Wiz Khalifa On Amber Rose Nude Pics

Once again, nude photos of Wiz’s main squeeze have hit the ‘net. In an interview with Sister 2 Sister, Wiz discussed the numerous leaks.

I could see if that was what she was doing while I’m with her or something like that and it was in a disrespectful way, but it’s nothing like that. It’s not even, like, the pictures or her past is a raunchy past. She did what she had to do. There’s plenty of powerful women who overcame that, and that’s what she really is, an example of what work and faith in God, you know what I’m saying, can get you into a positive situation. You can make a positive out of a negative.

The biggest misconception about Amber is that she wants attention. Everybody thinks that she does stuff for attention and that she loves attention, but she’s really, really reserved and shy. She just gets attention ’cause she’s dope.”


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  1. time for history to repeat says:

    she on her final minute

  2. theBroKing says:

    so sick and tired of this fucking dude with all this pda get over it your dating amber rose no need to share it with the world a million times over

  3. Dope Boy Swag says:

    I threw up in my mouth a little and it sounded exactly like the music they’ll be making together.

  4. JA Datsyuk says:

    Both these two are scrubs and disgusting. Wiz in rapping and Amber in about everything.

  5. Middlefinger2Ahater says:

    Yeah right, she just gets attention cause she’s dope: yeah ok

  6. jimbo says:

    i couldn’t be with a chick when every man has seen her naked and probably wanked over here i have class

  7. nyg718 says:

    smh sucker for love .. cant turn a hoe into a housewife.. u kno that homie.. but hey to each its own… but jus know, when that new young phenom come on the scene.. dnt bring her around him lol.. bitch was a stripper and a known slide.. cmon son !

  8. Sam I Am says:

    lmaooooooo Wiz, why are you in denial like this? We need a BigGhostface comment on this. We also need some CSI type niggas to examine this on some shit like “nah these are current, son. she didnt have that piercing before sept so-and-so”.

  9. Donn says:

    Wasnt Mary Mag a prostitute?

  10. RC says:

    Man yall niggas better be real with yourselves in here for a moment.

    Some of yall baby moms are the most notorious hoes there ever was on the block. And you luv that hoe.

    Im gonna go ahead and say that I commend these dudes who marry these bitches who fk their way to the top and its documented, and not be phased by any of it.

    Like those Kardashian kids growning up are going to see their mom getting banged on camera, and Amber and Wiz’s kids can see mom with her fingers in her snatch. I couldn’t do it bro.

    But str8 up, a lot of you niggas would get with these hoes if nobody u knew, knew that bitch was a hoe! No go ahead and lie niggas!

  11. imo says:

    sucker of the year…

  12. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    “Some of yall baby moms are the most notorious hoes there ever was on the block. And you luv that hoe”…Damn son ! Did sum girl break your heart homie?

  13. Fuck Ya Life says:

    Ur girl is a straight hoe Wiz. That nigga needs to stop bein in denial and drop that bitch. That bitch got pics “leakin” out like every week now.

  14. BG says:

    Nude pics or not, this shit is getting old already. Amber is what she is, an obvious attention whore. And Wiz is what he is, a mediocre rapper that thinks he’s God’s gift to Earth for dating said whore.

    I hope this is the last we hear of either of them for a while.

  15. Word says:

    @RC Im gonna overlook your generalization that everyone that comments on this site lives in the hood and as a hood rat chick. My girl is FAR from a hoodrat, black, in college, and if she had a past similar to Ambers, best believe she would be dumped quick. Too much of a distraction. It speeaks to your character the way you send pictures like this out to other ppl.

    If Amber is cool exposing herself on camera like this, she might as well do porn. Wiz is full of shit too. Shy and reserved? Nigga she used to be a STRIPPER! Fuck wrong with you? This nigga musta forgot that EVERYONE knows Ambers past because shes an attention whore that likes to play victim when she gets exposed.

    Cant lie, id fuck this bitch in a heart beat. Wife the hoe? Pffffftt….would you wife Karrine Steffans? This is the second coming of that bitch. Book coming soon folks. Wiz wins though….nice publicity for him. Id expect a new project is gonna get announced soon.

  16. rajon chrondo says:

    Ew amber rose bootyhole

  17. RN ((Real Nigga)) says:

    First of all Amber Rose is a bad bitch… no denying that. Secondly, most of you here would love to have a half a minute in her snatch. Is she a Hoe? Yeah… something like that. But guess what you all would stick your dick in her. Some of Y’all Niggas wife these hoes… and it’s ok. But don’t hate on Wiz because he’s currently the Herb holding her hand… fuck it. Let the little nigga have his fun… he ain’t never got a bitch like her before in his life… let him live. don’t hate you gay fucks.

  18. Word says:

    “There’s plenty of powerful women who overcame that, and that’s what she really is, an example of what work and faith in God,”

    Plenty of powerful women have overcome this, but Amber isnt a powerful women. Wheres that bitch that sucked Bill Clintons dick again? Wheres SuperHead? Amber is on her way to that form of obscurity. Real talk, the only reason she still in the lime light is cuz she fuck with rappers. Lmao Pwerful Women? LMAO that shit is truly funny. What has Amber done that makes her powerful? Cuz shes rich? Power means Influence and the only thing Amber influences is my penis to stand at attention.

  19. Black Shady says:

    Hmm Hmm Sucka For Love *Camron’s voice*

  20. Shane says:

    @ Donn

    No. It’s basically a myth with no evidence to back it up.

  21. G says:

    “Like those Kardashian kids growning up are going to see their mom getting banged on camera”

    Get the fuck outta here RC. What kid would actually watch a video of their mom getting banged? that’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard

  22. Chan says:

    Who took these? haha. Most photos that leak are taken by the person in the photos. Its clear that amber wasn’t the one who took these.

  23. Bx Slime says:

    @ Rap Radar,

    We have a winner for Blackout, Im getting sick of these two.

  24. ..... says:

    yall niggas are bitches..yall like.. the bestfriend that mad he got a girlfriend…yall really care for wiz..thats the funny part

  25. Sam I Am says:

    the niggas in here saying “oh your babymama got ran through” are probably some dirty muthafuckas. Yes you can find attractive, sane, and CLEAN women if you know where to look. SMH looking for love in the club-ass niggas

  26. dani says:

    at first i was like “dang… i understand her now that he just said.” and then i thought, “wait a minute…. hard work? exactly what kind of hard work did she do??” sending some naked pics isn’t hard word. come on.. as a female, i must… we ALL know we can do that and somebody gonna jack off to it. that’s not hard work. hard work is going to school and getting a fucking degree.

    you played yourself dude.

  27. Gusto says:

    I dunno what y’all talking bout, that’s a good look lol. 😉

    [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B84WF91U2bE&w=420&h=315%5D

  28. dgdgdgdg says:

    i just busted a nut in my keyboard. Shit’s circuits are fried and shit now. Thanks Amber you hoe you.

  29. katie says:

    BWAHAHAHA @ that whole statement.

  30. kemora says:

    ” we ALL know we can do that and somebody gonna jack off to it. that’s not hard work. hard work is going to school and getting a fucking degree.”

    real talk… amber is badddddd but shes not somebody worth even arguing about. its really sad that amber and kim are looked up to in our society as “making it” in business.

  31. ijeoma opara says:

    Mehnnn ya’ll shud get a DAMN!! Life… Fact remains they dating and ya’ll are here talkin shit that probably won’t affect them.. If she’s a hoe let her be a hoe.. You go to your own school and get your fuckin degree and leave. It aint yo life.. The hoe will still get married one day -_____- smh at ya’ll .. I LOVE WIZ.. I LOVE ME.. I LOVE YA’LL but get a lfe will ya?

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