New Music: PUSH! Montana “Availability”

PUSH! is set to drop his new material, When Push Comes To Shove Vol. 2 on October 25th. And this time, he’s got support from DJ Drama. Below is his latest cut off the project.

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  1. krazyman says:

    Dope. This shit should hard and that black mamba line is tough

  2. srucker says:

    this is dope.. a new NY nigga getting wit Drama..should be interesting…

  3. Atlien says:

    yoo..i just got put on to this nigga over the weekend….he got some shit.. that black mamba line and hideki nomo lines are tough….shout out to Drama

  4. boombox914 says:

    i spent my earlier teen years idolizing Hov/ I spent my later ones standing idle by the stove… that flow over the dynasty shit cray…..

  5. Dum fucs says:

    lol this niccas look funny

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