Childish Gambino On Conan

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With Camp in stores now, Childish Gambino made his late night rounds. He stopped by Conan and performed,”Heartbeat”. Hopefully Gambino doesn’t have to quit his day job.

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  1. Fred says:

    Camp is a great album go and check it out now

  2. Young Nigga says:

    Camp is best hip-hop album that came out this year. Don’t sleep on Gambino.

  3. junie says:

    great album…but that show sucks..

    Man Hawaii was soooooo dope! ..i would’ve never went if they weren’t giving free trips.. 4 this week ONLY…i’m going 2

  4. CBH says:

    This performance was dope.

  5. ectomania says:

    dope. but only cos he sounds like kanye.

  6. darkcaesar says:

    “you give really adequate hand jobs and its awesome” gambino 2012

  7. Smack this idiot back to his youth camp talent show skill set.. HORRID….

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