1. kareem says:

    *yawn* jansport jingles. not feeling ’em.

  2. Leeeeroy Jenkins! says:

    I’m gonna be picking up both Charity and Cole World on the 27th, but honestly I’m expecting Phonte’s to be better.

    New Tigallo new Tigallo new Tigallo.

  3. Sam I Am says:

    damnn so soulful…….soooo soulful…its a shame what happened to Little Brother. What they needed was better marketing….

  4. Gusto says:

    Nice joint, very soulful…. Phonte got skills and a good ear.

    [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B84WF91U2bE&w=420&h=315%5D

  5. RUTHLESS says:

    “Everybody gotta do a fucken job that they hate”
    Damn Phonte this that music we need

  6. Kid says:

    Well actually he’s more like the black slim shady, niggas dope http://youtu.be/bULBnef6w6k

  7. FTW says:

    Phonte makes life music.

    This is a drop date purchase.

    …doing what’s right or just doing some nigga shit (c)


  8. Andrei says:

    If you liek the new album from Phonte “Charity Startes At Home” you can read the lyrics for the tracks at the link bellow:

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