1. Converse says:

    Joe Budden concert? LMAO?! club full of homos and lame niggas?!


  2. @ONEMANBEATS says:

    I can actually say Joe Buddens is Hip Hop for real. i like that song to.

    -Hit Me For Beats on My Twitter

  3. Black Shady says:


  4. Oskie Woskie says:

    Damn wish I coulda been there. Dark Nyte, you need to get a zoom h4n or some other type of audio recorder and set it up near the sound booth at these shows, the difference in quality will be killer. Also, you’re shooting on a 60D, but what lens? There’s a shitton of noise you should be able to get rid of depending on the lense…get at me.

  5. t says:

    lol at how drunk he was, did any one else notice his pants falling down on his way to the stage

  6. fastflipper says:

    budden = top 5 doa

  7. Dark Nyte says:

    @Oskie Woskie

    Its funny you bring up the Zoom H4N, iam actually getting that. As far as the sound goes, I usually set the audio on the 60D manually, i forgot to do that in the beginning, that’s why it sounds distorted.

    Canon EF 50mm 1/2
    Canon EFS 18-200mm

  8. @PRkid says:

    Is that Sara Kana (female rap battler) in the video at 3:08??!

  9. Oskie Woskie says:

    @Dark Nyte

    Assuming that’s the the L series 50mm f/1.2, you’ve got the best you can; that thing is crispy. The zoom lens you may eventually have to upgrade, but it definitely works. Also, you have no idea how jealous I am you get to shoot all these events man. Props

  10. […] RR VN:F [1.9.10_1130]please wait…Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)VN:F [1.9.10_1130]Rating: 0 (from 0 votes) opinions powered by SendLove.to // […]

  11. I was in the front row… Great show.

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