1. Nathaniel says:

    “while y’all dig up some illuminati theories”

    ^smh… sad but true.

  2. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    “While y’all dig up some illuminati theories”…Oh Boy !

  3. @shawnbucc says:

    All these mainstream artists are puppets of the illuminati. And FYI his last ablum was called “Universal Mind Control”

  4. jeeeeeezzer says:

    Fake illuminati-wannabe bitch ass…

    Best in tha game…gucci tell em!

  5. kareem says:


    oh yeah…and he sure did accomplish just that with that spectacular album!


  6. kareem says:

    like, ok…his album was titled “universal mind control”

    and? like…what’s next? did he control everybody’s mind? were you brainwashed? with d-grade pharrell beats? really nigga. shut up.

  7. kareem says:


    sometimes a triangle….is just a fucking triangle. hyper geometric conspiracy theorist ass niggas.

  8. Hoss says:

    Amazing. Nothing less. It would be really hard for me to anticipate this album any more than I already am, and I’ve got another month to go.

  9. Hudes says:

    To those fuck boys talking shit about common, every artist has to grow and try shit. His last cd didn’t work out but this one sure will. 3 of the songs released are all amazing (sweet, blue sky, ghetto dreams). Com is a true poet and this cd just may be his best LP next to like water for chocolate

  10. Uh-oh says:

    I really dont know why people act like the Illumanti isnt real. Like what are yall so scared of in admitting it?

  11. Musikal says:

    Common not you too.

  12. Gonlay says:

    man that does look like an illuminati sign…no matter what you say!…
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  13. Truth (The real one) says:

    I think I just saw a unicorn in the center of the cover…If you look to the left you see two devils (because people knows how evil looks). Also the gold sprinkles spewing from the pyramids represents black ppl throwing money at the club. Trust me, I know. I have an internet connection 🙂

  14. Oj da Cornball says:

    Illuminati certainly comes to mind. LOOOOL

    yet, it’s not some coincidence rappers feel to make CD covers from signs and symbols. say what you want, but it’s strange.

  15. Oj da Cornball says:

    and Big Homie, stop fronting you made that comment cause in your conscience it represent that ideology.

  16. Tim Lee VA Stand Up says:

    @ Oj da Cornball

    Your right though, im saying the same thing. its like….

    Ok its not illuminati?? Sure that word is so fucking overrated its ridiculous but LETS THINK…..then what is it? ART??? Get the fuck outta here. Theres a reason they use these symbols, and Common isnt the one to try and get hype from an illuminati conspiracy theory, its real. People use this shit constantly, theres a fucking reason. Fireball video from Willow Smith has all this shit in it too….this isnt just coincidence. So lets stop with the “Everyone shut up about the illuminati” bullshit. Because ITS OBVIOUS IN YOUR FUCKING FACE. And in the end times, its not going to be hidden anymore. They want you to know EXACTLY what their agenda is. So eat that up mother fuckers.

  17. Big Homie says:

    ^ No, not really. I just knew that y’all would have a field day with the cover. To me, it’s just an album cover that’s gold ha

  18. lonnie? says:

    Big Homie, you lying.

    You sold out just like that other YN.

  19. Truth (The real one) says:

    For all of you illumaniti enthusiasts….YOU ARE RIGHT…simply because as ppl we will always see thing how we want them to appear. If for instance I find another race to be inferior no matter who I meet and the obvious fact that its not true. Your mind will craft seemingly rational links to whatever your view may be. So…YOU’RE right….Now what are you going to do about it? Guess you all prefer to just talk abouot it while the most “evil humans on the earth” destroy you.

  20. the void says:

    nice cover. if anything its on some space shit. just cause there is a diamond shape doesnt mean anything.”big homie” didnt have to add that illuminati part. only the idiots would have thought that it looked like an illuminati symbol. education is key.

    ps. universal mind control was a horrible attempt to make the pop charts.

  21. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    off topic: Jeff Van Gundy and Mike Breen are calling a college basketball game. Jay-Z voice: this cant be life

  22. Brahsef says:

    Illuminati dudes crack the fuck outta me. Not saying they don’t exist but I’m pretty sure they’re on some other shit than rap music. Like creating a one world government. I don’t think Jay and Common are in that camp.

  23. I Self Lord And Master says:

    illuminati are good dudes. fucking vatican’s fags still hatin’ on them because they expose truth and mean freedom of self. btw illuminati jacked black people’s symbols from kemet era.
    ILLUMINATI ARE TRUTH! Do What Thou Wilt = Freedom

  24. YM says:

    Nice cdcover! common&no id can’t go wrong! but can’t top common&DILLA

  25. Jay says:

    Lots of comments regarding Illuminati rather than the actual album.

  26. Truth (The real one) says:

    ^^^what album?

  27. RedRocBoy says:


  28. drakesucks says:

    common sucked jay-zs dick and now he is a member of the gaylluminati!

  29. The greek black jesus says:

    Common is the goat…

  30. Bek says:

    Illuminati Lol I just wanted to say that since everyone else seems to know so much. By all means, if its on youtube, believe it, its true lmao! WHO CARES! If there is, you can’t stop em!

    In other news, Common is one of the greatest. I just pray that he does not come out with a song like Ass-Big Sean (IDGAF what he named it, its ass to me-literally!) LMAO!!!! I know, Im corny. And so are u.

  31. X.Kalibur269 says:

    @Uh-Oh, I’m not afraid of anything, I just can actually read. The Illuminati was NEVER in control of everything behind the scenes when they were actually active (trust me, if a bunch of atheist were in control of stuff, then things would be alot better off…), & they disbanded in the 1700’s/ please look up more than just dumb youtube videos if you really want to know who & what the Illuminati was

  32. Kwamé says:

    Fuckin bakpackers.smh.cant u just enjoy music?

  33. D. L. says:

    maybe they do it to gain illuminati awareness throughout our culture. But I don’t care. I believe in predestination so whatever is going to happen to me, in my lifetime, is going to happen.

  34. marius says:

    this is Common’s cover. say what ever you wanna but it’s gotta be a reason why he uses this image.
    I need an anwser. if thats not intended, then i don’t know

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