New Music: Yelawolf x Kid Rock “Let’s Roll”

Welcome to the best of both worlds. Detroit’s 95.5 FM premiered this earlier, but here’s the CDQ of Yelawolf‘s latest single. Recognize a hit when you hear it. Radioactive on November 21st.

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  1. Luke says:

    Yelawolf goes hard

  2. ACLASSIC says:

    this shit bangs, Kid Rock murdered that hook. Great single. RADIOACTIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Black Shady says:

    When i saw the title and the feature I was like WTF

    but this actually good. SHADY!!!

  4. Casey Anthony says:

    Love this song as much as my baby gi…. ummm nvm

  5. Infinitus says:

    Too many dudes hate on and underestimate this guy. His album’s gonna fucking be incredible.

  6. DaDey says:

    I can see why some wouldn’t like it, but this is a PARTY ANTHEM. Plain and Simple.

  7. Skinny Jeans - Fatass says:

    Looks Like Someone’s Buzz Is Gonna Be On Fire

  8. gjgJJ says:

    This is nicceeee. Shady

  9. Phillinois says:

    This song is dope.
    I hate the Stans that only clicked on this because Yela signed to Shady
    But it was a smart move on his part.

  10. birolex says:

    Great track Can’t wait for the album

  11. ppppp says:

    so you all like this shit but hate asap rocky?


  12. AVbomber says:

    Just having Kid Rock on the hook makes this song fucking awseome. Yelawolf is dope

  13. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    1 of my new favorite rappers. This joint is nice right here Yelawolf lets theses dudes know. Shady Records ! (no skateboarding, no barbie talk, no sappy love songs).

  14. woweee says:

    Wow this is what I’ve been waiting for yela is going to blow up.

    I love this song

  15. Firepower says:

    This is awesome, Yelawolf!!!

  16. zezzoi says:

    SMH at the shots MGK was shooting at Yela in that Breakfast club Interview.

    MGK ain’t shit. Yelawolf got talent. MGK horrible.

  17. casper21 says:

    big tune, get em Yela!

  18. Word Son says:

    I like these type of anthem type songs. Dope.

  19. Fuck Ya Life says:

    Dope shit I gotta feeling Radioactive is gonna be somethin serious, can’t wait for it to drop no more push backs.

  20. drakesucks says:

    that kid cock sucks…please die kid cock, i aint fuckin with white long haired rock faggots!!!

  21. rodipipes says:

    DOPE!!!! YELA!!!

  22. crazy says:

    YELA!!!!!! 11.21.11 !! SHADY!

  23. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    @drakesucks…Get a life lil man.

  24. DJ Game says:

    Something to look forward to. Been a fan since I heard Stereo. Always knew Em would sign him!

  25. TATE says:

    Yeah, He about to drop a nice album if this is any indication of whats to come..

  26. drakesucks says:

    ZoomZoomDad-Otis, fuck you bitch!!!

    i know your hurt cuz i shitted on your false prophet “GAY-Z”

    it sucks to worship a fat lip camel, ha?

  27. ballsackjohnson says:


    been waiting to hear this one for a minute and it lived up to my expectations. hopefully this will get some radio burn.

    can’t wait to hear that mystikal track and the eminem/gangsta boo collabo

  28. DAstan says:

    anthem of the year!

  29. Anonymous says:

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  30. Devil says:

    Wow! better than I expected…

    BTW…MGK sucks dick! that dude tries too hard to be a “bad boy”, he ain’t shit

  31. 1234... says:

    fucking sick! mgk shouldn’t even be mentioned in the same sentence.

    eminem (legend) signed yelwolf ’cause he recognises talent

    diddy (fag) signed mgk ’cause he recognises other fucking fags (except b.i.g)

  32. vejs23 says:

    shady 2.0 is the crew

  33. trajce12 says:

    this is bad for all you suckers…radioactive will pop

  34. Jay says:

    For real… this is the best track I’ve heard in a long while man.
    Yela stepped his game up when he got signed to Shady. I mean, he’s always been dope but now he’s even more so.

    This track is fuckin’ sick! Laid back and a pump-up song at the same time… Kid Rock murdered that hook too. Amazing hook.

  35. vado-fan says:

    nice!! good!! exelent!!

  36. marsh8e says:

    That’s what we’re waiting 4

  37. em_world says:

    This shit? is hottt.

  38. Tobs says:

    awesome, realy digg it, i will buy yella’s album. Not cuz of this single only but because of his music general. He does good music!!

  39. em_world says:

    I really hope Yelawolf becomes? the most successful…deserves it more than ANYONE else!!

  40. youRbest says:

    this song is fking great

  41. shady23 says:

    straight fire

  42. Bangers N Mash says:

    pretty solid track

  43. Shady_Site says:

    Kid Rock >>>Drake. Kid rock been singing and rappin and he always stay true with his. hope he puts out another rap record though cause devil without a cause is one of the best albums ever. look up EARLY MORNING STONED PIMP

  44. Frankie says:

    Now thats how you make a calssic track Dam yelawolf is bout to blow and make all his haters fans for life Cant wait for that album

  45. King says:

    lmao at these shady stans comin out on force…this song is ohk…nothing gr8 unless u got that shady 2.0 dick in ya mouth

  46. jdog says:

    thank fucking god for yelawolf. i don’t care if the entire album sucks ass, the first two songs to come out plus trunk music 2.0 is better than anything anyone has put out since lil wayne was doin his mixtape thing. got damn.

  47. […] Rap Radar :: New Music: Yelawolf x Kid Rock “Let’s Roll” "If music were a woman, I'd be desperate to fuck her." – Mikael

  48. ColoradoKnight says:

    Calm down.

  49. Jo$h says:

    This shit is hot!

  50. almarti5 says:

    Hate as much as yall want but….

  51. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    @king u must a be a MMG or YMCMB groupie? You wouldn’t know good music if it punch you in the face.

  52. fat nigga says:

    Dope song and the hook is amazing,that is real music.

  53. young lucci poppin cucci says:

    *this song is fking great* hahaha

  54. FUCKIN HOLY SHIT! says:

    this goes hard, dope, dope dope!!

  55. Lux Aeterna says:

    Dope track. Could’ve had some more of that intro/outro piano though!

  56. DZ Force says:

    Dope Shady Records

  57. fuk waka says:

    if u dnt get yela by now then u wud neva like him.. so dnt waste ur time with him! this song is the shit! dope single! this is indeed real music!

  58. fuk waka says:

    lets roll > free spirits, real her, make me proud #fact

  59. yomama says:

    Shady 2.0 all day, dope track

  60. Spok says:

    Shiiiiit he going to blow shady 2.0 yaowaaaaaaaa

  61. wahrheitsgetreu says:

    isnt it produced by Shady himself?

  62. Coroner says:

    @wahrheitsgetreu Yes it is.

  63. The Guy says:

    My white dawg killed it! Fuck yall

  64. The Guy says:

    My other white dawg Em killed the beat too!

  65. Someone says:

    One word..


  66. dodo says:

    hmm… wheres that EMINEM joint?

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  68. Shooga says:

    His best single so far.

  69. Shady 2.0 says:

    Dope as fuck! RADIOACTIVE 11.21.11

  70. DOADS says:

    fully sick! – can’t wait for the full album, em’ killed the beat too.

    eminem >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yelawolf >>>>>>>>>>>>> mgk + mac miller + asher roth

  71. res1 says:

    can’t wait for radioactive..11.21.2011!!!

  72. freakt says:

    This shit cray

  73. 313 says:

    shady gang !! 11 21 11

  74. […] new track featuring Shady’s general and Gangsta Boo. Yea, hoe Yela’s three-for-three.

  75. res1 says:


  76. res1 says:

    radioactive november 21st!

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