B.G. Pleads Guilty To Gun Charge
December 8, 2011 @ 1:36 PM EST

After being indicted on gun and obstruction charges in May, the Nola reports that B.G. plead guilty before a Louisiana U.S. District Court.
In 2009, the rapper along with two other men were arrested for possession of three firearms and then accused of witness tampering. He faces up to 40 years in prison. Yikes!
Damn.I wonder what he’ll get?
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BG a real nucca…too bad this could be one of those when keepin it real goes wrong joints
*waits for a weezy tribute cut*
man 40 years for gun charge and obstruction but the big banks, corporations and CEOs rob america blind of trillions of dollars and they dont’ have any penalty?
yeah the US justice system is broken
He better get T.I.’s lawyer…..
“He’s facing up to 40 years in prison”…See this is the shit im talking about. Don’t put your self in theses situation. Im a big fan of B.G. hate to see him like this.
Should’ve never left Cash Money. He could be touring the world making millions
Lol @ BG a real nucca… Y cuz he does things like this?
for a gun? a nigga cant protect his self in this country
but we got child molesters walking around free
that picture. i just can’t.
another ignorant ass negro bites the dust…
…Look i would be out on my ASS if this dude hadn’t showed me how to make money EVERYTIME I comment on a site http://ow.ly/7R7hf ..so I owe him 2 spread the word…
And his Gutter Trash Image won’t help him either.If he was more CleanCut business oriented,maybe the judge would give him leniency.12 albums,no money,now a guilty plea?Niggas better find them a new career besides thuggin or rapping.
“but we got child molesters walking around free”…Have you seen Jerry Sandusky when he gets arrested. Its like he knows the routine. Who in the world keeps bailing him out of jail?!
Alot of thug niggas scared to leave their reputations behind them…… Y was he still in N.O….let me tell u something about credibility…. You dont control it… The people decides who got the Juice
I have no remorse for this ignorant negro. Straight up, that’s what you get for stupidity. Throw the book at him and leave the key at the desk. And please no “Free BG” talks…It amazes me how niggas want to free the ppl that hurt them. It’s time for change…NOW!
[…] firearms and then accused of witness tampering. He plead guilty yesterday facing up to 40 years. RapRadar […]
monkeys belong in cages
nigga is fucked!!! Its not like he’s got that TI money and that TI fame.
I dont see how he could make a deal and shit.
Just found out who B G and Telly Hankton are from http://www.gumbomonster.com
You do the shit you say in your lyrics your dumb
You don’t do the shit in your lyrics your wack
How do you win??
@donn best point on here. Ppl loved it on wax but hate that he was living the gangsta shit? Besides that, maybe I’m being ignorant cause I didn’t check out his rap sheet but I never heard of B.G killing anybody. I’d be armed in America too.
ti snitched
I hate that. I never wish jail time for anyone. However BG is just a dumb ass motherfucker. We all make choices that have good or bad consequences. BG makes bad choices. Heroin addiction, ruining his rap career, jail time, now guns. Dumb move dude. This looks similar to the tip incident except with tip he had the financial backing to get good lawyers that led to a reduced sentencing. Afraid to say it but look a C Murder. What is dumb is he plead guilty. Did he even get a good attorney? BG is going to do 25 years I guarantee it. . Hopefully people will learn from this.
[…] Rap Radar […]
if you’re that dumb, you belong in jail. a timeout.
TI is another example of a dumb ass celebrity EXCEPT the fact that TI has the financial backing to help and some charitable work to give him a pass, unlike my n*gga B-Gizzle, who probably is close to being broke already, and the only credit that he has is street-cred ….Fail
Dam dis nigga a reel ass nigga.. Fo realz doe dis nigga iz a real nigga dat keep it 100.. Aint no snitch nigga over herrr… Way to keep it real black folks.. And you wonder why you acount for over 70 percent of the prison population.. Pull your pants up get a job and keep a good credit line.. Damn
stupid fucking niggers
Mikkey you missd the point. The guns arent G. Doing the crime and doing the time while keeping your mouth shut our G. Not crime stoppers commercials and bizarre plea deals
First of all T.I. snitched.. and at leasted b.g. manned up And plead guilty. B.g. is one of them dudes that rather get caught with it than without it. And how did he fuck up his career. Dude steals all ur money gives u a car and a few jewelry and ur suppose to just stick around like Wayne did…. I think some off u need to know the full story before I talk. I actually respect b.g. for his decision to plead guilty. How many niggaz u know would do that. He knows his actions and consequences
[…] B.G. was handed a 14 year sentence today for gun possession and witness tampering. B.G. previously plead guilty to a 2009 traffic stop in New Orleans where three handguns were […]