1. Yup ! says:

    NICKI CLOSE THE SHOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    HA !

  2. YMCMB = GARBAGE...... TRASH CAN says:

    what a disgrace to mankind

  3. YMCMB = GARBAGE...... TRASH CAN says:


  4. Anonymous says:

    […] Original source: Click to read full story. Rap Radar […]

  5. YMCMB = GARBAGE...... TRASH CAN says:

    did she wear her pink fried chicken necklace?

  6. Anonymous says:

    […] Read the rest of this great post here […]

  7. Haters says:

    Keep getting that money and make them haters mad cuz they can’t do what you do. YMCMB running the game right now and theres no stopping them

  8. hakareem says:

    i feel like the people who defend her even know it’s wack and can only use the “get your money, sweetheart/fuck the haters” routine to defend them. nah b….no matter how you slice it….this shit’s not hitting at all.

  9. HowUAct? says:

    The song fits the Pink collection. Nicki was … Eh Nicki. She is a lazy singer at best. I actually like the song & her back ground singers were on point towards the end. Nicki is just a very underwhelming performer & singer. She needs to stick to really rapping or stop pushing it as hip-hop & just gear it towards toddlers or the Kidz Bop generation.

  10. BlackAnastasia says:

    *Flushes Toilet*

  11. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    Rap music is the new comic view.

  12. Haters says:

    It doesn’t hit, but you have to respect the fact that shes making more money than you.

  13. J says:

    So everybody that makes more money than me deserves my respect? Wow I had no idea…

    Go Big Oil Executives! Support Your Local Corrupt Politician! Cheer On the Wall Street Banks! Kill Em All, Larry Flint!

  14. deon says:

    I agree with ymcmb garbage & j says. She has a lil talent but this is not rap at it’s best. Can she create her own swag and not use things kim has done..

  15. dmc says:

    ha, she looks like a short lil porker next to those models

  16. room2roam says:

    this bytch mingling with models while you mad. you dont have to like or respect it, just pay attention and clearly you are PAYING attention bc you;re commenting.. good always comes with some bad y’all hatin azz comments are always welcome…YMCMB

  17. Dead Cheddar says:

    ^The Young Money stans have really gotten weak, haven’t they?

  18. Chris Searl says:

    I’m sorry I thought the point was dime pieces walking… I could care less what the music is… Y’all are suspect for even discussing Nickis music at a time like this.

    YCSMD Nicki

  19. Get Real says:

    Yet another milestone Nicki has surpassed Kim on. Almost 20 yrs in the game and the closest Lil Kim has gotten to the Victoria Secret runway is by “modeling” her vickies in rap videos. Good look Nicki.

  20. Piker says:

    LOL @Get Real
    Who gives a damn about Vickie secrets?
    2Pac & Biggie didn’t do Victoria secret either, that don’t make Jay-Z & Kanye better rappers than them.
    Besides, Kim did enough in her career for Nicki to copy all her ‘old’ swag. I mean Kim had already made her mark in hip hop by 25… Nicki just now taking off at 28. F**k outta here.
    At the end of the day, Like Kim or not, when they list people that she’s influenced Nicki Minaj will be the first name by it. So no matter how big Nicki gets, Kim will ALWAYS have the satisfaction of saying that she inspired Nicki. That my friend is worth more than anything Nicki can do.

  21. Theloneus says:

    Damn lmao you can tell her self-esteem dropped hard when them models started coming out.

  22. Drew Who says:

    still the most retarded song ive ever heard..

  23. hakareem says:

    the irony that nicki minaj is basically the cher of rap > __________

  24. matthew says:

    i’m so sick of this ugly plastic thing. Wish she would just go away for good, but I she’s not going to last another year, mark my words.

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