Dr. Dre Previews New Track

Where’s Detox? Nobody knows. But what we do have is this film shot by Lemar Guillary at Encore Studios in L.A. Sounds promising. But then again, we all know how Dre is with promises.


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  1. BS says:

    Ya like I really care!

  2. kareem says:

    that “chronic 2001” shit, i’m feeling it.

  3. xo says:

    btw…. fshooo ain’t makin detox.

  4. lol says:

    Dre is a retard. SICK TRACK, CLASSIC DRE for real.

  5. mac DIESEL says:

    FUCK YOU DRE!!!!


  6. Tyler says:

    Fuckin’ classic/
    Can’t wait
    Detox will be a Chronic 2011.

  7. Tyler says:

    Fuckin’ classic
    Can’t wait
    Detox will be a Chronic 2011.

  8. Your mother's "friend" says:


  9. THE KIИG says:



  10. Vodka says:

    Hell YEAAH!
    Amazing beat & hook

  11. sayWut says:

    ahh thats that vintage dre shit NOW STOP FUCKIN PLAYIN WID HEADPHONES N GIVE US A DETOX!

  12. Music says:


  13. The Guy says:


  14. Gordon B. says:

    Lol Dre had it pulled QUICK.

  15. Peekay says:

    sorry I can’t hear 58 seconds of distorted audio anymore

  16. Smoke screen says:

    Nigga got fans but he dont care bout them….but imma still cop detox when it drops.

  17. datruthisout says:

    dr dre is 46 years old

    he aint been in the hood for over 20 years

    can anyone really relate to him

  18. HJOOD says:

    pussy as Dr. Dre nigga needs to release some music his old ass gonna croak soon

  19. Fuck Ya Life says:

    Fuck. Detox.

  20. Black Shady says:

    damn shit is unavailable. where can i hear it?

  21. devante says:

    LOL everyone got caught up in the hype of the two singles it slipped everyone’s mind that it wont come out till 2012

  22. DTX says:

    Selling headphones is better business than selling cd’s in this fucked up digital age, and it should be dangerous release Detox, because if Detox gonna sucks sales of headphones are affected. so Dre you better drop some fucking masterpiece.

  23. Ryan says:

    I’m not messing with Dre. People are hyping up Detox to be some collection of greatness. But judging by “Kush” and “iNAD” it’s nothing more than above average bs songs

  24. Pardon My Fresh Music Group says:

    This is from Jan. 2010, according to the blog post date: http://lemarthetrombonist.blogspot.com/2010/01/dre-session-up-at-encore-studios.html

  25. Famlay says:

    straight dope…can’t wait til he drops something…

    Apple Giving away the new iPhone in Honor of Steve Jobs Death (founder of Apple) http://goo.gl/37gBi .. http://goo.gl/FfRx4 i just went ahead & got 2..next 24hrs ONLY! lol

  26. DJ Semtex's Prosthetic says:

    wow that beat is nice

  27. Kanine says:

    man this is going to be dope…can’t wait

    Everybody’s a Little Bit Racist? Situations that Bring Out the Racist in All of Us! http://creambmp.com/s/973 <– this is too true!!

  28. So-Icy boi Fan Club says:

    stop posting ya wack ass tracks Bitch niggas…
    “video has been removed by user”
    just Fuckin Great!!! -_-

  29. @ONEMANBEATS says:

    where is Cleo or whatever her name is to predict the release of Detox album?
    its ok and im a Dre fan of his beats.
    _hit me for beats On Twitter

  30. Awesome says:

    yall need to know Dre is the only producer for Detox like before. theres a shitload of producers working on Detox.

  31. Awesome says:

    dre isnt the only*****

  32. Anon DCPL says:

    this small little snippet sounds sick.

    Detox will drop in December.

  33. ripper says:

    I am from Los Angeles and I am not impressed at all… Instead of bumping yo fucking head, u need to drop some music and I am not talking about some recycled ass beats…. Step yo producing game up Dre… U can fool those around u but not a real cat… U need to link back up with Mel Man and start making some cook crack shit….

  34. Ricky Retardo says:

    Jan 31 2010?

  35. ST says:

    Tha that beat is hot! And so was Kush..especially the version wigh Game spitting 2 versions. And that beat from the Chrystler 300 commercial. And the beat from the Dr Pepper commercial. Dre! You dope! Drop that Detox!

  36. BW13 says:

    just got goosebumps.

  37. ripper says:

    @ ST, u r a fucking fool!!! All those beats u named were weak as fuck and were 2001 recycled beats. I did not hear anything new and refreshing on Kush, Chrysler, Dr. Pepper, ect…. U need to clean your ears out…. Everything that Dre touches is not fucking gold these days, shit is more sour. Stop hyping this man beats up like they r pure CRACK because they r NOT!!!! Fuck Detox!!! Dude been talking about Detox for almost 2 decades. it dont take a superior producer no 20 fucking years to drop an album. Dre shit suck balls these days…

  38. seamz says:

    Funny how it took him 12 years to make a track that sounds almost exactly the same as numerous tracks off of chronic 2001.


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