1. Anonymous says:

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  2. Anonymous says:

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  3. Anonymous says:

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  4. Anonymous says:

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  5. Head Ahh says:

    Jay fell off around Kingdom Come. His fans don’t wanna admit it, but he did.

  6. toad3527 says:

    I wouldnt say he fell off, American Gangster and the Blueprint 3 were high quality solo albums on par with his earlier efforts. maybe not as good as blueprint 1 or reasonable doubt, but at least as good as blueprint 1 and in my lifetime volume 1

  7. toad3527 says:

    blueprint 2 *

  8. damone says:

    Jay fell off… LOL haters listen to WTT dude is going in. If u don’t understand just say that.

  9. Grammar patrol says:

    Eh I’m a longtime jay z fan but wtt had plenty of weak lines

  10. Black Shady says:

    Jay fell off? LOL c’mon yall know it aint true

    but yeah…yall keep saying niggas like Em and Jay fell off…….but i dont see anybody touchin them still

  11. COLD DE/TH says:


  12. Jaymalls says:

    Can’t front…. “Lost Ones” made me cry about twice… lol! That song is real though… and it caused a nigga 2 reflect on real shit that affected me n my fam. Just might have 2 get the pdf of this shit.

  13. mikkey says:

    one of the best songs on Kingdom come’ dre’s beat, plus the chorus. and then jay’s thoughtful lyrics showed that he was also going through some trials in his life

  14. Anonymous says:

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  15. Anonymous says:

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  16. Anonymous says:

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  17. Seemoregan says:

    @jaymalls nigga some real friends. Dont get emo with some internet niggas

  18. Mynds says:

    Jay just keeps getting better IMO. KC was his worst album but I think Beach Chair and Lost One are some of his best songs. Dig a Hole overlooked diss record. “I’m praying it spills outside of the booth, cause that’s when y’all niggas outside of your truth, outside of your league that’s not what you do” Ended dip set with that one.

  19. CorinneStafford says:

    my best friend

  20. Ben says:

    That book helps white people understand the lyrics.

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