Hip-Hop Reacts To Steve Jobs Death

Apple co-founder and former CEO Steve Jobs passed away today at the age of 56. The tech genius of Silicon Valley, who helped create Pixar and devices such as the iPhone and iPad, had stepped down from his position in August after battling pancreatic cancer. Apple issued the statement below:

“Steve’s brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives. The world is immeasurably better because of Steve.”

Of course, Hip-Hop (more than likely on an Apple device) took to Twitter to share their condolences. R.I.P. Steve Jobs.

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  1. its still cole world says:


  2. ColoradoKnight says:

    “Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter. Going to bed saying we’ve done something wonderful. That’s what matters” – Steve Jobs

  3. Tim Lee VA Stand Up says:

    RIP Steve Jobs

  4. its still cole world says:

    god giveth, god taketh
    just like that

    cole world

  5. The End says:

    mission complete

  6. Austin says:

    why are you playing Bill Gates????

  7. dashing says:

    Hard to imagine what the world would be like without the unbelievable innovations of Steve Jobs…Might not even be communicating with ya’ll right now. The Thomas Edison of our time. Rest in Peace Steve Jobs. You will be missed.

  8. Big Homie says:

    why are you playing Bill Gates????

    ^ It’s the Fabolous freestyle version, “Steve Jobs”


  9. M.T says:

    Great mind and innovator. RIP Steve Jobs

  10. Word says:

    I stopped using an iPhone about a year ago but that was an innovative item right there. Set the bar HIGH for technological advancements. Made ALL companies step up in a period when everyone was content with sidekicks and razrs. Now look at where touch screens are. Its the norm now when about 5 years ago, you had to be rich as fuck to have one…and even then you had to use that gay stick with it. RIP.

  11. Microsoft says:

    so how much is his blueprints?

  12. WIndows says:

    Got pancreatic cancer? there isnt an app for that …

  13. dickinyamom says:

    He could of left the Fabolous freestyle where it was at just tasteless for the post anyway R.I.P. The founder of Apple, Pixar animations, the man who invented the Mac OSX, brought the word the iphone and the ipad you are a visonary and a pioneer. You will be missed….

  14. Bill Gates says:

    things just a lot easier


  15. GOD says:


  16. NotoriousRambo. says:


  17. Rachael5922 says:

    What life didn’t Steven Jobs life not touch, it is epic to be a movement that people don’t even understand how deep one goes. Cheers to your Ascension, have fun in the next veil.

  18. Microsoft says:

    how much for his brain?

  19. petey wheatstraw (@K1NGPETEY) says:

    im waiting for game to make a dedication track.

    “on my J.O.B like steve J.O.Bs….”

  20. Rachael5922 says:

    Whoa Steve Jobs is epic he touched more then hip hop with his life, he touched the world, the universe…cheers to moving up the ladder and into ascension.

  21. Thanks for everything Steve. Peace.

    R.I.P Steve Jobs.

  22. FTW says:

    “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

    – Steve Jobs (Rest In Peace)


  23. Lil Majer The Cartune says:

    LH!!!!! @ petey wheatstraw (@K1NGPETEY) the funny thing is, I read that in his voice! haha! But R.I.P. Mr. Jobs!

  24. Empire says:

    I learned of his death from one of his products. I’m using another to write my condolences. Mr. Jobs was an integral part of almost every innovation that has actually improved our world over the last 30 years.

    Rest In Peace Steve Jobs

  25. dada says:

    What have black peopl ever created?

  26. JUS SAYIN says:

    @dada …this damn site for you to leave ignorant ass irrelevant comments. (all typed from my MacBook Pro – Thanks Steve)

  27. civilized but still devil says:

    @dada blacks created pyramids and they were first people on this so called planet earth. blacks are original people, you can be white but your ancestors are black so respect that.

  28. how that feel says:

    this nigga products still overpriced

  29. @kingofphilly81 says:

    RIP Steve Jobs writng this on my Iphone salute!!!

  30. FTW says:

    dada says:
    Thursday, October 06 2011 at 12:30 AM EST
    What have black people ever created?

    Hip Hop.


  31. […] Homie over at RapRadar compiled all the condolence tweets from  the Hip-Hop community. R.I.P. Steve […]

  32. dmfslimm says:

    dont own an iphone but i enjoy pixar movies. rip s.j.

  33. JOSH BLUE says:

    R.I.P. to a real visionary.

  34. drakesucks says:


  35. Musikal says:

    Damn I have a ipod touch right now. R.i.p. Steve Jobs you made my life so much better.

  36. rich says:

    Tupac pours one out for Steve Jobs…

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