New Mixtape: Young Jeezy The Real Is Back 2

As promised, Jizzle & Drama give us the 2nd installment of The Real Is Back with 11 new tracks to hold us over until TM 103 hits stores this month. Tracklist and download link after the cut.

01. Young Jeezy – Real Is Back 2 (Intro) (4:55)
02. Young Jeezy – Trump (Feat. Birdman) (4:46)
03. Young Jeezy – Chickens No Flour (3:16)
04. Young Jeezy – Gotta See This (Feat. Freddie Gibbs & JW) (4:33)
05. Young Jeezy – Rough (Feat. Freddie Gibbs) (3:07)
06. Young Jeezy – All The Time (Feat. Slick Pulla) (3:58)
07. Young Jeezy – Bandana (Feat. 211) (3:03)
08. Young Jeezy – Nicks 2 Bricks (Feat. Freddie Gibbs) (3:04)
09. Young Jeezy – Grizzly (Feat. Yo Gotti) (4:08)
10. Young Jeezy – Sittin low (Feat. Scrilla & Freddie Gibbs) (4:42)
11. Young Jeezy – Real Nigga Anthem (4:45)

Download here

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  1. i fuck bitches with no rubbers. yea i roll tha dice says:


  2. jd says:

    that intro is so great, lody needs to be properly appreciated

  3. luckyP says:

    why the fuck cant we just get GOOD jeezy records alone? these fucking compilation mixtapes arent helping me believe jeezy hasnt lost it

  4. marko-v says:

    Been waitin on this! Shudve known it wud drop round Labor Day. 3 day weekend to ride to Jeezy and tear the park up. Check me out tho:

  5. nice mixtape but 1 is better…this one is good.

  6. Craig says:

    Best intro I’ve heard in a while.

  7. Craig says:

    Just finished the whole thing and the Intro is the best song on the mixtape.

  8. Me says:

    The intro is the shit…them other songs are just garbage or ok.

  9. Try again says:

    Amazing how ppl hate on ross so much and yet most of these cats want to be like him….jeezy,jim jones,lil wayne etc

  10. imchillin says:

    ross got his whole swag from jeezy what the fuck u talkin bout u clown

  11. CALIFORNIAN says:



  12. john says:

    Amazing how ppl hate on ross so much and yet most of these cats want to be like him….jeezy,jim jones,lil wayne etc

    what r u 12??????????????????

    anyway you cant compare william to jeezy, jeezy real and william aint

  13. youngyela says:

    im lovin the segues between the tracks… luhhhhh da flow!

  14. Post no billz says:

    Don’t mean to add fuel to the fire.. but alot of these songs sound like ross beats..

  15. Obama says:

    Was gonna download this until I saw “Gangsta” Gibbs on practically every song.. Can’t stand dude for some reason. Sorry Jeezy, gonna pass on this one..

  16. SmokeYou says:

    ZZzzzz same old shit. different mixtape.

  17. FTW says:

    …wasn’t going to download this until I saw Gibbs practically on every song. Gibbs is dopeium.

    …get together last night; drank too much; knocking Lincoln Way Nights on my house system for hours…. fuck what you heard, that shit goes…ftw

    …let the elevator pound (c)

  18. deebo says:

    Was gonna download this until I saw “Gangsta” Gibbs on practically every song.. Can’t stand dude for some reason. Sorry Jeezy, gonna pass on this one..


    Rep 2 Tha Fullest (Feat. Jay Rock)
    National Anthem (Fuck The World)
    The Coldest (Feat. B.J. The Chicago Kid)
    Rock Bottom (Feat. Bun B)


  19. BOSS says:

    Who the hell wants to be like ross he is the fake not everybody else dumbass jeezy started dis trap shit fuck a hater

  20. Real Talk says:

    Jeezy is fucking garbage! Real my ass, hes a fake also, dude has no lyrical content at all with all that trap crap rap, I’m going to download just so I can edit the songs with Gibbs with no Jeezy bull.

  21. dandaman says:



    Young Jeezy – Real Recognize Real (Best Of) 320 ALL HIS CLASSIC TRACKS

    great new mixtape. you will love it

    put it in your collection and pass the links around

  22. Ness says:

    I hope this is better than the last

  23. Errol Games says:

    Dope. The Real N!gga Anthem is my shit

  24. leafy says:

    THE REAL IS BACK 2 > Carter 4

  25. J Macabee says:

    Jeezy Intros>>>>>> If you took the Intros to all these mixtapes add “Lose my mind” and 103 would have been unfuckwitable. I still have faith but I doubt 103 is going to better than my custom playlist.

  26. Da Truthhhhhhh says:


  27. clbobe says:

    Lmao @ niggas say Jeezy sounds like Ross. Maybe that’s because Ross took Jeezy’s syle and ran with it. And before I get called a hater or whatever you young kids that know shit about music call people nowadays, I like Ross and his music is hot.

  28. So Iсу Boi! says:

    Jeezy iz real. dis aint hip hop pussiez. swag

  29. So Iсу Boi! says:

    Big L
    Big Pun


    dats hip hop. swag

  30. Ricky Rozay says:

    Jeezy stole MY swag, not the other way around don’t get it twisted

  31. matrix says:

    niggz talkin shit bout my jeezy checc the tracc record….go listen to ross old shit and listen to jeezy old shit…its fuggin super clear that ross switched his shit up swagger jaccin everybody not just jeezy either…jeezy got swagger jacced the most tho…

  32. rajon chrondo says:

    Since when did So icy boi like good music. Swag

  33. wow says:

    This niga won’t move more theb 100,000 units first week…every album game and jeezy have always had the same sales…

  34. yessir says:

    Guccie man ended the beef with jezzy by sending one of young jezzys footsoldiers back DEAD.. Even jezzy said “it dun got to real”… Gucci mane has the track recored to show and prove he’s realer.. Real aint back cuz it never left.. Gucci is bout the life he reps and raps about.. Jezzys G got tested and he failed.. He may move weight but he aint a killer.. Just like ross and wayne. Hes a studio thug.. He let ross his enemy big up the gang B.M.F. That funded young jezzy’s start in the rap game.. If not for gucci and the track so icy.. You might not ever know who young jezzy is.. He should thank gucci for puting him on.. Smh

  35. Sc_R says:

    I keep forgetting Jeezy got hot in 05.. When Ross was lying about knowing Noriega and Jeezy was REALLY wit big Meech.. He really lived that life and now Ross raps about it.. U niggas talking about Jeezy stole Ross swag was 12 then now u 18 do some research

  36. Real Talk says:

    How can you think only the intro is hot? all the songs are exactly the same. Which means if you like one you should like all. If you hate one you will probably hate all. Same ole song

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  38. JHP says:

    He should do a collab with Hollywood FLOSS, saw him on 2dopeboyz the other day and boy jamms!

  39. drakesucks says:

    this nigga is monotonous as fuck! every fucking song sounds the same!

  40. YOUR pusha says:

    the comparison between jeezy and ross is obvious, but i think jeezy might be ‘real’ or whatever but he cant touch ross at making tracks or albums,nooo way, i dont think its about fake or real anymore, us the listeners are not all gangsters, we just wanna hear some good shit that bumps in the whips and clubs and shit, and i think ross got that by a mile, infact ill put all my money(the little that i have) god forgives i dont will be a better sounding album than TM103, ross just got it, jeezy had it

  41. statefacts says:

    Ross just now touching jeezy level and he been the game how long and he had to jack his style to do it…. and niggas saying gucci proved jeezy fake? Gucci did what he was suppose to do nigga fight for his life how is that a jeezy fail what other rappers we know really sending goons most of them just talk bout it.

  42. duce says:

    Im still waitin 4 tm103 when tha album gettin out bruh?

  43. Lyryqal says:

    That intro is fucking fire, thats all ima say

  44. Converse says:


    TM103>>>>>>>>>>>>Rosscareer? the cop will never go platinum? real rap

  45. Da Truthhhhhhh says:

    @all dope you know people,steal shit right? next thing you know somebody saying your lines and shit chill out

  46. m1 says:

    @your push u said the realest shit all day.jeezy hasent progress its the same shit over and over again no slickness or swag to it.ross surpassed him lyrically .and his beat selection is better.its 6 years later no growth or development for jeezy

  47. Aggie Pride says:

    Us People Have 2 realize the difference between mixtapes and Albums. Mixtapes are low production tracks just to keep u interested. The tracks are mostly throw a ways for an album. We can’t judge an artist if he’s off or not by a mixtape. We judge an artist by their album and the success of the album. If you know Young Jeezy by now. He wouldn’t change the formula of his success of the past three albums.


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  49. […] When it rains, it pours and today, Jizzle makes it drizzle with another viral featuring Freddie Gibbs. Off Jeezy’s latest mixtape, The Real Is Back 2. […]

  50. […] When it rains, it pours and today, Jizzle makes it drizzle with another viral featuring Freddie Gibbs. Off Jeezy’s latest mixtape, The Real Is Back 2. […]

  51. […] When it rains, it pours. And today, Jizzle makes it drizzle with another viral featuring Freddie Gibbs. Off Jeezy’s latest mixtape, The Real Is Back 2. […]

  52. […] Jeezy’s latest mixtape, The Real Is Back 2. Like this:LikeBe the first to like this post. This entry was posted in Uncategorized. Bookmark […]

  53. jonathan pa says:

    too hard my nigga

  54. jonathan pa says:

    tooo hard dat shits dope as fuck

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  56. […] date which was promised to us two days ago, here’s a new visual from the standout track from The Real Is Back 2. Hope you got a plan, […]

  57. […] date which was promised to us two days ago, here’s a new visual from the standout track from The Real Is Back 2. Hope you got a plan, […]

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  60. […] Scrilla and Gibbs whips out the big toys and sits low in their upcoming video. Off  The Real Back 2 and the upcoming CTE It’s The World compilation LP. Share […]

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