1. Justice The Last King says:

    So everybody talking about “the flow” but Fabolous and Cam’Ron been using that flow for years

  2. herohiro says:

    Who cares about this fucking over used flow just rap and make good music then you’ll have no problems……and if he wasn’t doing movies as much his last two albums would have been good but they weren’t ….stick to what ya good at ol family film nikka….btw I love old ludacris

  3. flake says:

    lol watch the clone………………….. ha ha ha ok back to the topic he killed this video

  4. Yup ! says:

    THIS IS WHAT I THINK ABOUT THIS VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    HA !

  5. veesky says:

    There was a lot going on in that vid…girl was hot tho’

  6. jayoconn says:

    Video prolly went over a lot of your heads. lol. It was good though! That whole mixtape was pretty dope. That is the Luda we wanna hear

  7. BK James says:

    I think this video is a good metaphor for Luda’s musical output at this point: A lot of style, not as much substance. I don’t have anything against him, but his new mixtape was really trying too hard. Just like this video, it’s got a lot of cool elements in it, but overall is a bit sloppy. Maybe it’s got too many elements, just like the production on 1.21 Gigawatts. The beats weren’t anything amazing, but there was a lot of layers thrown on to make it appear more complex. It boils down to the bars though, as always. This song has been generating a lot of controversy and hype, but really it’s a non-point. Sean and Drake never actually dissed Luda, they just used some of his lyrics as examples of poor use of the SupaDupa flow, which were really weak lyrics to begin with so why go through all the trouble of defending said lyrics when they were some of Luda’s worse to begin with. And why bring it all up a year after the fact, when the point is pretty much dead and Big Sean said he’s not even gonna use the flow anymore. Sure Luda might have felt disrespected, but that shouldn’t be anything new in this industry and he should be able to make some decent music without having to resort to petty diss tracks.

    Yes, you proved that Big Sean didn’t invent the flow. Good for you. Now make some more classic music please and stop focusing on the bullshit.

    Thank you,

  8. veesky says:

    I don’t see how it would go over anyones head…the track samples a scene from “The Fifth Element”, the theme of the video is based on another scene in the movie…just seems like too much for a mediocre/unnecessary track

  9. Dr. Dre's Ass says:

    Pretty dope.
    Shot I’m High as Fuxk lol

  10. Black Shady says:

    Niggas acting like they forgot about Luda lol

    I wish Big Sean and Drake would reply. I wishhhhhh a nigga would!!!!!

  11. Jaymalls says:

    lmao… did anybody listen to that 1.7 gigawattz mixtape??? Thats what i thought. Ludacris bout to get that 50 Cent treatment. Niggas need 2 learn that making gay diss tracks before they release an album/mixtape does not work anymore.

  12. Miracle Spiritual Individual In Your Swimming Pool says:

    i like how he makes a video to this song, not even close to the best song on the mix tape but he makes the video for more attention.. miss the old luda

  13. YouKnowMe says:

    These new rappers are soft

  14. Donn says:


  15. the void says:

    luda thinks he is still dope. he use to be dope. one verse from big sean or drake would kill ludas career. luda should just keep doin that pop music and stay in his lane. word to beiber.

  16. Ryuk says:

    You gotta wonder, at some point will Luda stop embarrassing himself?

  17. John says:

    Drake and Sean are weak- Luda just murked them and they dont got the guts to come back

  18. King says:

    i bet both of them soft faggots won’t reply…..PS. FUCK DRAKE

  19. dmc says:

    Im glad this was made, these new artists need to be put in there place.

  20. Black says:

    this video is a little too much.. too ghetto. Luda ain’t bout that life. but neither is drake or big sean..

  21. Negrito says:

    I love BADA BOOM

    This joint go extra hard on these Pillsbury DoughnutBoys (Drake and Sean ) Big up Luda

  22. Negrito says:

    The thing I see in these comments is haters and fans of Luda. It’s natural to have haters and a person will have good friends or fans.

    So the debate is pointless. I’m a hater of Drake but a fan of Luda. They both doing they thing regardless how any of us feel.

  23. Lil Majer The Cartune says:

    Interesting vid… But seriously! WHERE IS THIS LUDA HATE COMING FROM!?!? Just cause he puts out two mediocre albums you guys flip $#! !!! FOH! Luda is still the man! Luda got 7 albums! 2 outta 7 of em were average! Thats 5 whole albums that overshadow his previous work! So until he makes 3 more albums that aren’t good as his first 5 then that’s when tou can say Luda fell off! Btw 1.21 Gigawatts went INNN and I will be purchasing Ludaversal right when it drops just to piss these haters off! HAA!

  24. D mane says:

    Wayne stay winning

  25. L'Aiguille says:

    I’m not a fan of Drake BUT youngin just sold 630k in his first week and got the radio on lock. WHY would he respond to a mixtape diss track ? Plus Luda don’t even say his name !!! Daaamn I miss Fifty !


  26. irfy says:

    “Do like your record say or shut the fuck… up”

  27. Chris says:

    oh girl killed that Pinky shit.

  28. STINKMEANER says:

    man, its funny to see corny people support drake and sean. sorry kids, those aren’t rappers, they are pop stars.

    they aren’t in the rap lane competing against jay and nas, they are in the pop lane competing against lady gaga and justin bieber.

    if you wanna support pop music, go ahead, but don’t talk shit about real rappers.

    rap is a competition, it is based on skill, pop is a popularity contest that is based on marketing gimmicks. if your popstars wanna compete with real rappers they are gonna get destroyed, don’t feel bad about it.

  29. Errol Games says:

    This beef is stupid. Just admit that you’re Macy’s and Balloons lines were weak af Luda and keep it moving… and why did you wait a year to respond? You had feelings like that for a year? That’s some hoe shit. My biggest problem is Ludacris acting like he’s the smartest Hip Hop Head in the room. Nobody cares Luda

    That Beef Luda had with TI >>>>>>>>>>

  30. Real is Real says:

    Y’all Crazy as Hell this shit Go Hard!!! Luda been doin the damn thang. Give Props when it’s due,

  31. King Mathers says:

    I wanna see Drake and Sean respond with them corny ass rhymes

  32. Word says:

    Damn when did it become cool to hate on Luda? Imean I admit, I wasnt a big fan of Battle Of The Sexes but Luda isnt far removed from the best music he’s put out. Theater of the Mind was still good. He kills any feature he’s on, especially the generic Dj Khaled songs. His last album STILL went gold. And Luda is still relatively young so I wouldnt even call him an old dude thats just mad at the younger generation.

    I dunno wassup with this hate. Yall the same niggas that would be hating on TI too I guess? Damn two of the biggest heavyweights in the south for the past decade and yall ready to shit on ’em over one bad album and jail time? More importantly, ARE NIGGAS REALLY TAKING BIG SEANS SIDE IN THIS??? Lmao. Thats crazy. Big Sean, a dude who’s style SCREAMS one hit wonder, over a dude thats been doing this for years? You can tell its mainly kids that comment on here. Come on son.

  33. aytodeath says:

    its looks like he tryna make it like the “i do it” video…

  34. mac DIESEL fanbase says:

    hip hop needs another big beef

  35. Lil Majer The Cartune says:

    Co-signs Word!!

  36. bromane says:

    luda it over bro the new dudes have it on lock you was hot back in the days kid

  37. Will says:

    Luda would eat and spit Big Sean and Drake ! He is a punch line MASTER !
    Luda has accomplished way more than Drake and Big sean reunited
    Ludaversal’s gonna be a problem

  38. Bangers N Mash says:

    The vets gotta start putting these new rappers in their place. Gettin too cocky.

  39. hazz says:

    Luda tried to educate you guys but i guess our rap history means as much to yall as our black history yall just don’t give a phuck

  40. FlocKaveLLi says:

    LOVE BEEF. hip hop needs another good beef. hope this heats up along with the wayne jay semi-beef

  41. Whitest Kid to Know Hip Hop says:

    no one wants your shitty headphones

  42. Lux Aeterna says:

    Listening to Luda for some good ol’ hiphop…. Drake on the other hand… I’ll leave that to the 15 year olds…

  43. Fred G. Sanford says:

    Let me understand this correctly. Drake makes an uninformed statement about Luda’s use of a flow that neither Big Sean or Drake invented, revolutionized, or even used all that well. But somehow Luda is the one who’s wrong for pointing out the flaw in Drake’s claim ? Alrighty then.

  44. Kemosabi says:

    Real talk how old are some of you niggas? You think Luda scared of drake or boi Sean? Anyone remember when he tore T.I a new one and the little nigga had to back off? Drake started it directly calling Luda with the Macys line and calling it wack. Don’t throw rocks and hide your hands. “I wish niggas would let us young niggas be” sounds like the boi don’t want no problems

  45. DJ Game says:

    “man, its funny to see corny people support drake and sean. sorry kids, those aren

  46. ColoradoKnight says:

    He’s telling other rappers to say it to his face when he didn’t mention one name in this whole rant?

  47. OffMyNutz says:

    LUDA!!!!Fuck Drake and Lil Sean!!!2 bitches!

  48. King says:

    man fuck this beef…Luda can kill them both at the same time…would love to see a real beef ex. Game vs Wayne or Jay vs Wayne

  49. 1980 MY POPS NUTTED says:

    They should just FUCK ALREADY…boi

  50. biggrlp says:

    first in that interview big sean states he started this flow. second saying since this is a year old its irrelevant is carzy considering lil wayne response to jay-z was a year old and no one said anything about that. wayne said no names but everyone knew who he was talking bout. and last how does a rapper who is a legand in the game and who’s last solo album went gold with 2 platinum singles off it need to try to stay relevant? yalls blowing smoke wake the hell up.

  51. biggrlp says:

    i took wayne a year to respond to jay z i dont hear anyone saying anything about that. my chick bad went platinum hmmm

  52. DMV Guy says:


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