J.Cole Performs On Jimmy Kimmel Live!

A week after releasing his debut album, Jermaine made his first late night television appearance on Jimmy Kimmel and closed out the show with “Cole World”. Time to “Work Out” below.

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  1. ZePequeno says:

    Cole STAY winning.

  2. lol says:

    crowd looks fucken dead. on work out he was like wtf you guys dont know this part

  3. Black Shady says:

    WE TAKING OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cole is everywhere…..yall never there!!

    COLE WORLD! #1 album in the country

  4. BOW WOW SUCKS says:

    COLE WORLD!!!!! What you say about TakeCare comin up huh? Some competition? Who’s your guy?

  5. ss says:

    Proves this nigga is irrelevant outside the net

  6. Jigga man says:

    cole world , cole life , cole blooded

  7. kendricklamar says:

    them eyessss

  8. the illest says:


    I dont know if you heard but he has the #1 album in the country. Alot of artists would love to be in his position. So you could miss with that bein irrelevent off the net shit.

  9. how that feel says:

    cole world…. no socks

  10. wahrheitsgetreu says:

    cole world

  11. KinG says:

    This crowd is wack ass fuck……No soul in the crowd!!! I never see a JCole audience so lame as this white lifeless crowd.

  12. Foekist says:

    @ KinG

    I 2nd dat!

  13. Bx Slime says:

    lmao!!! At least he had some white folks moving to his shit smh. I thought the people weren’t even going to move at all.

  14. COLD DE/TH says:


  15. Donn says:

    He shoulda brought the lights down and just rapped one of his “Let me tell u a story” songs. Kinda like Esperanza did. She did come out wit no club banger, she made the crowd appreciate good music. At least he tried..

  16. HAHA says:

    Cole World!!!! Congrats on the # 1 album!

  17. Mynds says:

    Roc Nation Takeover

  18. Cali says:

    J. Cole is a fuckin’ flop. His album only sold 200k units. It would’ve sold under 100k if camel face Jay-Z wasn’t on his album.

  19. […] [Rap Radar] var AdBrite_Title_Color = '0000FF'; var AdBrite_Text_Color = '000000'; var AdBrite_Background_Color = 'FFFFFF'; var AdBrite_Border_Color = 'CCCCCC'; var AdBrite_URL_Color = '008000'; try{var AdBrite_Iframe=window.top!=window.self?2:1;var AdBrite_Referrer=document.referrer==''?document.location:document.referrer;AdBrite_Referrer=encodeURIComponent(AdBrite_Referrer);}catch(e){var AdBrite_Iframe='';var AdBrite_Referrer='';} document.write(String.fromCharCode(60,83,67,82,73,80,84));document.write(' src="http://ads.adbrite.com/mb/text_group.php?sid=1978905&zs=3436385f3630&ifr='+AdBrite_Iframe+'&ref='+AdBrite_Referrer+'" type="text/javascript">');document.write(String.fromCharCode(60,47,83,67,82,73,80,84,62)); This entry was posted in General. Bookmark the permalink. ← EMA: "Butterfly Knife" (Piano Version) (Live On FM4) (Video) […]

  20. Word says:

    Ehhh Coles music isnt relevant to this audience. His concerts are live tho

  21. jayoconn says:

    his stage presence needs some work…but he will get better. still new to the game.

  22. Mr.November says:

    Shoulda done a different song.. This is one of his weaker tracks on the album, maybe Sideline Story woulda been better.

  23. Word says:

    Yeah he def. shoulda performed one of his more introspective songs because thats kinda what he set them up for with the first few seconds of the first vid but then he jumped straight into a hype ass song and I think that kinda threw the crowd for a loop. Also, I feel like he should show the audience he isnt a stereotypical type of dude that just raps money bitches and clothes and WorkOut and Cole World aint those songs.

    Maybe Dollar and a Dream III or Sideline Story woulda been better. i dont think the mood would be right to perform Lost Ones. Shoot, even Lights Please woulda been good.’

    Sidenote: @Cali Why do you still comment on Cole post? i actually dont see you comment on anything else. What is your purpose?

  24. the One says:

    Very nice make sure you “Take Care” Ha!

  25. […] his first late night television gig two months ago, J.Cole hit up the Late Show With David Letterman stage […]

  26. […] his first late night television gig two months ago, J.Cole hit up the Late Show With David Letterman stage […]

  27. […] his first late night television gig two months ago, J.Cole hit up the Late Show With David Letterman stage […]

  28. […] his first late night television gig two months ago, J.Cole hit up the Late Show With David Letterman stage […]

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