The Roots Undun Photo Shoot

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With The Roots new album in tow, here’s a behind the scenes look from the photo shoot of the project. The album cover is revealed in the video as well. Undun, December 6th.

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  1. MegaMan says:

    who? who cares? old peoples music. smh

  2. […] RR VN:F [1.9.10_1130]please wait…Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)VN:F [1.9.10_1130]Rating: 0 (from 0 votes) opinions powered by // […]

  3. The greek black jesus says:

    too cold

  4. STINKMEANER says:

    lol megaman, sounds like you have no taste in music bud. try to get some perspective and get your discerning taste in music up. talkin dumb shit like that is just playin yourself in front of people who know better.

  5. Irationi says:

    nobody cares about this…smh

    They giving free NBA jerseys in hopes that the fan support will END the 24hr only

  6. Able Danger says:

    Sorry can’t let the kids high jack a Roots post. You’ll have to forgive them they ate too much candy last night.

  7. MegaMan says:

    everybody has their own reality, so the Roots is not good in my opinion. Lil Wayne is the best rapper alive.

  8. red says:

    well megan if you think lil wayne is the best rapper alive you are right you see the roots represent the mc …real music so your reality is sad and when you grow up you will understand well i hope

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