Wale Begins Third Album
November 26, 2011 @ 1:20 PM EST

Wale still got that work. And like Drake, Mr. Folarin has already started recording his third LP just less than a month since his latest release. Still no days off, so spend yours purchasing
This guy is the shit !!!!!!!!
all these new guys putting out all this stuff to try and make as much money as they can cause they know they wont be hot forever they have seen whats happened to others and wanna retire with money
Already started on a new album? Yeah, ’cause the last one FLOPPED.
Let ya album breathe for fucks sake.
I bet most of the tracks he’s doin already will end up on a mixtape.
THIS IS THE NEW GAY TREND… ALBUM JUST DROPPED “IM HALF WAY DONE ON MY NEXT LP” keep some info 2 ya self. let ya fans be surprised.#newrappersaregayandneedfatherfigures.
all wale ever fucking does is copy people
all his videos are pure shit as well all he ever fuckin does is try to look cool in them
his album cover is shit too its a retarded painting of him with a realy fucking dumb look on his face trying to look like he got alot o shit on his mind or deep or something , #fukthisclown
u ever scene him perform as well , go on youtube and watch of his dumb shitty performances , he jus stands there and raps , cnt even hear what hes saying , jus sounds like garbage
infact everything hes done is shit , epecially his shitty shit “mixtape about nothing” all that was was a bunch of fuking seinfield clips paired with the worst fucking beats u can imagine , wale raps like hes got a constant flow of seamen being ejaculated in his throat at all times even when hes sleeping ,and all he ever fuking raps about is the same dumb fucking shit his lyrics literally have not fucking changed he uses the same one over and fukin over again
i do not like this guy
damn, LMAO. RapRadar Comment Section does not fuck with Wale AT ALL
lol wack rappers always flood the game
@kareem: You must not have been here long my dude. These faggots don’t fuck with ANYONE at all. All they do is hate.
Fuck all of you. I still make more money than any of you. Whos garbage now?
you guys have to be the BIGGEST haters i’ve ever seen !
meanwhile no one cares.
@wale dick riding benjanmin bitch , wale is such an ugly fuck why the fuk would u wanna even impersonate him
this bitch does not make good music , any fuking body can make the music hes making its like u all fall for the same shit every fucking time , jus collect some beats from producers who copy other producers sounds and make beats that sound like every other fucking beat uv heard already , then fucking listen to ur favorite recent chart toping rap/pop song , rap along wid it and steal that flow make up ur own garbage lryics throw in couple a shty punchlines refrencing to some recent pop culture shit and say shit like “ye im determined blah blah aint gonna let all these haters top my grind blah blah” , make up any bullshit hook u want , after that rinse an repeat u got urself the album of the year. Or and album that sounds jus like wale or probobly better cuz this faggot wale is a homosexual and i hate
u ever read wales tweets ? booooooooooring as fuuuk jus like his fuking album
@DMV Guy…best kept secret doesnt really exist anymore man, tone p used to be in it and he produced 2 wale songs on his album.
@bitchnigga—-u are a bitch nigga huh talkin about wale is ugly, why does that even matter to u…u only listen to people that u wouldnt mind suckin they’re dick or something
i wonder if anyone here is one of the lucky 2800 who picked up his first album
@radiowaves_up wales ugliness makes it hard for me to enjoy other peoples music , stop defending him bro hes not worth the effort , he’s gonna disappear in the 3 years tops u kno ,
What a fag. Let a girl decide on how I look, unless you are one. If anyone could do it why don’t you do it?
@radiowaves_up your probobly a wale fan , do u realy like his music , or jus pretend to like everyone else ?
@wale dont be fuking ignorant u ugly talentless bitch , any guy , girl , animal , thing, even if it was blind deaf dumb retarded and had alzheimers could fucking tell the man u are impersonating is a hideous piece of shit
Let me ask you something. Can you tell if a guys goodlooking?
please stop followin wale on twitter all of you and stop listening to his dumb ass music , u ALL kno u only listen to his shit becuz dumb rapradar , rap up , and other fuking dumb hip hop blogs continue to post his shit , fuk u rapradar
@wale yep i can tell if i guy looks good , for instance even fucking tyler the creator looks better than wale ( although tyler aint ugly jus bringing up another wierd looking nigga )
Why are you on here then?
@wale also i can tell that my asshole when i wake up in the morning looks better than wales face
@wale becuz i want to talk shit about wale
What a fag. Name a good looking rapper.
@wale listen bro , stop riding wale’s horibble ugly ass deformed dick , i can tell u take the shit im saying about him personally , which goes to show deep deep down u are a faggot , try spending some time dealing with those closet homosexual issues and not listen to wales music anymore
@wale tyler aint bad , kid cudi looks pretty good , drakes a dyke in disguise ummm most o dem rappers are ugly but wale especially
Wale has a new album. Hell Yeah!!!!! Oh wait I don’t give a fuck.
Wale is all flubber
How do you know if my dick is deformed or not? FAGET. You didn’t answer my question of whos goodlooking.
wale is even ugly than fuking rick ross , atleast rick ross is fat , wale’s like somewhere in between he has akward looking belly fat and man titties and also hes an ugly fuck
Does Wale live on a house boat or does he live in the actual ocean
FAGET. You really do like checking me out.
@wale i can name more good looking ones if u want but i cant name all the ones that look better than wale , cuz wale looks better than no one , im sure wales mother was cursed or sumn
@wale no i dont at all , thats the point i been making , why havent u mentions shit about wales shity gay music , do u like it ?
Wales like listening to Wale’s music
@Lookin Clean wale lives in the fucking mountains amongst rhyno’s fat blak bitches and other ugly shit
wales ? the country ?
I guess Wale is a fish out of water
anyone who follows wale is a gay faggot with poor fuking tastes in guys
Wales the fish
Say what you want. Your just jealous because your bitch likes me. Thats if you have one. Im not wasting anymore time on a FAGET anymore. Back to the studio and make my haters more pissed because of my success. FOLARIN OUT
Lol I been spelling wrong. Oh well. I’m going to create my rap name and its going to be Whale but pronounces the same way.
and if u follow wale u should might as well go and follow tyga , thats another piece of shit rite their
@wale u make me feel sorry for u
wales lol
Your just jealous because your bitch likes me. That is if you have one. I’m not going to waste my time on a FAGET anymore. Back to the studio and make my haters more pissed because I’m living the life they wish they had. FOLARIN out. And of course I like my own music.
lmao wale is lame as fuck
drake and wale = lames
Who argues over blog comments though?
Hope it’s better than Ambition…that shit was wack.
Y’all some haters
There’s always bound to be celeb impersonators on these types of sites, but the way this dude is arguing, its the EXACT same way he does on twitter! I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the real Wale on this muthafucka hahahaha
Lmao this argument is immature but I’m legit lauging put loud! The nigga with the name bitch nigga is naming good looking rappers… To prove a point? The fuck?
@Bitchnigga U really live up to ur name lol,U really have nothing else to do today huh?
wale got more haters than i got skin cells
Well I guess Wale is moving on em considering he didn’t have all these haters last year. So keep hatin clowns.
wale is letting his home town gas him up. nobody outside of mmg and his home town is looking for this guys music. he is just boring to me.
[…] via RapRadar […]
wale makes music like wayne ? or you fucking stupid !! please go to rapgenius.com and look at wale lyrics your stupid fucks
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkUKussSiu4&w=560&h=315%5D
I usually dont comment on your guys dumb comments, but how can you hate so much. He sold 160,000 how is that flopping? Hes working hard for another album, let him do his thing clearly its working. If you think Wale is doing this because he wont be around long, you’re crazy. And whoever says hes lame live is an idiot clearly youve never been to show. Ive been to plenty of shows and very few artist put a show on as well as him, he gets in the crowd and interacts. And you cant hear what hes saying because at shows just the subs and base a shitty phone cant handle it so its harder to hear. Stop hating wow