New Video: Frank Ocean “Swim Good”

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Whether you know how to swim or not, Mr. Ocean let loose another new visual off his, Nostalgia, Ultra late last night. Take a look, but you might want to bring a life jacket just in case.

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  1. dll32 says:

    Hope they will release the remastered version of this song !
    Would have been better if he was actually wearing a black suite…

  2. S_Dogg says:

    Dope song, terrible video. This is what happens when artists try too hard to be ”creative”.

  3. RC says:

    Frank Ocean is really talented.

    Then I remember he is in OFWGKA…..

    This video is terrible. And just because that’s his crew, I believe he sabotaged his own video.

    Swim Good’s video could have been a masterpiece. No Black Suit. No Lincoln Town Car.

    This dude is the worst samurai ever! Also, it looks like he’s wearing monk robes, while carrying a katana. None of that goes together.

    This dude just ruined it. He could have had another go around with a dope video to this. But well he went Odd Future in this shit and it FAILS horribly.

    Panda Ski mask? Old ass orange limo…..

    This video was a huge stinking pile….

  4. Word says:

    Lmao Frank O fucked up the Novacan video too. Great songs, poor visuals. Come on man stop doing this to yourself. Your videos could be great because its great material. Glad hes not abandoming OFWGKTA but they shouldnt have THAT much of an influence on your music. None of them on the mixtape and it was perfect.

  5. Rico Sosa says:

    Dope & Different. Nuff said.

  6. i'd smoke the clouds if i could says:

    damn, i didn’t know the homie was from the NOLA… i see where that creativity come from… DOPE ARTIST

  7. mr.zee says:

    doesnt make sense…and im not trying to interpret shit if it has some underlining meaning fuck that. dope ass song but like the other video, i dont like it. mixtape was fire and i get the vids are different but different isnt always dope.

  8. Heatha says:

    Thank God someone has the balls to do the video they want, not what the label wants… beautiful song, beautiful videoooo

  9. JC (White Guy) says:

    Could of been better, song is still fucking fire though

  10. Hart says:

    Funny how everyone is on here hating.. go watch another Trey Songz video. this shit is unique at least… ive watched it 5x back to back, I cant sit thru one damn video on 106th and Park, keep doing you frank, screw the haters

  11. Greg says:

    Weird as hell but I like it..

  12. RC says:

    Since when are opinions always hate?

    I’ll see if we were in here saying shit like, “I hope this nigga goes double wood, or ever sells a record.”

    One thing artists are supposed to take is criticism. Period.

    This video didn’t match the song at all. Swim Good is a metaphor as it is, but this video…..Well it isn’t fun if the artist is the only one who actually understands the metaphor. Weird doesn’t always mean good. Just because it’s different doesn’t mean that its nice.

    If you niggas aint got shit to add to the debate but, “Youre A Hater” comments, youre actually doing a disservice to the dick you are riding. If youre going to get on your knees, at least defend the artist better.

  13. blakep267 says:

    unique doesnt always mean good. I liked the Acura Intergurl video, and Novocane wasnt half bad when you watch it over a few times. This video was just stupid

  14. matt says:

    Hey RC.. is it cool if i just happen to like the video but dont feel like debating why.. i just like it because it looks cool and isnt another wack ass same old story video

  15. Beauty says:

    Frank Ocean kills it again! Great vid

  16. Hart says:

    Hey RC… i dont like it because its different.. i like it because i like it.. why do we need a debate? this isnt fox news you dipshit.. its art and relative to each individual.. go be mad somewhere else.. or at least talk with someone about your unresolved emotional issues

  17. Santa says:


    Why are you listening to frank ocean if you aren’t trying to interpret the meaning? None of his songs are straight forward so why would his videos be?

  18. G says:

    Great and different video. Well done

  19. RC says:

    LOL do I really need to respond to a dude that str8 hoed himself posting under two different names and not even being smart enuff to at least change how he worded both posts. Seriously.

    So Fox News is the only place they debate? -_- ….Go to and look up the def for Debate.

    Next time only use your first name to talk tough on. Cause now you just look like a bitch ass commenter two different ways.


  20. Dujay says:

    coulda been better, still good to watch tho

  21. ColoradoKnight says:

    I’m with RC on this one. Makes perfect sense to me. “Hating” is the most over used moniker for disliking something. Even if you’re genuine, you’re considered a “hater”. His videos thus far are left field. Artsy, but visually doesn’t coincide with the audio. That’s unless, as RC pointed out, the artist is the only who understands the metaphor?

  22. dmv says:

    Ya are dumb as hell man, he says That’s a pretty big trunk on my Lincoln town car, ain’t it?
    Big enough to take these broken hearts and put ’em in it,Now I’m driving ’round on the boulevard, trunk bleeding” its a big as town car and he got dead bodies in it.. and he burns that..i mean this whole video make sense

  23. […] New Video: Frank Ocean- Swim Good —> Rap Radar […]

  24. reptiles rule the world says:

    dope beats, dont sleep

  25. myjestik says:

    im glad he can have his own creative mark on his videos.

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