50 Cent Reacts To T.I. VIBE Story
November 25, 2011 @ 8:12 PM EST

T.I.’s VIBE cover story hasn’t even hit the newsstands yet, but 50 already has
T.I.’s VIBE cover story hasn’t even hit the newsstands yet, but 50 already has
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50 is tellin tha truth! 10 machine guns and u get a fuckin year
Curtis is a bitch ass and he always be a bitch to mayweather
faggot ass nigga
TI, bringing up old shit, that was dead and burried. And 50 he’s just annoying and should have left the story alone. 50 goes overboard and will use his patent PR statement for each and everyone of his beefs. No one sees the slap, they just see the reaction to the slap. I hope TI don’t respond but the interview didn’t say 50 said this, he/she said critics and TI just blasted 50, he could have kept in general.
50 stay out of other’s peoples business, those are bitch tendencies.
We got snitch lovers coming out. Only cornballs complain about a Nigga getting at another Nigga. You can’t be from the streets. The Strong eat up the weak!
Wow you a bitter bitch this has nothin to do with jigga or money may get off that homotional shyt bruh
Fif gonna body T(he).I(nformant).
50 is a bitch ass
az5Lyrics. I think u took the words outta my mouth! Lol,,,, #CantStandThatRabbitTeethObnoxiousAsshole Curtis!
that nigga telling the truth…why the fuck will you take a charge and fuck up an already fucked up career with doing more jail….nigga that bitch need to take the charge and shut the fuck up….
50 GOT SOME HEAT…that nigga know he got heat and he is waiting to pull the trigger!!! lol
OW 50 need some buzzzz hahahha DONT FUCK WITH THE KING curtissssss lol
TI’s right tho, 50 shouldve mind his fuckin business. who the fuck is he to tell TI wat his wife shouldve done in relation to the charges?
thats like when 50 was gettin accused of bein an accomplice to the burnt house, when Rick Ross chimed in and gave his 2 cents about it, 50 went at him relentlessly.
wat gives 50 the right to say anythin about another niggas family/legal troubles? just cuz hes 50? fuck that
Well, he is right.
poster above is right, who complains about one dude getting at another? well, street dude loves it and 50 happens to be a street dude.
anyway, T.I is a snitch. str8 up.
Why dont 50 mind his muhfuckin business? It aint got nothin to do with him.
both these niggas snitches doe
Why cant a dude voice his opinion. everybody thinks everyone is tough but everyone in the hip hop game is hush hush. everyone riding each other dick. fif is the only one that makes his opinion known/ gotta respect that
ayo honestly, if the roles were switched n 50 caught them cases n got 1 year plus probation, EVERYBODY would be yelling that he’s a snitch! but TI get a pass becuz what???
i wasn’t aware this dude was relevant anymore? ohhh thats right he’s resorted back to his only tactic of starting shit to get attention. gtfoh
Fif makes his opinion knows. everyone in the hip hop game is so hush hush. i fuckin hate it. nigga you see something you don’t like. SAY SOMETHING
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TI responded on Twitter & I agree. No Tweefin
There he goes again …
Fuck that! im ridin with 50 hahaha nigga speak his mind on everything
yall motherfuckaz got softtttt! when Luda went on Drake and Big Sean yall were crying too lol. Yall would rather have dem mufuckaz do tons of we are the world records. fuck that. keep going at ’em 50!!!
mind your business fif. if another rapper made a comment about his crazy ass bm he’d have a fit
This is dumb.. 50 was only being a real nicca. and he didnt even say it on no disrespectful shit.. Most of you dudes here was saying the same thing that she should take the fall. Cause He was on probation.. Thats YEARS! i dont even know how he only got one year.. but I wont comment on that.
But lets be real.. I got a STRONG feeling that T.I. is only saying this because Shawty lo is with G-unit now..
fif 100 correct look at Ja Rule he got 2 yrs for one gun shit wesly snipes got more then that for taxes
10 machine guns and faced 1 year so what?? y’all haters rather see a nigga locked up than succeed.. SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY!! 50 U FAGGOT ASS GET OFF HIS BALLS
He raises a good point though. How the hell do you get caught with what he got caught with and with a rap sheet he claims to have and only get a couple years in prison? Either he has the greatest lawyers in the world or a deal was made to reduce his sentence. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was found out that he snitched cause’ he had Alfamega in his crew for a long time and claimed he never knew that Alfamega was snitching? Really?! Nothing ever seemed a little strange or you never heard someone say something that raised your suspicion. IDK his situation and I could honestly care less but hating on 50 for bringing up a valid point is dumb.
Anyone callin t.i dumb for not letting his girl take the rap prolly don’t have a girl and hangin with the hand each night. I would never ask my wife to take the rap even if it was unsupervised pb. The nerve of some of you. And y’all bitch about snitches?!? Letting someone take the rap is just as bad as snitching! Pussy!
Yeah, and addressing him in a magazine was some “og” move. lol
Cop-out reply.
Tweet or not, he told you don’t get yourself into something you don’t want. and you don’t want it. lol
Look, AGAIN, the idea is for her to take the rap for which she would have NOT GONE TO JAIL.
She woulda been let of. You idiots, 50 didn’t say she should went to jail, take the charge and THEY BOTH AVOID JAIL.
Dudes holla about a ride or die chic, but now this lovey crap is the way.
Now indeed I would’v did it my way and kept mines out of trouble, but you claim certain lifestyles and don’t live by the codes. So 50 being a real street dude calls these things out when he sees them.
Now you got gamers, online commenters who don’t leave the house talking as if they know.
And oh yeah, T.I shows he scared of 50. 50 didn’t hesitate to mention him, but he goes “Champ”lol
why not say no TWEEFING here, 50. then kept it moving.
i hope somebody get killed
They got caught with weed and she’s scared for taking that rap. LOL really! How much did they have on them cause if it wasn’t that much she would have just spent a night in jail and then had to take some classes to get that shit dismissed. You basically get like 2 chances on minor drug charges before you go to jail. After that then it’s like a minimum 6 month sentence. Her “husband” was facing some serious time with that shit. TI needs to ask himself what kind of wife he has cause that’s fucked up. It’s not like she has a career where she needs a clean record. All she’s doing is riding his wave of success. Take the hit and move on. The whole ordeal, had she taken the rap, would have lasted for like a couple weeks and then it would have been all good.
and now u see why he is KING !!!!
Oh no! TI, don’t you know you’re not suppose to feed trolls. They have nothing else better to do but troll. It’s their nature. For all you clowns talking about 50 a boss this and he a boss that, he sure does get on twitter a lot to airport his feelings.
Lets face it, 50 was the successful version of Joe Budden—Self proclaimed ‘gangstas’ who gossip more than..anything really. Talking about T.I. got caught with so and so and so and so, bah blah blah and spent a year in jail…
Let me ask the Curtis stans something, how did Young Buck escape an aggravated assault charge (f*** that, he stabbed a dude in the chest with a knife—that’s attempted murder), when he was apart of G-Unit, at the Vibe awards. Homie served no jail time! But there is no conspiracy theories because it’s Curtis’ crew???
Cool story bro!
Bunch of armchair prosecutors and law experts/bums.
The court system in this country only sees one thing and that’s money. You need the connections, you better have that money. Don’t by that? Google is your friend (perhaps your only friend), look up the athletes, actors, actresses, musicians, hell all around well to do people who have been caught up and let go. You all know the facts, yet still ignore the reality.
This is why some people can’t have nice things.
50 needs to mind his business.
yea tweefin is wack i agree
but real niggas arent afraid to voice their opinion
50 is desperate for attention. I repeat 50 is desperate for attention.
50 can’t beef or tweef wit TIP, he’ll run out of shit to post on Thisis50.com
@ Mojo
The FEDS don’t care about no money. Anybody who tells you otherwise is lying to you. Martha Stewart had to do a bullet @ a camp and she’s probably richer than Jimmy Iovine.
mOJO your funny. Telling people to stop acting like armchair law experts and then going on to claim that you know how the legal system works. Thats a good one. Keep it going.
Why do niggas always say dumb shit “G code” what the fuck is that? is this the same nigga doing T.I.P. commercials for the police. Where is that in the G Code? So all that gangsta talk BS is silly talk coming from dude.
Vibe didn’t say 50’s name you did, and he responded. You may not like the way he responded but he did. I personally think fif should stay out of the man’s business but he brought 50 in it, by put his name in his mouth.
G code and real g’s, the dumbest shit ever said, cause all these so called G’s snitch and do all kinds of other shit to avoid time. If you really G with it, you could just said Hey Em, get fif on the phone. I want too talk too him about that comment he made damn near 2 years ago.
Typical hip hop publicity stunt I can already tell it’s “fake beef” just by 50’s involvement.. both artist are at a crucial point in their career so I’m expecting more shit like this from them besides why else would you give a fuck about 50…Now everybody make sure you buy T.I’s cover so they know people still give a fuck about the “King of the South”
Dumb dumb said it the best.
i dont understand why 50 beefs with people that are pretty close with Em. Just sounds like a dumb move.
50 has the right to his opinion. I’m a die-hard T.I. fan but 50 was tellin the truth. How could he get publicity from this? Thats stupid…. Atleast 50 was real enough to say out loud what 98% of all the rest of the industry said behind his back… so what. I dont see the big deal. TIP has bigger things to think about, like staying free & bringing all this fire he’s been bringing lately… he wasted space even bringing up this ‘NON-ISSUE’ in the issue of VIBE.
FIF doesn’t bite his tongue for nobody. William telling lying left and right. Who spoke up? FIF. Wayne talks about being a blood. But we the public seen wayne grow up in front of our eyes. Who spoke up again? FIF. The guy who got arrested with T.I. & Tiny was on a 15 yr probation. Figure that 1 out.
@get bucks
True, Martha got sent away, but what was her crime? Screwing around with other people’s money. The SEC is not to be trifled with. That’s far and away some rapper with guns on them or a rapper stabbing someone in the chest on camera and not getting jail time or a basketball player who kills a limo driver and has a reality tv deal and no jail time, or a football player who killed a guy when driving while drunk and cuts a check and does a month in the county jail…(it keeps going).
Sure they are some who get thrown into jail for shooting themselves in the leg…but that’s combo witch hunt and bad representation.
@Looking Clean
I see someone missed reading comprehension in scho…Damn, I’m assuming you took classes. Never mind. Keep it going *two thumbs up*
Fif is completely right on this. Everyone was thinking it, and when someone finally says it, then it’s foul? WTF for. At the time everyone was commenting on what happeennd, and Fif didn’t even say it disrespectfully, he just said ‘damn, Tiny gotta take the case”…that’s it.
TI comes off as a little bitch here because he got emotional over something that everyone was saying.
Lets be real, how do you as a multiple felon get done with buying 10 machine guns from an UNDERCOVER cop, then a year later brake probation, and still only get 1 year. Everyone here knows it, something fishy went on. Some names had to be dropped.
Fif is 100% correct.
TI is a dumb ass nigga and he dont deserve the breaks he gets. If you soo fucking stupid when you break the law and yo famous, you already know ppl gone say shit. no differnt then lohan or bill cliton. TI SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU PUSSY ASS BITCH GO AND BREAK THE LAW AGAIN
men guys respect 50 he will always say his opinion ….if ti is a real G with all that guy then shot 50 then or hv him beaen truth is 50 is a proven gangstar all other are manufactures like ti rick ross n wayne
say off the tip of my dick
more tip ryders dick that is
ti aint no gangsta… dat nigga in the studio with taylor swift and he aint fuckin her
this nigga tip a sucka
@Mojo – you can’t argue with the ignorant contingent in these threads, they are to busy vicariously living through their favorite entertainer. I’ve been saying for YEARS that 50 is the biggest example of smoke & mirrors the game has created. How are you the most super thug gangsta you got shot and rap about it. 50 snitches in ALL his music, naming names is not in the G Code. But you can’t tell these dumb ninjas who follows him aimlessly. I won’t trivialize bc I hate trivialization but 50 has 1 good album and hit the lottery because he cashed in before the music biz stock market came crashing down.
He would have more credibility if he present 50Cent as a character and Curtis Jackson as the entrepreneur. The reason he’s having problems now and his brand is diminished is because he was a constant contradiction. I don’t really have a horse in this race, even though i’ll admit I’m more of a fan of TI’s music because his MC skill level is far more superior than 50’s.
Rappers are like athletes, NBA players to be specific whereas they are both the product & brand.
50’s product and brand had constantly deminished because it lacks authenticity. Via album sales or not these are examples of artist’s who brand has value: Jay-Z, Nas, 3K, Ye, Tech N9ne, Scarface, etc. I’ll even put Wayne & Drake in there but with a stipulation bc Wayne talks all that blood crap BUT he still displays technical rapping skills at a high level, something 50 has never really been able to do, yet benefitted from being a part of a movement.
Everyone is talking about him having an opinion, real cats don’t speak on other people’s legal or financial affairs, it’s lady like
I’m out…beef is wack and those who resort to it are wack.
why this pussy nigga gettin his feelings caught cuz of some shit 50 said
@mega mind you didn’t have too tell anyone you have a bias, it is evident. Objective thinking is out of the question for you homie. And all that superior MC shit is the biggest lie in hip hop. All these niggas rap about the same thing on each and every record. It just depends on who you hate or dislike more. Their have never been a true lyricist in the game. Just writers and those who say they don’t write(BS). More BS technical rapping skills more BS, its who you like and its all subjective. And for the most part Bloggers like Elliott feed you your opinion. For the most part rap is what you’re feeling at the time this isn’t science and no one can tell me what I like no matter how you push it.
What so technical about rap?
Does the producer ask you too hit a Bflat?
All a rapper does is write bars to a beat, the skill is knowing what a bar is and providing a hook.
Let’s see is Justin Beiber a Technical rapper, or let say Taylor Swift?
I love rap and I know this shit isn’t technical its whats hot.
you lookin from the outside in. in 2003 (when everybody n theyre grandmama were sellin records), fif was the first multi-platinum artist to release free mixtapes! 50’s mixtapes > his albums but regular rap fans overlook his mixtape work. now lets be rational for a moment, 50 n gunit started the “album quality mixtape wave” that now over-saturates the market. those artist you name may out-rap 50 but I’m sure they cant out-think him! hes done ALOT for the game.
if beef is wack….then so is everyone making 7 featured “we are the world” type songs! battling is a dying art in hip hop
I had to type a test, I feel like B Dot and them be moderating bc they don’t want to let the real come through
Props to 50… #Truth
Shut the hell up. T.I. is soft.
I reading megaminds comments and laughing the whole time.
a better technical rapper? what does that mean? he pronounces his words better? or the proverbial I like him better than I like the other guy. When I think technical when it comes to music, I think writing music, know how to construct a song you know the technical shit that makes the song. Writing Bars is a skill but it isn’t technical per se, the technical part is knowing the music in which you are constructing the song.
Justin Beiber can rap, Taylor Swift can rap hence the technical stuff you speak of is a mockery.
Rap is this and it has always been this. WHO IS HOT AT THE MOMENT and WHO YOU LIKE. Ice Cube coined a phrase a long time ago and it still hold true today from the inception of rap/hip hop “Their will be a new nigga next year”. I’ve been around long enough too know this is true. Not through revisionist history but see it happen on a regular basis.
Their have been no seismic shift in rap, Started with party records(sugarhill gang) move to reality records or as it called now gangsta rap(Melle Mel the message). The same goes for R&B/Rock all this shit is a rerun with more graphic detail and less methaphors, from hey baby to hey bitch, its the same ol shit.
@ MegaMind
nothing but truth on your end. I need to take my own advice and not feed these stans/marks/trolls, but when I read or hear pure hypocritical nonsense, sometimes the spirit moves me and I go into auto-pilot. I mean, damn…this guy (Curtis) has called out more people in the past few years than had hit records. This guy (and by an extension his fans) keeps pro wrestling in Hip-Hop alive.
It was funny in the beginning, but after a decade of the SAME schtick, I’m begging for some originality—or at least some hot fire in terms of records to balance it all out.
Too much to ask?
@PAP – i’m aware of what 50/Gunit did in the mixtape world. But at the end of the day, what does it mean?? Seriously…he made a shit ton of $…ok that card’s off the table. Let’s talk about WHY he’s brand is diluted. First off 50 couldn’t out THINK any of the artist’s I named bc if he could he would have thus resulting in him still being relevant!
His brand is finished bc its wrapped up in beef/negativity
His brand is finished bc he makes sub-par music
His brand is finished bc he pledge allegiance to the streets when he should have focused more on the boardroom – and I say this because name me ONE of his business ventures that were relevant AFTER the Vitamin Water deal?? I’ll wait. Headphones – flopped, Acting/Production deal – Straight to DVD movies, etc. SK – hahah, i’ll explain this bc you don’t have a full comprehension of WHY it went wrong. That whole SK shit is branded & marketed to the hood! Period. The name of the brand is Street Kings, it’s a energy drink in the same vein as Red Bull, Monster, etc. Why would vendors in middle America or the suburbs buy and seel SK, when they already have the aforementioned brand doing gangbusters in their stores and shops, that has a wider appeal and base??
It’s unfortunate bc the youth are already hopped up on caffeine and sugar in the hood, SK is the LAST thing they need, to go along with the diabetes, HBP and obesity.
megamind, his movie deal was for straight to DVD, and how is that a failure when he was able to negotiate a 200 million dollar deal? Headphones are just coming out and they’re more feature rich than any other headphone set out there.
SK street king is all over the US including middle America, go to street king and type in your zip code in addition to that its in every GNC.
I think you’re trapped in your hate to see rationally.
@Mojo – i feel you, that’s why I’m on here tonight..nothing to do on a Friday night so I’d figure I’d entertain and educate the ignorant fam!
@dumb dumb first off, don’t call yourself that, it’s not becoming. But to address your comment. I’m FULLY aware of everything you pointed out but what I mean is when it comes down to it, TI is a better RAPPER than 50, as is Jay, Nas, 3K, Tech N9ne, Scarface, Game, and a host of other cats out there.
Why you might ask? Because they make better songs. When everyone like the sing-songy hooks (which he stole from JA Rule) 50 was king, but when it came to actually making a song that displayed wordplay, intricacy, metaphors and FLOW – 50 falls WAY short. Because i know for a fact as a fan and someone who makes a living in the music business TI is better. Gangsta shit comes and goes and no one will ever be harder than NWA! (street/lyrics/relevance).
co-sign with @MONEYISHOVA
why ppl get mad when 50 tells it like it is? T.I is fuckin idiot. he should have 5-10 but luckily he didnt. ppl get salty cause the truth hurts.
50, jay and em are global. T.I is still local.
again Megamind that is subjective and it will always be an opinion and never a fact. I can take a song from any artist and say he did something here that is better than the other guy, but it will always be my opinion.
Your music experience means nothing too me, I’m a listener and I know what my ears like. So many awesome artist get past on that relying upon some music insiders judgment is moot, I put their as on mute. See what I did their, was that technically or clever?
boom, roasted.
Man 50 will try anything to get his buzz back.
I am really startin to feel bad for 50. You cant stay relevant with your music. Your movies are straight to dvd. Just give it up nobody wants to hear from you.
Ok Dumb Dumb – Since you think its all over the country…do us all a favor – post a link in your next comment and show us WHERE we can, if we wanted to purchase that product.
And I’m far from a hater – everything I just stated was factual. I didnt say anything willy nilly. I said the facts as to WHY he’s no longer relevant. This isn’t 2002 – 06/07…this 2011. 50 sales and brands have exponentually dropped every year since his debut. That is a fact.
Wayne has (2 albums that sold a million in a week), Ye perennial platinum artist, Jay the same.
These are artist that 50 THINKS he’s in there weight class but the numbers says otherwise
Dumb Dumb – You seem to be the ONLY one in this thread that thinks 50 is relevant He’s done, old news and he hawks cheap goods and bad music.
Your best statement in your post was to say, “i’m a listener and i know what my ears like” that way it states clearly that you are a fan of HIS music…nothing’s wrong with that. But its far from subjective to say that he still make good music. His music is no longer good and that’s not subjective or debatable.
I used to study film in college n in that aspect, fif is doing WANT HE WANTS. you are the ignorant representation of the general public when you associate “straight to dvd” movie releases as a failure. just like the music biz, their are Major n Indie deals in hollywood. 50 been killin the indie scene in hoolywood. he even headlined the Cannes Film fest earlier this year, which is a huge accomplishment for a novice like him. also, when he releases a film, he gets director/executive producer/actor checks.
mow as far as music, 50 was on a great run in the beginning of the year when he was releasing those SMS tracks week after week but lost that momentum when he stopped. 50 has let me down as a fan since CURTIS I havent really lost faith becuz hes shown glimps in some of his recent tracks here n there that he still got what it takes….but for people like you to say hes irrelevant is crazy becuz hip hop is more than just music, its the culture n fif still been holdin it down since 03
When your argument is weak resort to ad hominem attacks as a way to deflect the information and or change the subject. My listener comment comes from I don’t follow trends and nor am I influenced by friends. I know what I like. I like 50, TI, Ross, Ice Cube, King Sun, X Clan, Luda, Kam, and many more. Just because I will not wither under what you think I should like makes me a fan of many so-called not relevant rappers. I like a myriad of rappers that doesn’t get light, here’s a clue they are relevant to me and that is all that matters.
http://www.streetking.com/ here’s my zip 90049 type it in the store locator.
OH Shit I forgot my Ace “PARIS”
@megamind.. i u telling me 50 cent is not relevant… u a joke dude.. get off TI’s aka Bitch Boy
this is the most ridiculous shit ever..50 cent should mind his own business and that is exactly what tip said in the vibe extract..and he said 50 and anyone else who said that not just 50..that is his opinion on the matter..the truth is 50 is the 1 hu is mad coz he started bringing up get out jail free conspiracy theories.50s beefs are always calculated anyway but this is not gonna turn into a rozay kinda beef coz tip is really close to eminem so he is gonna kill it..so best believe this is as far as this beef goes.and as far as music goes who is close to 50 anyway? no1 needs his feature but on the other hand tip is well liked in the rap community..he can get on any1s album..and as far who has better music THATS YOUR OPINION.and mine is that the kang is better coz he has more grammies than 50..grammies are what matter..sellin records can be done by anyone.
and in terms of molvies TIP is on major films.American Gangster,ATL..takers was number 1 BOX OFFICE and it was partly produced by him and distributed by grand hustle..50 has his fair share to but dont talk like tip aint on any
I love all these smart dumb cats trying to post shit. it’s funny.
Bottom line is this bc i feel like I’m talking to Tea Partier’s who are not grasping the full context of the debate. What I stated was not in defense of TI but in detraction of @DumbDumb and @PAP superhero 50Cent or and @wright too.
Let’s do this and call a spade a spade – i don’t give a rat’s ass if YOU/Y’ALL like the music.
Let’s put it to a general consensus. Ask anyone in this thread, Complex, Nahright, etc. pose the question “Is 50cent still musically or even CULTURALLY relevant and what does he BRAND represent?” These are the questions you’ll prob receive from 75% of the people – NO and BEEF/VIOLENCE and degradation.
Let’s start now – my fellow Radar’er’s lol…
Is 50Cent still relevant? (I’ll add this to boot – in comparison to his contemporaries – Jay, Ye, Wayne – now remember THESE are the artist he thinks he’s neck and neck with)
He’s another weight class we can through 50 in to see if he’s still viable (Ross, Drake, etc.).
FUCK $ we’re talking about music and relevance!
Good points taps, but your grammy comment, Milli Vanilli would like a word with ya. And those are voted on by people and people have opinions and a lot of the time the voting is done by assistants not by the academy just so you know, Its impossible too listen too everything before it all starts to sound the same especially rap when the most dominant theme is Money, Hoes and Clothes.
Mojo cant even comprehend his own post. Either that or lives his life using double standards. Never Mind. Keep it going *two thumbs up*
fuk 50 an tip they both snitches
Mega Mind still doesn’t get it, he needs a cosign Elliott, BDot cosign him so he can fell good about his opinion.
If I go to a L.T.D. Concert, or a Parliament Concert and they haven’t had music out in decades and when I show up to the venue and its sold out. Are the relevant? I having a hard time understanding this relevant term. He was relevant enough for TI too bring up in a interview, he’s relevant enough to have over 5 million twitter followers I know 4. 9 million hate him. Relevant enough to start a business model and speak at the UN and get cosigned by Robert Chamberlain(google him).
Again relevance is in just like beauty in the eye of the beholder. I don’t care for Jay Z music so he’s irrelevant too me.
TI is a fucking cornball these days. TI doesn’t think what his family does and who takes what bid is anyone’s business but his own? Shit, is he fucking forgetting he MADE A MILKED A REALITY SHOW ABOUT HIS PROBLEMS AND FAMILY? 50 Cent commented on something thats been very public for a while and TI is getting pissy over it. Sounds like TI doesn’t like Fif over something else.
G Code
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oeh3ivWutyY&w=420&h=315%5D
Damn they trying to censor me!
@dumbdumb if what i said was opinion then put it to a vote…ask ppl is 50 still relevant.
bc you just clearly stated that you don’t like Jay so you don’t THINK he’s relevant..lolol
THINK is the operative word….you’re talking about the same Jay who:
Have a platinum album out NOW
Is currently on 1 of 4 covers of GQ Man Of The Year issues
Currently on a sold out 40 city tour doing arenas
Has a #1 record on Urban radio (Ninja In Paris).
Also to use your argument against you…I’m aware of LTD and Parliament etc…
But they reason they are still relevant is bc they made impactful GOOD music.
Its all starts with the music bro…outside of Get Rich (which was limited in scope…but nonetheless had good songs on it)….name me some IMPACTFUL music 50 has made….
Do this…listen to I Get Money tomm and tell me is it still THAT hot? Like 07 hot?…I’d like to know.
Thanks again
He’s not relevant
Keenan Cahill for 1000 Alex
I find it funny how whenever there is a 50 story on rap radar, it surpasses the number of comments, just goes to show u how he is smart enough to keep at least a buzz when he has no album out. Pure Marketing Genius.
Now with your argument
Relevant vs. Popular
is their a Popular artist that isn’t relevant too you? I have a few
Taylor Swift, JayZ, Nicki Minaj I love shitted on’em though, Adele and many more. I can bang out to Kam’s Neva Again like it was yesterday. if you haven’t guest yet I don’t give a fuck about popular culture or what someone tell me whats hot again I know what I like.
It’s crazy all the cornballs do is bring up stats in the midst of a fake gangsta being called out.
yo, i betting it’s some dude name Mike from thisis50. dude thinks every thing is stats. LOOOOOOL
@TC buzz it measured in sales not just in talk. I’m sure the for the genius that you think 50 is, he’d rather that ppl buy his music than dispute his relevancy, which doesn’t exist.
They censoring me too homie, I’m in JayZ territory and that’s a no no. I close it with this. Love the debate Megamind, we can agree to disagree but I respect your opinion. Keep the faith homie I’m out rapradar deleting my post.
Plain and simple real niggas ain’t putting case on they hoe… 50 cent aint tryna see T.I. In no kinda of way
@dumbdumb…when I come with the facts…i’m censored…but i’m not disputing popularity.
I’m disputing his relevance…his musical relevance at that.
Quick question…and be honest with yourself when you answer this.
Is 50 better than
Is he making better music than any of those 3 RIGHT now?
@dumbdumb…word…have a good night fam..we just showed cats…we can debate and be disagreeable without being disrepectful…we took lil jabs but nothing over the line.
one fam!
This y 50 my favorite… cause he say wat all u bitches don’t lol
We get on here and state our opinions, then shoot down 50 for giving his. TIP that dude and all, but responding so late seems like he baiting Curtis in to promote his album. 50 can use the press he needs it, TIP shoulda learned from Jay don’t wake a sleeping giant.
Do the people saying 50 should mind his business see the irony in what they’re saying?
50 is a fucking attention seeking hoe…you have to mind your business if u claim to be a boss…real bosses dont interfer in other people’s family shit.
This maybe a good look for both of them.I’m sure 50 signing Shawty Lo makes a problem too.50 could use a worthy opponent and Tip could use a challenge.50 been baiting Tip for a minute.
New Loch LiL Wayne and Drake She Will freestyle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvjwtcT4RHk
lol @ REMI’s comment
“Do the people saying 50 should mind his business see the irony in what they
He raises a good point though. How the hell do you get caught with what he got caught with and with a rap sheet he claims to have and only get a couple years in prison? Either he has the greatest lawyers in the world or a deal was made to reduce his sentence. I wouldn
MegaMind = undercover YN
its funny that people are still 50 fans. 50 is dead guys, he ain’t sold a record in like 5 years.
the last time 50 was relevant was that p-i-m-p song back in the 1990s.
this dude is extinct, they can’t even find his dusty bones
How can people say why did Tip not respond earlier?HE WAS IN PRISON for 10 months!!he probably only CONFIRMED the story when he got out..I blame the magazines and all the people who are doing interviews.If you had followed tip’s release this is not the first time he had been asked by 50 cents comments and he has responded in the same manner every single time.tellin fif to mind his own biz.
and this whole snitch thing is getting old.Just because he is black he has to be a snitch if he gets reduced time?the money is what saved him..he didnt snitch on those ppl who killed his cousin.the court session is on youtube if you wanna see it.Alfamega got kicked out for snitching when his informant papers surfaced..surely tip’s would have surfaced by now.anyway if there is a positive from this beef is that we will know by the end if tip is a snitch coz fif will definately do his research
T.I…..Cmonn son
I heard 50 is a post-op tranny
where the hell do my comments go? i know they aren’t getting deleted!
50: Your wife should of took the bid..
TI: No 1 tells me about how to handle I run my BIZNESS. My family bizness…!!! ya herr???!!
50: Cool.. Cool…
(awkward silence)
50: But yo girl is fucking ugly.
TI: …..
TI:… I didn’t think about it like that.
T.I is a rat. You’d have to be a groupie or a serious Stan not to see that. There’s just no way he isn’t fed mandated sentences are just that a multiple time felon can’t get that kind of deal w.o being an informant that aint talking out of my ass thats just real. 50 was wrong though for speaking on the mans wife that shit could get you done up. Didn’t 50 have an order of Protection against some murder Inc rapper? Lol pot calling the kettle black? The informant is a rat though
50 is right .
Being the only person here with an intelligent mind, T.I has stated NUMEROUS times if he did work out a deal with the Prosecutors it would be public record. Don’t believe it? Well, how you think Alfamega got put on blast? It was because of court documents. Why would anyone be sitting on court documents that can end T.I’s career and not releasing it? No reason at all. Numerous individual has said in T.I’s particular situation this was a pilot program, they realized who he was and the impact he can have on the youth. So, since he is a person of relevance (not a corner hugger or blog harasser like most of you) they took a chance with him. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out. But, the second charge, that man chose to take the charge for his old lady. It amazes me, I thought stuff like that made you a REAL N-word.
But, clearly 50 knows his audience. Unfortunately, are non-thinkers. I remember growing up and if I dare shared my two cents, my brother would always say “yo son, mind yo buisness that has nothing to do with you.”
So, why doesn’t this apply here.
Please, if you’re going to reply to my comment reply as intelligent as possible. Some of you dudes put Schools to shame.
[…] Rap Radar // […]
I have 1 question, and 1 question only: Last time these cats put out good music to talk about as much as this? T.I. been on it for the last 8 years with maybe 1 bad album! 50 been on it for the same amount of time with only 1 good album! Point is, 50 needs to be in these blogs about his great music and singles and albums, but it’s never that. It’s about somebody else, all the time. Only women have so much to say about someone else’s life but not doing well in there’s. Musically and in this game of music, he’s acting like a straight female! Worry about putting out good (i’ll even take listenable) music. Nothing great has dropped from 50 since GRODT! 50 Stans stop, no matter what TIP got caught with and what he got, no one on hear is a real gangsta and can testify. If you are, what you doing on a computer putting comments in for…GTFOH! REAL MUSIC SAVES ALL!
Ti used the Tupac quote at the end
90 percent of the people in this thread is gay as fuck.
Funniest guy on the net !!!!!!!
lmao @ 50 a street dude. all ya hero does is talk. 50 aint never in the streets though. how long y’all gone let this undercover DL n!gga live off his past? 50 smart, he got too much money = too much security to be touched so he stay going off on somebody but truth is he always TWEEFIN or callin into a radio station from his safe house. its crazy how weak he seems yet how so many cant see it. shout out to TI..only weak ass so-called thug n!ggas would allow their WIFE to take a charge for them.. how manly is that? any MAN that agrees with that isfull of bytchassness period. but y’all are right about him being smart. he’s intelligent and he knows how to get under ppl’s skin. TI would be smart not to respond. he on probabtion…50 hasnt seen the law in about 10yrs -except when filing a police report on murder inc or paying for protection. has 50 become a wanksta?? lol
Can someone translate what these two retards jus said in proper grammar.
Dumb Dumb did say it best. All the real street niggas are few & far & T.I. is far from that…
Buck stabbin niggas on camera and it’s ok
Cause my money make my lawyers make the shit go away
You niggas is retards if yall knew the case he went back to jail for prole violations not the weed in the car that case was dropped he failed his drug test thats y he went back stupid niggaz and any nigga that hide behind his lady is a bitch point blank period you supposed to be the head of the family dumb pussy ass niggaz
And let me know when 50 becomes relevant in music again….. getting shelved at interscope and you supposed to be curtis “interscope” jackson lol fuck outta here
Respect Tip
I wish this nigga would stop worrying about other peoples lives n worry about his. When was the last time we heard a good 50 alum???? That’s what I thought!
He makes it sound like the StreetKing page on facebook is some nonsense that you shouldn’t be supporting.
50 a bottom, I knew it from the start. They killed jam master cause he has going to expose 50 homo azz. Do the math it aint hard to tell
Dudes STILL hating on FIF smh. I don’t get it.
Was T.I. following the “G Code” when he got his sentence knocked down about 90%? T.I. stans please explain.
50 already checked him, people forget about you so tough?
none of this matters; I only care about the music these two dudes make.
50 been fell off tho. and t.i.’s last album was reeeeeeeeal meh
@KING, Shawty Lo’s A Bitch and Sucks At Rapping
[…] month, Fif and T.I. had a minor exchange via Twitter. And during an interview with VIBE,
[…] month, Fif and T.I. had a minor exchange via Twitter. And during an interview with VIBE,
[…] month, 50 and T.I. had a minor exchange via Twitter. And during an interview with VIBE,