1. Josh Smith says:

    YMCMB! First listen!

  2. […] Rap Radar :: New Music: Nicki Minaj “Roman In Moscow” TWITTER|TUMBLR Reply With Quote   […]

  3. jeeeeeezzer says:

    this suck ass son…

    best in tha game…gucci tell em!

  4. mac DIESEL fanbase says:


  5. […] sophomore album Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded, due February 14, 2012.Listen to the single below [via RR]. TweetPosted in New Music, Nicki Minaj | Permalink You can leave a response, or trackback from […]

  6. Jimmy says:

    This is horrible, not at all good enough to be a single or put on itunes

  7. […] Rap Radar ] In New Music,The Life of a Barbie […]

  8. Well the beat is danceable …..

  9. Htown says:

    What’s the difference between Roman and Nicki? Roman actually raps but also does weird voices and shit? O_O

  10. NoSoup4Yu says:

    going by the title, i was expecting to hear her rap over the niggas in paris beat… was pretty good though.
    But im a male and over 16, so this wont make the ipod

  11. JustOneFocus says:

    This Shyt Goin IN!!!, s/o Nicki

  12. MohammedZR says:


  13. poetic assasin says:

    There are times when people are trying to top or compete with something that they do too much overall, and also times when they feel their name alone will carry the song to a high level, instead of making a solid song.. This is one of those times

  14. Your mother's "friend" says:

    LMAO that shit was all kinds of hilarity

  15. loch121 says:

    I actually like this.She flowing on here

  16. Oj Da Cornball says:


    make it go awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

  17. Yup ! says:

    NICKI >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.LIL KIM PAYPAL ASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    HA !


  18. Aiman says:

    Another FAIL Lil’ Kim diss. -_-

  19. ACE says:


  20. Andrew says:

    shit’s lame.

  21. Lola Porter says:

    Lmfaaaaaao , ROMAN CALLED THIS BXTCHES OUT , Like Omfg .

  22. KILLA says:

    im glad the nba back my nikkaz

    THIS SHIT WACK…. NO LOOK PASS (did not click play)

  23. […] We hope you can enjoy Nicki’s song below RR […]

  24. Neutron says:

    I dont get why people STILL think everything she says is about Kim. This girl is living her life worry free of Kim.

    This is FIRE

  25. dmfslimm says:

    nice. not bad compared to her competition.

  26. CRUCIAL says:


  27. Carmine says:

    I fucking love this!! And i normally don’t like this kinda music!!

  28. Cornelius says:


  29. rebellious says:

    i like nicki and all..but this song is terrible…

  30. Emillio says:


  31. YMCMB says:

    Hi Haters.. 🙂 I’m so happy if i saw this haters. ‘Cuz YMCMB gettin money, and y’all bitches and snitches hating! If we were in CMB years.. no haters, no moneys, no real musics!

  32. Adam says:

    Hip Hop is in a dire state

  33. […] a listen to the song on Rap Radar. I know I can’t be the only one who hears a slight ‘Diss’ in this track, […]

  34. dmc says:

    Woah… what the fuck was that?

  35. nahhhh says:

    Straight doo doo

  36. Hudes says:

    What comes after quadruple nicki?
    I five times dare you?
    Hahahaha damn woman.

    She can still get it though like damn

  37. Jaymalls says:

    Making a mockery of the culture to be pop stars… #SMH

  38. Your Life Is a Lie says:

    What is the obsession with this pedophile rapist Roman Polanksi dude as your alias? Very sick…

  39. Your Life Is a Lie says:

    And by the way this joint is trash, stick to the guest features/collabs

  40. […] can listen to the track on RapRadar. Share and […]

  41. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    awful !

  42. Napaul says:

    This shit is corny. It sounds like a little kid that makes no sense. And this is what Hip Hop battle responses have come to? Kim just murdered the whole YM crew with one verse of her “Warning” freestyle. Nikki really needs to go back to the lab and kill Roman and find the real Nikki because this girl is seriously loss. She is so obsessed with Lil Kim. Wow! I know why Kim is coming for her, but it seems that Lil Kim stay on that child’s brain. LMAO!

  43. […] Produced by: SAROM and Street Runner Source: RapRadar […]

  44. MrSoulshock44 says:

    this bitch made me lose 3 minutes of my life smh

  45. ms 305 says:

    I didn’t understand not ONE word!!!! Wtf is she saying ,??? As a hip hop fan and a woman. It’s very sad to hear this. She’s actually talented. And has had great success. Even a barbie doll.! That’s amazing. But damn talk about some real Shit even if its about love. But say something meaningful. That speaks to woman. This is trash!! So disappointing.

  46. AshleyK says:

    Ok So so Nicki Drops Roman Revenge than Queen B Drops Black Friday Nicki Does a gaziliion other weak Sub jabs and Lil Kim Drops “Warning” and the Hardcore “I am Not the one” The Moral of the story is Kim Bars shits on Nicki’s if you can’t tell or know this by now you must be DEAF DUMB.

  47. i can’t stop listening to this song tho >.< even tho the lyrics are stupid. but that beat go hard! nicki minaj – roman in moscow

  48. Donjay says:

    this bitch Nicki dont get ENOUGH i think its time for her to be in some type of WART… but im going to give you your props thank for bringing LIL KIM back b/c she had no competition and your the bitch that want to put up one (Clap Clap) Nicki

  49. Highlight says:

    Nicki be spittin and all, she be spitting harder than most rappers….but this here? ehhhhh, she spittin its just the beat wack….comin from a MC and all…..yall check out my shit man…..im spitting…..the beats is dope…..flows and concepts is dat piff……listen n decide for yourself. http://www.hardheadglobal.com Download my FREE album M.I.L.F. (Music I Love Forever) and mixtape Scattered Abroad…..ppreciate ya’ll taking the time to listen

  50. Michael says:

    I love Nicki, but Roman isn’t the best. I love Nicki’s heartfelt stuff.

  51. fuk waka says:

    nikki wont sell if she does a whole album wid roman… she needs mainstream radio tunes to keep wat she got.. but this might help to see her aggressive lyrical side.. but not gonna judge whole project wid dis 1 song.. lets wait and see.. bdw this tune sucks donkey balls!

  52. Tevin says:

    i love nicki but this sounds a HOT ASS MESS

  53. Word says:

    Not hating on Nicki at all. I understand, she makes more money than me. Haha. Okay. Whatever. Fact is, this shit was GARBAGE. Jesus Christ. Where do I start?

    Beat was TOUGH. It was a cool beat. I expected her to really go in on some Rmoans Revenge type shit but what the fuck?

    CORNY CORNY CORNY lines EVERYWHERE. “I’m not on my period but I got a new pad”??? Really? #facepalm. And was this bitch making up words????? Woooww.

    What the fuck was the screaming and random ass voices and…whatever the fuck the last part of the song was? Was this a song? How am I supposed to approach this song? Where should I bump it? Who is this for? Fuck is her purpose?

    And, i’m actually playing it twice to make sure it was wack. Yup, its wack.

  54. phraynkhp says:

    she biten gambino this sounds alot like bonfire

  55. Duke DaVinci says:

    Lil Kim: Black Friday 02/14/2012

    Nicki Minaj: Prink Friday 2: 02/14/2012

    What ya’ll think about that?

    Follow me on twitter @DukeDaVinci

  56. name022 says:

    no, YOU ALL are obsessed with the whole nicki vs kim bullshit. get over it. nicki done kill that bitch last year. she’s different and you lames are afraid of change. don’t like it? don’t judge it. cuz for every one of you that doesn’t, there’ll be 5 who do. (: have yourself a merry christmas and a happy new year. BITCHES. <3

  57. Weezy F F Baby, And The F F Is For Fucking Faggot!! says:

    What the..?

  58. Shit is Wack! says:

    Fucking Wack!!!

  59. baby p says:

    typical trash made my sub-par so-called artist attempting art

  60. the void says:

    that buzzlightyear line was really bad.

  61. InternetUser says:

    This was so bad i had to make comment

  62. InternetUser says:

    This was so bad i had to make a comment

  63. Nicki Minaj punchlines are terrible but her delivery is one of the best hip-hop has ever heard…..If ur a lil kim fan in 2011 u should kill yourself hahaha!

  64. room2roam says:

    nik went in. this shyt was fye. another plat album comin for ymcmb… go head and tell em why u mad son…lol

  65. bzzzzzz says:

    sorry nicki, you failed. go back to doing pop songs and performing with taylor swift, thanks.

  66. MrSoulshock44 says:

    @arrogantblackguy: you should kill yourself if you think this wack ass voice can fuck with kim’s hardcore voice in 2011 or 2012! this shit straight up hurt my ears. how can you even be listening to this garbage and not saying WTF?

  67. @S_Hospitality says:

    Change the tempo #ThatIs All

  68. hazz says:

    I 5x’s dare you to listen to this more than once.

  69. DatBoySoulja says:

    WTF ? this is garbage

  70. D mane says:

    Wayne stay winning

  71. patrick says:

    she slayed dis verse to me

  72. Evan says:

    Honestly this was so atrocious it ruined my day

  73. mongo slade says:

    this song and this bitchs fukn suks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mini me lil kim clone wack ass bitch!!!!!!!!!!!! kim gon crush this bitch

  74. 1980 MY POPS NUTTED says:


  75. […] Instead of serving as some sort of remix over the “Ni**as in Paris” beat that Watch The Throne tour-goers get to hear 83 times, Nicki serves up 2 minutes and 37 seconds of frightening and atrocious noise. I quadruple dog dare you to listen long enough to hear her quadruple dog dare you. Allegedly, this is the first single off Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded, due out on Valentine’s Day. Cred to RR. […]

  76. Mickie says:

    Ppl think this shit went hard?? Fucking atrocious and then I wonder why Lil Kim bothers with this wack lil bitch.

  77. RoeLuv says:

    I need RapRadar to make their music clips IPad/IPhone compatible – other sites do it (HipHopDX) c’mon it’s almost 20212 son

  78. Donn says:



  79. NICKI GARBAJ says:



    i am so excited, this is a great look for hip hop, hopefully she perform more pop songs at award shows because its good for hip hop, more pink fried chicken necklaces and butt implants and fake breast….. stiff lap dances…. woo hoo..

  80. YMCMB says:


  81. Fat Matt says:

    fake pop bitch is using hip hop as a foundation to spur her wack pop gimmicks smh…. she knows the pop world doesn’t respect her…. they just laugh at her…. so she runs back to hip hop for acceptance…. but continues to use the pop gimmicks

    hip hop lost…. lames should abandon this wack bitch and see if she can survive in the pop world… let her be a pop bitch… since that what she tries to do so hard but continues to fail…….


  82. All you dumb Whores on here talking shit are just mad.. Yall know this shit goes Hard.. Nicki Killed, Fuck she the Mother Fucking Boss Bitchhh HAHAHAHAHAHA TM4L

  83. bro says:

    There are times when people are trying to top or compete with something that they do too much overall, and also times when they feel their name alone will carry the song to a high level, instead of making a solid song.. This is one of those times


  84. Sin says:

    I need RapRadar to make their music clips IPad/IPhone compatible – other sites do it (HipHopDX) c’mon it’s almost 20212 son

    . and i wrote this same comment 2 years ago

  85. […] Cole World Goes GoldPosted by: B.DotKanye On Album Of The Year SnubPosted by: Big HomieNew Music: Nicki Minaj “Roman In Moscow”Posted by: B.DotWatch The Throne Tour Backstage (Ep.1)Posted by: Big HomieNas Sells Painting […]

  86. Lady Jane says:

    Wow…this song is ridiculous. If i was kim i would be pissed off that I had to keep going up against this kiddie drool.

  87. Craig says:

    Sorry but this is trash. I compare all her stuff to her verse on Monster for lyrics and Shitted on em for hardness, anything less and shes biting Lady Gagas style and its not considered rap to me.

    Shes starting to look more and more like a gimmick. (remember when she had all these girls thinking she was a lesbian and copying her HA)

  88. BalladOfTheBlackGold says:

    It’s really good, on the scale of what YMCMB offers. 😉

  89. DJ Game says:

    i cannot stand the thing she does with her voice. STOP IT!

  90. huh what huh says:

    ya’ll actually like this corny spaztic, corny voices n retarded (literally) sounding “lyrics”???
    seriously? this might be okay for 13yr girls n younger but if you older n especially if you a dude
    and you bumping this BullShit kill yaself 2 times!!!!!
    fucking weirdos….goofy doesnt mean your cool n genius it means your a fucking weirdo!
    ya’ll are lost n lame beyond measure…..ALSO fuck her bank account dont justify listening to something or supporting something cuz “she getting money” so the fuck what….. Prostitutes make money but I dont see yall running around supporting them. And my speakers still dont shoot out money when a rich rappers song comes on so why the fuck should I or you care about they bank account….GTFOH wit all that dumb shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  91. […] had the ‘net buzzing today after releasing her new track, “Roman In Moscow“. On the red carpet at Billboard’s Women In Music gala, she gave the back story behind […]

  92. […] Produced by: SAROM & Street Runner Source: RapRadar […]

  93. mac DIESEL fanbase says:

    Kinda crazy, the same woman that shitted on Jay-Z and Eminem last year, now releases this as first track off her new album

  94. A says:

    WHAT? Im confuesd what was this shit?

  95. A says:

    ^^^^ confused, the song made me spell it wrong.

  96. Fahylando says:

    It’s funny that everyone judging this song saying it’s bad don’t have a record deal. I wasn’t to best Nikki fan but after hearing with track I’m in love with the bitch.

    Go Nikki,

    P.S. She’s nominate for 3 Grammys, including best HIP HOP Artist and best HIP HOP Album

  97. Masta™ says:

    Holy shit this was bad.

    it’s like a song ful of Wayne’s verse off the motto.

  98. 123 says:

    dumb bitch doesnt know what comes after quadrupole.

    yo know its making me fucking sick that people think this is actually music.

  99. jayoconn says:

    i didnt read the comments, but this is not music to my ears. all she did was ramble for 3 minutes.
    “Moment 4 Life” is a good song. this, not so much!

  100. BossbergModie says:

    Man this shit here nigga….. Man this shit here nigga….. Is fucking horrible!!!! No this shit is terrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF

  101. Ness says:

    the beats nice. lol

  102. Umm Yeaah.. says:

    LMFAOOOOOO!!!! I’m glad Kim is back. My jaw still hasn’t retracted back to my face cause this track was so bad. This is no better than someone farting on a track for 3 minutes, and of course people still like it. For those of you who say you liked it just need to be real with yourselves cause you know this was some regurgitated garbage and yall eating it up just cause it came out of nicki’s ass.

  103. Kiki Minaji says:

    The couple verses got me really excited and amped up!…………… Then it went down hill from there. I’m pretty disappointed in this.

  104. Kiki Minaji says:

    *the FIRST couple verses, is what i meant to say.

  105. Z3K3. says:

    bitch needs to hurry up and make a sex tape n shyt

  106. […] Nicki Minaj’s sophomore album Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded is due out on Valentine’s Day next year and now we have the first taste of it in the form of ‘Roman In Moscow’. Listen to it via Rap Radar. […]

  107. […] Cole World Goes GoldPosted by: B.DotKanye On Album Of The Year SnubPosted by: Big HomieNew Music: Nicki Minaj “Roman In Moscow”Posted by: B.DotWatch The Throne Tour Backstage (Ep.1)Posted by: Big HomieNas Sells Painting […]

  108. […] off the release of “Roman In Moscow” and her Billboard’s Women Music Awards, Nicki phoned into Tim Westwood’s BBC […]

  109. DJ Semtex's Prosthetic says:

    wtf m8?

  110. […] off the release of her new track and Billboard’s Women Music Awards, Nicki phoned into Tim Westwood’s BBC Live show to […]

  111. kid2king says:


  112. Jay says:

    I don’t like Nicki, but I always try to give her a chance. This right here is hot garbage.

  113. […] her trip to Moscow, Nicki Minaj keeps the buzz going for you stupid hoes. Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded […]

  114. […] her trip to Moscow, Nicki keeps the buzz going for you stupid hoes with her latest cut. Pink Friday: Roman […]

  115. […] her trip to Moscow, Nicki keeps the buzz going for you stupid hoes. We’re just stupid for even […]

  116. […] her trip to Moscow, Nicki keeps the buzz going for you stupid hoes. We’re just as stupid for […]

  117. Kentorious says:

    This aint a rap bitch..this is Miley Cirus…#straighttrash

  118. Liyah-Bitchie says:

    hmm , hmm done tha prayer .
    this shxdd ill af .
    im sick as hell after this !
    i LOVE IT!!!

  119. […] to Russia, the one and only female of this year’s freshmans class takes visits Nicki’s track and plants her flag with a killer rendition. Um, Roman who? Share […]

  120. […] than heading to Russia, the chick from down under visits Nicki’s track and I think she bodied it.. what’s your thoughts? Tweet This […]

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