1. Lil Majer The Cartune says:

    … I guess…

  2. dashing says:

    Dope. It’s pretty obvious that they need to do a dope song together. Get “Slim Shady” back for just one joint.

    Relapse wasn’t as bad as Eminem made it out to be. He has like 10 references on Recovery about how bad it was. It wasn’t THAT bad. It was infinitely better than Encore and had some hot joints on it “3Am” “Stay Wide Awake” “Underground” “Deja Vu”

  3. CarreraLu says:

    I dunno why everybody thinks Relapse sucked. I disagree. Tyler sort of reminds me of early 2000 Eminem now that i think about it… with the whole “I don’t give a fuck” attitude.

  4. Hands says:

    i agree with dashing. em is even bashing it on bad meets evil. i think it’s hillarious that earl sweatshirt shouts that album out as well on his shit as well

  5. Rapey Jones says:

    Crossin mah fingers for the collabo. Wolf Haley n Slim Shady. Would B dope as FUCK.


  6. ..... says:

    funny how niggas hate all day on tyler..but then you got greats like em and kanye who show him love…wake up people..

  7. marko-v says:

    Yea mos definitely an improvement from Encore and a collab wit Tyler on da next album cud b amazing. Check me out tho: http://t.co/nJ1KYZx

  8. Duke Sidewalker says:


  9. Word says:

    I never thought it was THAT bad either. Beat selection was great to me. Its just the subject matter and his voice that threw ppl off on some songs, but he flowed well in his REGULAR voice on some of those songs better than he does now. It had some joints on it, and it def wasnt as bas as Encore but whenyou rank itjust above Encore, ppl think your saying its bad. It ws cool in its own way I suppose.

  10. Word says:

    And yeah a Tyler and Em collabo would be dope…its mainly gonna be about disfigurement of women I bet Lol but hey, give it a hot beat and it would be cool to me.

  11. catcher freeman says:

    id like to hear em over a tyler beat

  12. 99 Problems says:

    I definitely see a connection between Tyler and early Eminem……..that is if early Eminem had been talentless and African American.

  13. clbobe says:

    Relapse was dope. Way better than Encore and Recovery.

  14. Def says:

    Tyler the creator has this whole “I dont give a shit” attitude then he Gushes on twitter like a pre. Pubescent bitch when he meets rappers. he did the same shit with Pusha T

  15. ColoradoKnight says:

    I’ll never understand why Em disregards Relapse so much? I thought it was a good album. The accent he used was a bit much, but other than that, it was fresh.

  16. Ac@pella! says:

    Is about to suck Em’s dick? Lol. Naw, jus kiddin’…but yeah, Relapse wasn’t as bad as niggaz made it seem. It was jus really graphic.

  17. gman says:

    Looks like he just sucked him off.

  18. drakesucks says:

    tyler is the young eminem, the “wont the real slim shady please stand up”- eminem and not the suck ass “love the way you lie”-eminem … tylers right:

    RELAPSE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RECOVERY

  19. @Mr. The Creator says:

    This is the picture that you’re taking with your idol. Captured recognition for your art, from the 1 person that means the most. You’re going to be showing this to everybody you know. You’re gonna frame this shit, hang it on your wall, and tell your grandkids the story behind it one day…

    Why the fuck are you on your knees?

  20. get bucks says:

    OFWGKTA is on fiyahhhhhhhh!!!! Stop H8tin on dem youngstas!!!

  21. Jaymalls says:

    ENCORE, RELAPSE, & That RE-UP BS SUCKED SHITTY BABOON ASS!!! Dont let Tyler troll u cock holders that dont have an opinion for yourselves into thinking that shit was hot. He most likely was playing around!

    P.S. A collab would be dope though… only if its slim shady or marshal mathers…. not this guys we know as Eminem.

  22. slimshady says:

    Cosign everybody RELAPSE WAS MILES BETTER THAN RECOVERY. Better beats, dope lyrics, no Rihanna, shit was hot namsayin.

  23. dadankness says:

    dashing says:
    Thursday, September 01 2011 at 12:46 PM EST
    Dope. It’s pretty obvious that they need to do a dope song together. Get “Slim Shady” back for just one joint.

    Relapse wasn’t as bad as Eminem made it out to be. He has like 10 references on Recovery about how bad it was. It wasn’t THAT bad. It was infinitely better than Encore and had some hot joints on it “3Am” “Stay Wide Awake” “Underground” “Deja Vu”

    On Bad Meets Evil he obviously re negs all that shit and he put out recovery with all those bad words towards relapse because he wanted the girls he alienated to come back to him so he put out an album of pop.. then he released bad meets evil where he praises relapse.. specifically in the song reunion..

    Eminem kinda turned me off with recovery because it was aimed towards women and record sales.. His label saw that relapse didnt sell like they wanted so they made MADE him put out a bullshit album that wasnt completely produced by DRE like all of his other albums..

    Thats why relapse was so over the top dope because 90 percent maybe even one hundred percent of it produced by dre.. Eminem on other peoples beats is cool if he is featured on a song.. but there had better be no more bullshit albums like recovery because em and dre is what people grew up on and eminem dont sound that great produced by the pop calacade like he was on recovery(just blaze jim jonsin bangladesh etc etc)

    FUCK RECOVERY relapse all the way.

    Oh and fuck tyler.

  24. drakesucks says:

    @@Mr. The Creator, because eminem is his atheist god and thats his worship position

  25. NewYorkNIGGA says:

    EM is dissing Relapse on Recovery but he is not dissing Relapse on Bad Meets Evil,he`s bashing a chick who bashed Relapse,on the song The Reunion.
    I liked both albums,but the beats on Relapse is waaaaay better than Recovery.
    But i like On Fire,Almost Famous,Cinderella Man,Untitled,Cold Wind Blows and Seduction.
    On Relapse i like almost everyone.
    Hope EM has one more solo album coming!

  26. Hip Hop Fan says:

    Yeah Em had said before he thought Tyler “could definitely rhyme” and he does. A collab would be awesome but Em picks and chooses wisely. Not saying he wont or will — *coughing — DJ Khaled. Either way WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THE PIC!?! Maybe Borat was in the back round to???? HRM

  27. Dope says:

    @dadankness well said, it’s obvious the label pushed Eminem into this soft women-friendly image he’s taking after Relapse. I don’t know why people whine about the accents, they only emphasize the deranged mind of a child who was raped from an early age and grew up into a serial racist/murdered. It’s a great concept album and there are still some personal songs in between, not even going to talk about how much his lyrics, flow and beats are better compared to Recovery.

    But hey, Recovery went 4 times platinum and I think Relapse is still at 2X as of now, so guess the label will continue with pushing that, plus Eminem seems a little scared to go full Shady on every one of those critics like he used to, guess being careful not to mess up his status or something, so even he calls Relapse a failed CD, but time will tell I guess, like Em himself says in one of his lines ”years later they go back and re-rate it”

  28. NYC says:

    Relapse ? great? hahahahahaahahahahahahhaaha out of all albums , he said Em’s Relapse was great?

  29. Africa-Rules says:

    Relapse dope album top 4 best Eminem albums
    TES LP

    Recovery = commercial Album 4x platinum 4Mil in us and +7 Mil worldwide
    We need Classic album

  30. Hah. says:

    Relapse is one of his darkest albums. Underground was fuckin’ ill as hell.
    Maybe we’ll see a collabo with them that dark, nasty, shit.


    this tyler cunt is a pure faggot. and both RELAPSE and RECOVERY sucked.


    and looks at that pic. that faggot all set to suck marshall’s dick.

    SMH @ today’s hiphop.





  34. Yup, everyone thought the same thing….Tyler looks like he getting marshall off,haha

  35. Res1 says:

    Lets hope they do a song together!!!!

  36. rajon chrondo says:

    Everyone is acting like this picture actually means something. The most that will come of it is one feature.

  37. Killa K says:

    shut up everyone ya bunch of cock fags. every single one of u said Relapse sucked when it came out and now since ugly fat faced Tyler says it was good everyone changes their mind. go suck a dick faggots.

  38. Black Shady says:

    Everything Shady!

  39. CP says:

    none of Eminems albums were “completely” produced by Dre…do some research

  40. phraynkh says:

    @DEF sayin how u really feel is part of not givin a shit

  41. almarti5 says:

    In my opinion the real slim shady can never come back. The real slim shady died on that hospital bed and now were living with what has been left over, which is still amazing! But it wont ever be as great. That’s just my opinion

  42. R says:

    Relapse is better than Recovery the Extra Cuts off Relapse that didn’t make the album was that Real Grimmey Em Shit!

  43. Cali760 says:

    Lol at all the dick riders NOW saying Relapse is dope! Shake my fucking head! HA!

  44. haq says:

    “Relapse Was One Of The Greatest Albums To Me.” – LMFAO yeah, cause ur a fuckin’ moron kid.

  45. NYC says:



  46. Hip-Hop Fiend says:

    Relapse and Recovery were just ok. Slim Shady LP, Marshall Mather LP, and Eminem Show were all classics. Eminem hasn’t put good music out since 8 Mile Soundtrack but Recovery had some good joints. He need to get back on the drugs for him to be that I don’t give a fuck vibe.

  47. BLU LAMBO says:



  48. Converse says:

    Haha this nigga is a walking contradiction? I mean foreal get your gay ass up?! Bob and Mars prolly laughing their ass off at this stan

  49. Jay says:

    Tyler’s maaaaaaad overrated if you ask me… which no one did.
    So I’ll shut my face now.


  50. hmm says:

    If Eminem signed Tyler and Earl Sweatshirt, they would blow the fuck up.

  51. the penguin says:

    Eminem listens to his fans, I think the reason he disregarded it so much becasue when that shit came out I never heard so much bullshit critiquing in my life, it was like during the t-pain shit and snappy snappy and the new kids who just came out of their moms fetus where shitting on it when they new nothing about rap or a timeline

  52. still best rite now!! says:

    Dont get it twisted…yea, you hear the old Eminem influence on Tyler & the rest of Oddfuture’s style, But even young Em is 100 times better

  53. Davvvve says:

    Relapse Is Actaully One Of My Fav. Albums.
    The Reason It Gets So Much Hate Because Of Eminems Previous Records Being So Classic.

    I Think Relapse Could Actually Be a Movie..

  54. money says:

    tyler has talent but not enough to b fuckin with em . lets see what tyler will b in a couple years . hopefully he’ll do numbers and then we can talk about a collabo

  55. Coroner says:

    Fuck Tyler, his album sucks soo much that I have blowjobs from it… though sometimes he’s funny,

  56. YoyoBLOG says:

    oh no we have just lost another dope rapper………man rate yourself not em’ there was rap before him on his arrival the game and the art died. ( just BE you fools just BEE!!!!!!!!!!)

  57. HoesOnMyDickCuzILookLikeKenMasters says:

    Tyler’s about to give Em dome in this pic ya got here.

  58. zach says:

    eminems best album(s) were his first 2. everything after that means nothing. u cant be ‘slim shady” anymore when your a multi millionaire. cmon, fuckers…like tylers gonna rap like this 10 years from now(if he makes it anywhere near that)…i dont think so. if i made 5 million a year, i wouldnt live how im living now…the only rapper that is authentic to when he was when he started….is dmx, and thats because dark man x is on that pipe.
    wake the fuck up.
    music is always better when the artist is hungry, drunk, high…whatever.
    basic known fact.
    look at dmb, rhcp, the doors, beetles, jay-z, nas, rolling stones….ever musician that has ever meant anything.

  59. Real Talk says:

    Relapse was mad garbage! Tyler still sucks & I never thought em was any good, maybe top 100, but I rather bump some good music than this pussy nigga Tyler & white boy trying to rap.

  60. grammasta says:

    ….. says:
    Thursday, September 01 2011 at 12:48 PM EST

    funny how niggas hate all day on tyler..but then you got greats like em and kanye who show him love…wake up people..

    ^ what does that mean

    stop havin my own opinion and follow what the next man says

    look how stupid yo comment looks

  61. benny lava says:

    looks like tyler is about to give him a blow job.

  62. SBK says:


    Em was raped? Lmao go off them meths.

  63. Dope says:

    The psycho/rapist/killer persona he used on Relapse was raped as a child, have you even heard ”Insane”. I never said Eminem himself was raped, read carefully before drawing conclusions.

  64. Rapey Jones says:

    Eminem Ft. Tyler The Rapist would be awesome

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