New Video: Fat Joe x French Montana “Welcome To The Darkside”

[vodpod id=Video.15652906&w=540&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26]

Make yourself at home. But beware ’cause for Joey and French’s new clip, they pull out the heavy artillery for Welcome To The Darkside Vol. 2 ‘s opening-track. Welcome to the darkside, well.


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  1. […] RR VN:F [1.9.10_1130]please wait…Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)VN:F [1.9.10_1130]Rating: 0 (from 0 votes) opinions powered by // […]

  2. fastflipper says:

    beat is cool

    hook from french is ok

    but smh at fat joe lyrics…

    the beats on the dark side are cool but joe screw thems

  3. […] It’s A BX thang on this one!! Fat Joe Calls on French Montana to help him introduce the song “Welcome To The Darkside.” @WiL SOURCE […]

  4. Uh oh says:

    It’s so fuckin gay how yall try so hard to include a Jay line in any post. Fags.

  5. kingBENNY says:

    This is awful.

  6. sota612 says:

    I was bumpin this at the gym today, had me amped as shit, got a couple extra reps in because of it.

  7. Wherzche says:

    This track is dope!!! Gets me amped!!

  8. ymcmb says:

    my arab nigga montana went in. khaled need to sign him already support your people

  9. Black Shady says:

    Who the fuck gave Montana a deal??? if this nigga can make it, Im sure i can get some money with this rap shit lololol

  10. irv says:

    joey crack what the fuck happend to you? Nigga you got a legacy dude!! i know you trying to dumb it down and jump on the ross swagtrain but naah dude.. those bars are way below your standard!!

    You can do better!! D.I.T.C

  11. real says:

    ross flow, ross beat, montana hook…. where is joe at?

  12. Devil says:


    SMH AT THE LYRICS……………………….

  13. Boston George Cape Verd says:

    French Montana stay on his grind

  14. ab says:

    Its like the trend these days is to make the worst song you can possibly make and try to pass it off to simple minds as hott cuz this was awful

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