing man, making straight pop songs (“Lollipop”, “How to Love”…) and collaborating with gay pop stars.
Where are they now?
Why does everybody hate Eminem? Lil Wayne collaborated with Madonna, Cassie, Jay Sean, Mike Posner, Jennifer Lopez and Enrique Iglesias. Fools say “Lil Wayne is the best rapper alive”. That gay nigga is a pop star, kissing man, making straight pop songs (“Lollipop”, “How to Love”…) and collaborating with gay pop stars.
Where are they now?
Not a fan of the song what so ever, but this video is well done. Bruno Mars needs to “jump on a grenade”. Can’t stand his whiny a**.
i swear u r bunch of fuckin loosers haters suck i know he is the GOAT with such critics and foggot haters fuckin bitches
Give it up for the King of Hip hop and Royce too.
@so Icy boi
Its Ferrari. not Ferrery. Its never to late to get an education.
You know eminem is trailer park trash and only white people listen to him. Im watching Jerry Springer and a white girl said she hasnt heard a good white rapper since eminem. Hahaha lmao. Eminem = white trailer park trash.
Ummm… How did they overlook the trap doors until this video (especially Royce)? And Bruno really had no involovement in the video other playing on a piano. But other than those two points, I like this video. The concept was original and the ending was great.
yall are idiots, if em was black with all that diff subject matter and rhyming skill our community would have been on his dick too.
@ So Icy Boi, wtf ? Whats with all the shout outs. Anyways, you a flame job. Come to Miami and get stomped. Fuck Gucci mane. You parents are swingers. And they got charged with beastality. Get off this site nigga.
Niggaz lie like groupies claiming they dont listen to eminem in d hood…lol..then how does he sell that much????haters
Whoah Em with blond hair. I never thought I
Elton John said this video make him look str8
Drake said this is gayer than the tramp stamp owl on his back
I hate pop! bring in more bricksquad!
fuck haters 😉
@ Me, is your question serious ? Obviously he sells that many records from white people. People in the hood do not go and buy eminem cds.
Omg stop hating! I have black friends and they listen to Eminem so stop talking shit!
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Respect Shady Records !!!
Video is kind of weak
Black people listening to feminem? what is that a myth? a folklore?
Corey: Yo bruh u got that new Feminem album?
Quentin: What fool? Why would I spend my hard earn money? on a pardoy of hiphop? Im not gay or white? I cant relate to killing myself and fucking my pop
Shawn: True *kanye shrug*
@Aj Stop talking crap you stupid n*****!
@Amaya Can we fuck? Swag
They listen to EM everywhere hood or burbs. Em got a loyal fanbase and plus he’s talented. Look at the last 2 solo albums TALENT over B.S.(wayne, ross, drake, nick) anyway in my book. My opinion I think some people (icy boy) cant handle the fact that sum white boy is KILLIN hip hop.
Cosign @ Cold Death. Next post could be “Lil Wayne x Lenny Kravitz “Pop PopPop” and niggas would say Waynes “branching out”. Bunch of hyporcites that comment forreal. News flash, your favorite rappers wish they could have even a fraction of Ems sales, respect, fame, relevancy, etc etc. Your hate comments obviously stem from jealousy of your favorite rapper not being as popular. Its okay, try buying albums more and maybe…just maybe…they can be as big as Em, Jay, Ye and so on.
i hope we get some blonde hair shady tracks in the future.
@ jake, are you a mad white boy ? Nobody cares about your oreo friends. Eminem sucks like white girls. Honk for honkey.
I don’t get why people are obsessed with ” nobody bumps em in the hood.” Well elzhi, apathy, raekwon – madd dope rappers don’t sell shit for numbers. Em moves records – and it is the white audience who cops his shit. Why the hate? Rap is the mainstream now, and honestly more people CONNECT with eminem than Rappers like raekwon. It’s not 1993 anymore.
SHADY we stay winning!!! Haters maddddd
Not Hip-Hop.
Not a fan of the song but the video is fucking awesome. Not Dickridin at all. Its awesome, amazing, astonishing, made me look the song with other eyes
we need Bad Meet Evil LP (producer’s : Dr.Dre &Dj premier & Alchamist & Cool & dre & Havov & Djkhalil)
@ icy boi
u a dumb sucka black shady some1 else. Shady taking over. Ya Dig!
Em= GOAT…. Not 1 rapper can match him bar for bar… Em is def the greatest to ever do it in this game… Men lie, women lie, numbers dont…. Deal with it suckaz…
@ sweet lou, I shouldnt even say anything to you because you have such a faggot name. Matter of fact, Im not even going to argue with you, because from yo name we can see everything u say is a lie and makes no sense.
The day this video is released, it’s the day my connection is slower than a fucking snail. fml.
sit down and shut up for a min..u all need to look at wat yall r sayin…first of all ive been reading the comments for the past few months and there is way to much hate goin on…YES eminem is by far the best selling rapper in our generation…and YES wat he says on a track has way more meaning than watever gucci mane has to say…as well as other rappers too…yall hate the man cause hes white…so waT does his skin color have to do wit raw talent…hmm…nothing…if gucci or waka were ever blessed enuf to be on a track wit em would u start hating them to..even tho em would never waste his time wit those losers…EMS past 2 solo cds sold more then waka and gucci comined for there whole careers….brrrr…….stay in yall respected lanes and keep it moving..also @soicyboi….u need to get a life dude…get a job, make sum money and get out yer parents basement…real talk… sure u jus say the things u say cause u like to be provocative(big word for u i no) and deep down inside u really r a fan of ems…keep the comments nuetral or dont comment at all….and finnaly if em wasnt so respected y do all other major hiphop artist want to work with him so bad…cause they no hes the G.O.A.T
They say they don’t listen to me in the hood but I’ve been on tracks with dr.dre snoop dogg ice cube xzibit kurupt jay-z T.I. 50 Cent lloyd banks and ect.. Hiphop heads stand up and trap stars please sit down..
Opinions and racism are two diffrent things.. Keep debating but stop with the hating..
Eminem > jay z – renegade
Eminem > drake kanye west and lil wayne – forever
Eminem > lil wayne drop the world
This song has yet to grow on me. It’s not the lyrics, or the corny hook, but I just hate the beat.
Dope video, and it is a pop song, and the 2nd worst song on the album to me (I didn’t like I’m ON Everything) but it’s still a good song
Bad Meets Evil > Watch The Throne
This shit is hot. Swag
Fucking fag
BM3 stays killinem!!!
I feel you but his last 2 solo albums are a bad example if you wanna argue that Em is the best. Relapse and Recovery aren’t his greatest material. As a matter of fact Relapse, in my opinion, is his worst album. Recovery was better but still nothing close to his first 3 albums.
The king himself!!!
Long live the king!!!
Long live the king!!!
Long live the king!!!
Don’t let relapse go over your head.. Metephorse and wordplay we’re on point but I lost it a little bit with the voice overs.. Relapse was a play off my slim shady ego everyone wanted and asked for… Encore was by far my worst album but hey even Nas had nastradamus
I HATE product placement!!
greatest of all time
how did I guess A MONTH AGO that it would start with a corny handheld shot of Bruno Mars sitting at an upright piano in a dingy space?
(rich lee)
Whackest of all time!!
Blonde hair = Slim Shady album coming soon
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Lamest song on the album, kept album from being a classic. And id still rather hear this than R.e.d. Album BS. or Garbage 4 I mean carter 4 or pig ross. 2 much dickridin on here. My last question is for So icy boy how does gucci dick taste? Everytime I read comments I see u lovin that gucci penis. Dont hate my observation
@Ttomcatt thanks for the typo dick lol
this must be the gayest shit ive ever seen! song wack, video wack! and i was a huge fan of eminem until he dropped recovery! he betrayed himself with this shit! hopping on the pop wave as a great rapper aint funny! eminem aint real anymore! someone must have brainwashed this white nigga! just compare this shit to his classics like stan, the way i am, without me, mosh, etc.! EMINEM IS DEAD, THIS WHITE GUY IN THE VIDEO IS AN OTHER PERSON!
Dope,,em looks great
Had a dream em was king i woke up still king.
Video is alright.They spit on here.This is for the pop stations
Sold out wack!!