Common The Dreamer, The Believer Tracklist

Early this morning, No I.D. revealed the tracklist to Common’s upcoming album. From the looks of it, this is going to be something to watch out for. The Dreamer, The Believer hits stores on December 20th.

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  1. the void says:

    old head. who cares.

  2. kicks says:

    nobody listens to nerd rap

  3. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    @the void go listen to some r&b chicks like Monica, Mary J, Drake. “The Dreamer, The Believer” is gonna be sick.

  4. anon says:

    waka >>> common


  5. pulla says:

    Real artists don’t need loads of features cause they have the talent by them selfs

    can’t wait for this

  6. SmokeYou says:

    Really looking forward to this one.

  7. The greek black jesus says:

    Common is the goat along with ghost lu nas thought mos pac jigga

  8. Y U Mad says:

    Why block my comment like that.. Propaganda or what. Okay hey Guys I love Common, he is better than Lil Wayne. I guess now you will post it…

  9. East ATL says:

    Common who cares 2chains> common

  10. The greek black jesus says:

    2chainz swallows


    LMAO u gotta be like 47years old blogging ha!

  12. Able Danger says:

    Don’t mind these children they don’t have common sense, nevermind the life expirence to relate to him.

  13. Occult says:

    3 features: Maya Angelou, Nas, and John Legend. Common will be handling the rest.

    Now THAT’S how u fuckin’ do it! On paper, this looks like a masterpiece. Insta-cop.

  14. Couch Potatoe says:

    fagot rap, pure garbage

  15. King Kong says:

    ^I make a point not to give any credit to anybody that misspells both “faggot” and “potato” in the course of 6 words. No wonder you can’t understand Common.

  16. shane says:

    @KingKong that was quite possibly the funniest thing ive seen all day lol. anyways this album shaping up to be fantastic, cant wait! def buying this one

  17. The greek black jesus says:

    Bravo kingkong! Loooooooooooooool

  18. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    @Young Boy,Old soul…Stick to listening to Wayne and flocka if you want to lose brain cells.

  19. wayneslegacy says:

    Theres a difference wayne is a rapper he raps his words good the way he delivers it to you is good..common is a lyricest a poet. Simply wayne is rap music and common is hiphop i listen to both

  20. ColoradoKnight says:

    Common is Hip Hop. Do you’re homework. Listen to “Resurrection” “The Light” and even Black Star feat. Common “Respiration”. CLASSIC material. I’m a little disappointed that that there’s only 12 records on this album, 3 of which I already have on my rotation. Still looking forward to it nonetheless.

  21. Big LG says:

    Another album with pops at the end. looking forward to that.

  22. cool says:

    pops at the end, just like on Be.. means its gonna be a classic.. like the JL feat to. reminds me of ‘they say’ also from Be. maan this shit is gonna be one of the best albums of the year

  23. casper21 says:

    I’ve been waiting on this, can’t wait to cop it. This is how all old head legends and respected mc’s should handle their solo projects, only a handful of features, but great ones that compliment their work, good lookin Common, your gonna do some damage with this one here.

  24. Jaymalls says:

    G.O.O.D. Music bitch… We got Grammys and platinum plaques over here!

    PS we got some really good albums this year. From The Throne, Wale, Drake, J. Cole, Drake, Common, etc. notice I didn’t say Wayne or Bad Meets Evil.

  25. The greek black jesus says:

    truthfullly i wanna rhyme like common sense…

  26. gangsta boo says:

    Why did common name his album the dreamer? Black people haven’t had a dream since mlk.. I understand the believer because all black people will believe anything they hear

  27. RedRocBoy says:


  28. Farrakhan Taught Me says:

    lol at retards which bitching about Common being old, I rather listen to old rappers like these new young wack rappers which got no longevity and i don’t say all new rappers are wack but majority sucks. December gonna be fucking dope.

  29. nv says:

    What has hip hop turned into where lying and being fake are better than knowledge and truth waka and two chains are you f-ing serious how do they compare to common. Definitely picking this up

  30. Kunta Kente says:

    Nothing like listening to a middle age rapper who is overrated. Listen to Common closely he is a simple ass rapper. His story telling in nursey rhymes. Lupe and Jay Electronica will rap circles around this nigga.

  31. […] good folks at Rap Radar have  gotten hold of the final track listing for Common’s The Dreamer,The Believer album. […]

  32. Tucq says:

    I wonder what Maya Angelou thinks of being placed before a song that has lyrics like “Butt nekkid in the kitchen, flippin pancakes…” LOL

    I’m sure she and Common had conversations about his content. He goes in on “Sweet”, too.

  33. […] freuen wir uns auf »The Dreamer/The Believer«. Die Leaks, das Tracklisting, die gestreuten News. Alles klingt vielversprechend. Vorbei die Zeiten mit Topfwärmer auf dem […]

  34. […] the tracklist for his upcoming LP, The Dreamer, The Believer which drops this December 20th (via RapRadar). The album features the likes of Nas, Maya Angelou, and John Legend. Looks like a project you […]

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