Tyler, The Creator Stirs BBC Store Mob

[vodpod id=Video.15400069&w=540&h=350&fv=]

This was filmed last week during Fashion Night Only. Oddly enough, ol’ girl at the end of the video was the tamest of ’em all.


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  1. tyler says:

    no one gives a fuck bout these batty bois!!

  2. James says:

    Primarily male fans…..makes sense

  3. swith it up says:

    these odd future niggaz are acting like they n’sync or something!

  4. Dante says:

    @ James since when do rappers have more female fans then male fans that isn’t bubble gum pop rap……..

  5. Davvvve says:

    They Only Fuck with Tyler and Frank

  6. NYMFO1 says:

    most of those niggas only know tyler and frank maybe earl……screamin odd future wolf gang kill them all when they don’t know other members, not liking ofwgkta is one thing to each their own but to dick ride and fake like you like the whole…..is lame

  7. dmc says:

    kids…….the future will be odd indeed.

  8. Davvvve says:

    No One Really Even Knows Who Earl Is Either.

  9. Word says:

    They going to be bigger than The Beatles and Nsync.

  10. halok says:

    Nigga fuck this shit

  11. yo says:

    “no one gives a fuck about them”

    but there’s a mob to see them. there are some truly dumb readers of this site.

  12. Pemap says:

    lol…why so many people out to see these clowns???

    Apple giving free iPad 2’s becuz of a defect on 10,000 laptops… http://goo.gl/8OeJ8 4 next 24 hours only..shit i got 2..lol

  13. Black Shady says:


  14. dani says:

    the girl at the end… HILARIOUS. lmao.

  15. yessir says:

    OFWGKTA is a dope movement… Tyler the creator isn’t trying to be nas or a hiphop legend.. He’s doing his own thing. Doing what he wants how he wants and putting his group on.. These cats are cool and fresh compared to the same gangster dope dealer hustlers like t.I. Rick ross young jezzy and ect…

  16. Tank says:

    cant believe some people are still sleeping on odd future and the power house that they are well on their way in to becoming. open your eyes, these guys have amassed a cult following and its not just because of Tyler or Earl and least of all because of Frank..the whole group is insanely talented and the real fans are aware of who and what those talents are. these kids are visionaries and this is their movement…they are leaders with the ability to inspire, influence and control and the best part its not a marketing strategy that was thought out by some label executives wearing business suits that got them here. this is as real as it can get. just a combination of sheer talent, hard work, down to earth honesty and vision.

  17. lol says:

    The goblin album was garbage. Tyler is wack as fuck…

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