Love & Hip Hop (Season 2 Ep. 4)

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On tonight’s episode, Olivia reveals the troubled relationship with her mom. While Kimbella attempts to make amends with Emily, Mama Jones tries to improve her relationship with Chrissy. Increase the peace!


Previously: Ep. 1 l Ep. 2 l Ep. 3

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  1. Tina says:

    I cant believe I’m saying this because I dont do TV, however I’ve starting watching this show and have become a fan of it. Not sure if its just the editing (and I’m not hating), kudos for landing on Jimmy but Chrissy needs therapy, anger management or some medication….SOMETHING!! Each episode she’s getting more and more ridiculous, not having and not getting her way and/or her say…that shit with Emily and Kimbella has NOTHING to do with her, she need to recognize her repeated misdirected anger consistantly shown because of her own personal issues she has in her relationships…AND she sucker punched Kimbella, no props at all for that punkassness.

  2. Mike says:

    ^ I ain’t reading all that.

  3. Namaste says:

    chrissy how old are you? I can’t believe you are still resolving issues by fighting. I know 1st graders that can communicate there feelings without putting there hands on someone. I don’t know if you needed ratings, but that was a bad message you send out. It’s ok to hit someone if you don’t feel comfortable with what they are saying.

  4. jwah says:

    Jim jones music sucks & his mom is crazy + childish.

    Olivia needs a reality check . BAD. As well as an attitude check because EVERYBODY speaking about her career cant be wrong.

    Chrissy needs to calm down & stop thinking everybody is the enemy. Kimbella is an airhead. She deserved to be punched, whether she expected it or not. That was rude what she did. IF SHE HAD ACTUALLY BEEN IN A RELATIONSHIP with FAB i can see her telling Emily. But she only made herself look dumb, especially in the setting and manner she told her tht ish .

    Emily…good luck on ur new life. kudos to you . Very strong for leaving him and moving on

  5. v-nasty says:

    Rosa parks sat on bus for this?

    First it housewives of atlanta and now its hiphop hoes?

    Blackwomen or ghetto hoodrats who do nothin but lay flat and take dick all dau?

  6. Hey Peoples says:

    First of all, this show is pointless to me but the idiots attract my attention the most. Chrissy needs her ass kicked. She needs to get caught up talking a bunch of bull and someone break her jaw then say, “Shut up bitch.” I think that would make a lot of people happy. Jim Jones needs to stop frontin and let her go free. If you really feel someone is that important to you, losing an engagement ring is the WORST thing you could do. It’s like an omen. Besides, you shouldn’t have to ask a man. They know exactly what they be doing believe it or not.

    Kimbella didn’t deserve to get sucker-punched. It would have been a piece of cake to whip her ass fairly. 🙂 However, she should have gotten slapped straight out the door for three reasons:
    1. She’s dumb as hell.
    2. She handled her guilty conscience all wrong. Should have done it in private- on a different day!
    3. She came to a female celebration of independence with no panties on!!?

    Juelz is sexy as hell, but how could he lower his standards like that then reproduce with her? Do he know she walked out the house like that…

    Emily is doing great. She’s the only one with a brain.

    Olivia has the potential and a horrible perspective on “what should be.” Good luck to her though.

    I don’t know what Somaya is trying to do but she might as well work in Kimbella’s profession cause I think that’s pretty much all she portrays. Good luck to her too.

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