1. leis says:

    i still fuck wid ja but this is wack hope the album is better he should just do what he does best and fuck what they say

  2. Yooo says:

    Pretty nice. Better than what 50 is making these days. Just one issue with the hook – its so much louder than the verses it needs to be mixed a little better lol.

  3. COLD DEΛTH says:

    @ JA RULE




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  5. tubetrain says:

    Yooo you must of been an ex murder inc employee. Gtfoh with ja’s ish better than fif , I do think fif has fallen off a bit, but rap aint where it was even two years ago.

  6. midwestg says:

    YN, B Dot, never post another ja rule anything ever again, i thought better of y’all

  7. lol says:

    I think 7 is a dope producer, but this is not really popping, i think it’s average.
    I do think a dope mix could’ve done it better. It’s average.

    Better luck in 4 years, Ja.

  8. Wack! says:

    Here’s the original track where he got the sample from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzCLLHscMOw&ob=av2n

  9. Belize says:

    This is dope…he shoulda been doing this type of ish

  10. Who is he now, Jason Derulo? Stopped sampling music from a year ago, this is ridiculous, Might as well sample 6’7′ Foot thats been out 6 months, or maybe In Da Club, stop piggybacking other peoples hits. I could see if you did something with the sample but this is straight robbery.

  11. Blog commenter says:

    The IRS doesnt take used lv sweaters and 400 dollar sunglasses as payments

  12. Chan says:

    Im feelin it. shits cool.

  13. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    Back in 1999 Ja Rule was the man. Now he’s the man fighting dudes off of him SMH.

  14. moreffa says:

    not a bad track

    i think this is his best music in the past 7 years

    hold your head lil jeffery

  15. Sonny Carsons Son says:

    If Ja was free he could have made a comeback seeing the rap game went soft. I rather hear him than these fags. He let 50 get the best of him end of story. Yea he himself was a pussy but he was running w/the same niggas who shot 50. He should have stuck to the script and made pop music.

  16. sway-z says:

    Ja fucked up by letting 50 get him off his square. As soon as that nigga started dissing him about the singing, he should’ve come out with some extra buttery, falsetto in the rain, Mary J shit!

    That’s how you really shit on somebody hating, keep doing what you do. Them niggas hated on Hov about the Biggie Lines, so this nigga turned around, told you why he does it, and did it again lol

  17. SmokeYou says:

    It’s decent.

  18. the production doesn’t really sound finished… idk 7 usually makes hot tracks though

  19. #NotHatingJustSaying says:

    this shit sounds like it was recorded on Garage Band. this is garbage. I like some of Ja’s music don’t get me wrong. But this is garbage.

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