1. Santa says:

    “aim at your egg, turn that shit to eggnog”
    “niggas can’t see me, like they not lookin”
    Wayne has fallin off…hard…

  2. jcolefan says:

    weezy ripped the shit 2shreadz!

  3. Word says:


    Wayne been fell off. Wow, I cant believe he said that corny as shit though. Know what this nigga said on C4? “You dont wanna mess with Wayne, cuz when it Waynes it pours” I fell out my chair. Shit was super corny. SMH.

    BUT, Wayne stans gonna call this the hottest verse of the year prolly lmao. Prolly only gonna listen to this song and never check out another Maino track again.

  4. ZePequeno says:

    I meant “THIS” as the falling off shit

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  6. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    “aim at your egg, turn that shit to eggnog” “niggas can’t see me, like they not looking”…Best rapper ALIVE folks

  7. RayJay says:

    Maino trying. He has his city behind him unlike other brooklyn rappers. He just don’ rap too good.

  8. Santa says:

    “Weezy F baby and the F is for filosophy”
    “Bitch, real P’s move in silence like Pterodactyls”

  9. jcolefan says:

    HATERZ DEAD WEIGHT, I AINT WIT THAT PALL BEARER SHIT!! niggaz on here hating harrrd! lmfao..posting wrong lyrics and shit..hahahaha NOSE BLEED SEATS NIGGA lmfao ymcmb

  10. Shady says:

    Smh wayne… Retire please.

  11. CWFBCPub says:

    Fuck Flex and his tags. He is the worst in the industry.

  12. Airmax Davis says:

    Maino is terrible,Wayne has been terrible for the past 3years…..NY stay losing hahaha


  13. Support Real Rap says:

    HIP HOP like youve NEVER heard

  14. ym says:

    hahahaha i always say,its tooooo easy to say whos the best. nigga with the most haters is always the best! so hey keep it up kids. you hate as YM makes $ and tune the bra laughs

  15. Stunna says:

    Loooooooool at Santa

  16. lol says:

    worst mistake made by fans and media etc.. is to call a rapper the best while they hot, that is the hottest thing out. then surely the “best” falls off as they run out of steam.

    The way to measure the best is to look at their consistency at still being talented lyrically after their reign even slow.
    ex: Nas, jay-z, Dr. Dre reigning era is over but when they drpp it’s still consistent fire as their reign era.
    Basically, LONGEVITY being ill etc….

  17. DirtyBurd says:

    This fuggin blows. Maino can’t rap, and Lil’ Wayne gives him a half-assed head nod, and just shouts out the “red flag” and says he likes pussy a lot.

  18. nzo says:



  19. ym says:

    lol hating on wayne is like a white person saying nigger on the internet.shit is old. and repetitive! if selling a mill in a week back 2back is falling off then i wanna fall waaaaay off! s4tf went triple plat,I REPEAT SORRY FOR THE WAIT WENT TRIPLE PLAT! lmao yea yall right wayne fell off.xD roflmao

  20. Word says:


    Nigga he sold 900k for C4 get your facts straight. Even Birdman confirmed. Only rapper selling a mill in a week back to back is Em fuckboy.

  21. Word says:

    And how does a mixtape go triple plat.? Lmao in that case, Lil Kim sold a mill first week for that Black Friday bullshit

  22. jayoconn says:


  23. still best rite now!! says:

    trash. Waka> Maino

  24. Having Wayne on the track is a big look for Maino and I hope it helps him, but this track ain’t for me….

    [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B84WF91U2bE&w=420&h=315%5D

  25. lois says:

    Nice track but Waynes verse is wack as fuck. Best rapper my ass fuck lil wayne. this track needs a verse from Jay z , Banks, Jada or Fab

  26. Life After Death says:

    “aim at your egg, turn that shit to eggnog”
    “niggas can’t see me, like they not lookin”

    Wow………… *Goes back to bumpin Carter 2*.

  27. zezzoi says:

    Horrible beat…..wow

  28. Keith says:

    I actually like Weezy’s verse.

  29. ym says:

    nigga said how a mixtape go 3x plat! bitch go on dat piff fuckboi! really it dont matter wtf you talking about lil nigga! c4 basically sold a mill little boy 964k get yo damn facts straight! like i fucking said, hating on wayne is like saying nigger on the internet! POINTLESS….” HATERS CANT SEE ME,NOSE BLEED SEATS AND TODAY I WENT SHOPPING AND TALKKKKK IS STILL CHEAP” #deaded

  30. ym says:

    @word yea selling 964k thousand copies on ya cd and generating a triple plat mixtape is falling off?? man people on this site crack me up! its why i come on here….str8 up histerical

  31. Politickin P says:

    Wayne is lyrically lackluster and its been that way for a good 2 yrs now

  32. osama says:

    lil wayne = worst rapper of all time

  33. McbrideAlvin says:

    Wayne is lyrically lackluster and its been that way for a good 2 yrs now @guys I just got a $829.99 iPad2 for only $103.37 and my mom got a $1499.99 HDTV for only $251.92, they are both coming with USPS tomorrow. I would be an idiot to ever pay full retail prices at places like Walmart or Bestbuy. I sold a 37″ HDTV to my boss for $600 that I only paid $78.24 for. I use Meta Cent. c0m

  34. Sean Don says:


  35. Santa says:

    Why are you guys equating sales to lyrical ability?

    Wayne fell off LYRICALLY if you can’t see that you were never a fan to begin with

  36. James says:

    Lil Wayne is the best rapper alive! nuff said

  37. caphill boy says:

    Shit is hard maino showed new flows wayne was well wayne beat is hard. what else u what.

  38. ioo says:

    weezy doing what the fuck he do! bra and maino was ok

  39. […] antes up on his dividends with the remix to his track and brought along his fellow money spenders T.I. and Meek […]

  40. […] antes up on one of his recent tracks by bringing along his fellow money spenders T.I. and Meek Mill for the official remix. Dolla, […]

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