1. bry from boston says:

    my nigga… G G G G G G G-UNIT.

  2. bry from boston says:

    hopefully this album is dope. i dont think 50 can recover afta anotha flop as an artist. i hope its as dope as War Angel LP.

  3. No Mercy says:

    link sends you to the back cover

  4. bry from boston says:

    I think Paris could possibly be a Nikki clone, wouldnt be surprised if she beefed with Minaj to get a buzz, I could be wrong we’ll see.

  5. crackedknuckles says:

    wait, I know the crack tech staff over there ain’t link the back cover .jpg. No. No way THAT would ever happen.


    Get it right RR.

  6. LKBZ says:

    fix the link up…

  7. Lux Aeterna says:

    I just DL:ed the cover! OMG, it’s so nice!!

  8. PrincePolo says:

    thisis50.com has the working link

  9. PrincePolo says:

    omfg , thisis50 link is also messed up . wtf

  10. bell123 says:

    fuckin bellends !!! wheres the link, don’t wana look at the back cover…cock heads

  11. PrincePolo says:

    @bell123 BROKEN

  12. mjl006 says:

    Nevermind. My bad. That link I put was wrong

  13. PrincePolo says:

    lmao , rapradar changed broken link into broken link . lol . some fucked up shit …. fifty fucked up with hes strategy to get fucking likes to unlock the mixtape , now there is no working link to download it…

  14. WTF says:

    There are NO links that work. I’ve searched everywhere. 50 fucked up.

  15. youngdos says:

    link not work!!!!!! fix it !!!

  16. 50cent says:

    fix the link pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee

  17. Weezy F F Baby, And The F F Is For Fucking Faggot!! says:

    The beats on this mixtape are crazy as fuck!

  18. WTF says:

    RapRadar can’t fix it themselves guys

  19. fuk waka says:

    to the ppl at thisis50!! FUCK YOU!!! gna go unlike streeet king!!! i dunt giv a shit if u feed a billion kids or not!! fukin idiots cant even put a mixtape out properly tryna make ppl like all kinds of shit and the link dnt even work! gna go give ace hood mixtape a try! 50 needs to fire some assses today!

  20. lol says:

    it’s a joke with this link or what ????

  21. NextUp says:

    aint dat serious tho…

  22. PrincePolo says:

    they probably posted a link up and went celebrate …

  23. Sense says:

    Jay-Z should drop a mixtape in the next two minutes and steal the buzz while 50 “don’t know how to drop a mixtape” cent provides a working link for his damn music. SMH.

  24. PrincePolo says:

    20 min ago fifty tweeted that he will post a working link soon

  25. WTF says:

    50’s so old and washed up he can’t even drop an online mixtape correctly.

  26. Weezy F F Baby, And The F F Is For Fucking Faggot!! says:


  27. Thank God I'm Fresh says:

    tf whyd they take down all the links?

  28. Lux Aeterna says:

    It’s out! Rick Ross fans mad.

  29. Smoke screen says:

    Hahah…niggaz is mad……lol

  30. Dope Boy Fresh says:

    Obviously 50 just wants to see how many dudes will download…smfh can’t believe these played out rappers still worrying about sales…or even worst, downloads! lol
    50 is DONE.
    Business ain’t for you…Acting ain’t for you…Music ain’t for you..

  31. PrincePolo says:

    shits working , fucking finally ….

  32. DJ Semtex's Prosthetic says:

    oooooo………………shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii- bruh…this…NOW THIS–THIS- IS IT ALOT BETTER THAN IT LOOKS

  33. PrincePolo says:

    OH MY FUCKING GOD . thisis50 posted a wrong link again with a different fucking mixtape ..

  34. Sense says:

    That skit at the start of track 4 must be getting niggaz fired from their jobs right now. Jeez.

  35. Lux Aeterna says:

    Listening…. shiiiiiiiiit. This is good.

  36. PrincePolo says:

    Rapradar you have the WRONG LINK . this is not the big 10 god damn it . fuck . fifty posted a real link on his twitter … facepalm

  37. FUKBOISHIT says:


  38. DJ Semtex's Prosthetic says:

    50 kills hooks, just wish his verses had better lyrics

  39. DJ Semtex's Prosthetic says:

    then again, never really considered the best lyricist in the world- idk man

  40. Guru says:

    Lulz that link is the wrong shit . Damm expected better from the gods atRapRadar.

  41. Mj says:

    Who the fuck would dl the clean tape

  42. The greek black jesus says:

    Lupe fiasco-friend if the people: I fight evil….

    Mixtape of the year

    Congrats lu on winning this award

  43. James Bond says:

    Never really liked 50’s music not even grodt but i always respect him as a street gangsta to business man i will give it a listen people who hate on him need to do their homework

  44. Sense says:

    I’ve listened to the whole thing apart from two that don’t seem to be working for me (has that happened for anyone else?) The beats are on point, the choruses are catchy and shit. I like it. This is basically a new album that is free, now I’m not a 50 fan but I’m grateful for that. For real “Queens” is still the biggest thing on there for me but “Niggas be scheming” is straight fire, “Stop Crying” is big and the beat to “Put your hands up” should be put on a terrorist watch-list, that shit is crazy.

  45. oiboy says:

    50′s so old and washed up he can’t even drop an online mixtape correctly.


  46. FittyKidd says:

    You can stream the actual mixtape here with a valid download link —> http://hiphoparsenal.com/blog/article/mixtape_50_cent_the_big_10_stream

  47. WhiteNigga says:

    This shit is hard!!! 50 back on it

  48. digi says:

    50 should have charged money for this tape! It is sick. For real anyone that says this ain’t the gospel you honestly are just hating.

  49. Oj Da Cornball says:

    Hates go hate, but most are conforming themselves today.

    tape is FIRE

  50. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    str8 heat !

  51. digi says:

    Omg, finally the old fifty is back. Missed you man! Dam I bet a lot of dudes after this will start burning their lil sisters skinny Jeans & throw on some Black Tims & matching hoody.

  52. Black Shady says:

    im bout to download

  53. BLIND MICE says:

    I gota admit…Ain listen to fif in years…BUT THIS SHIT RETARDED>>>>>>

  54. BLIND MICE says:


  55. keithalan says:

    thisis50 worked for me and everybody else i know so i dont kno what yall r talking about

  56. Lux Aeterna says:

    I’m a fan of Em. But really, The Big 10 > HTS

  57. LAZ says:


  58. Rolly says:

    this pretty dope right here… 50 back?

    i been eating subs all week! free, http://goo.gl/q8nAw Subway 30th anniversary their giving out 250 dollar giftcards.. next 24hrs only

  59. Luke says:

    This mixtape is the hottest shit I heard this year !!! Its insane! G-UNIT !!

  60. antonis says:

    Best thing released in 2011

  61. Tru Talk says:

    Rapradar fuckin 50 up wit the wrong link…. 50 hater ass website… This the mixtape of the year get in right bitch

  62. rebellious says:

    paris sounds exactly like remy ma on that queens track…all the leaks are fire tho.. honestly all the tracks he put it out in 2011 were straight crack but of course some of you lemmings will hate on him cuz he isnt hot anymore….

  63. […] Apparently, Curtis' new mixtape is out. Rap Radar :: New Mixtape: 50 Cent The Big 10 I still have to listen to it. "If music were a woman, I'd be desperate to fuck […]

  64. http://www.myspace.com/onepercentfree says:

    AT least 50 looks like he’s having fun making these tracks.

    But he needs healthy diet of no fame just like he started the fame affected is flow

    plus only 57% but it’s fifty so i make him pass at 60%

    But i tell he fails first then i pass him…let’s hope he get’s the lesson

    Huey p newton is the best

  65. bowser says:

    you link is broken!!!!

    Thx for having me download 80MB for absolutely no reason. fails to extract!!!!

    DatPiff has it >>>> http://www.datpiff.com/50-Cent-The-Big-10-mixtape.288796.html

  66. BLev says:

    50 is going to drop “President’s Day” this February. Featured on the mixtape is Lloyd Banks, Kendrick Lamar, Young Jeezy, Tony Yayo, and Pusha T.

  67. RapFan says:

    Feeling it-

    my question is: Where is Banks? Yayo’s on two songs, where is the PLK?

  68. jake yumad says:

    this is fire

  69. WTF?!!?!?!?! says:

    why waste that dope ass Khalil beat on this mixtape??? save that for ur album homes

  70. VerseCutta says:

    damn,this a hard mixtape,i dont need to skip any tracks at all,shit crazy son

  71. KENAN says:

    LOVE IT. i can’t believe i’m not forcing myself to say that. So glad. FINALLY!!!

    btw. paris sounds fucking dope.

    glad you’re back fif. don’t leave again, fucker.

  72. jayoconn says:

    this mixtape is pretty dope! wish i would have heard Banks on there though. He had Kidd Kidd and Yayo on 2 songs..nobody checking for them

  73. Ques says:

    Good mixtape what the haters saying now?

  74. @reelGhostly says:

    This shit was hot. That’s it.

  75. […] 5 PostsBad Boy Invades Hot 97Posted by: Big HomieNew Mixtape: 50 Cent The Big 10Posted by: AmayaJay-Z Hints At Another Throne AlbumPosted by: B.DotNew Video: French Montana x […]

  76. […] released his new mixtape yesterday and this morning he delivers the first visual featuring his latest signee, Paris. […]

  77. […] released his new mixtape yesterday and this morning he delivers the first visual featuring his latest signee, Paris. […]

  78. […] released his new mixtape yesterday and this morning he delivers the first visual featuring his latest signee, Paris. […]

  79. mac DIESEL fanbase says:

    CAN’T FRONT !!!!!!!!!!!

  80. Heromaniac says:

    he also got that raw delivery u barely hear these days

  81. da 5'9 says:

    this shit was straight fire!!! Here the haters at???? 50 just shut you all the fuck up

  82. […] 5 PostsBad Boy Invades Hot 97Posted by: Big HomieNew Mixtape: 50 Cent The Big 10Posted by: AmayaJay-Z Hints At Another Throne AlbumPosted by: B.DotNew Video: French Montana x […]

  83. Oj da Cornball says:

    Hot joint. hehehe

  84. […] They shooting—aw made you look. Instead, Don Trip totes his rhyme book and lets off a few rounds over 50′s cut from yesterday’s release The Big 10. […]

  85. Lux Aeterna says:

    Been bumping this for a couple of days now. It’s a really sick mixtape. Not many rappers can match the quantity with the quality. 50 has put out the SMS-freestyles (10-15 tracks), Street-king freestyles (~10 tracks), and now this, “The Big 10” (11 tracks). Combined, the best tracks would add up to classic IMO.
    50 get em!

  86. […] pissed 50 off,  he cools down and gets back to business by releasing his new video in support of The Big 10 […]

  87. […] pissed 50 off, he cools down and gets back to business by releasing his latest flick in support of The Big 10 mixtape. Hey, we like girls who likes girls […]

  88. juergen apfelbaum says:

    You fell off when you starting singing your hooks or featuring R&B singers on the hooks just like Ja Rule..

  89. […] waiting til dawn, Curtis comes equipped with another music video in support off his latest mixtape, The Big 10. Share […]

  90. […] day after releasing The Big 10, Fif swung by DJ Whoo Kid’s show on Shade 45 to discuss how how he recorded the mixtape in […]

  91. […] day after releasing The Big 10, Fif swung by DJ Whoo Kid’s show on Shade 45 to discuss how he recorded the mixtape in four […]

  92. […] premiered Big 10‘s “Wait Til Tonight” with his G Note artist Governor on the season finale of […]

  93. […] the success of The Big 10, Curtis once again took to Twitter and jokingly threatened Interscope to release his new album or […]

  94. […] the success of The Big 10, Curtis once again took to Twitter and jokingly threatened Interscope to release his new album or […]

  95. […] the success of The Big 10, Curtis once again took to Twitter and jokingly threatened Interscope to release his new album or […]

  96. […] Curtis and Governor performs “Wait Until Tonight” off Fif’s recent mixtape, The Big 10. Two-step y’all. Share […]

  97. […] Curtis and Governor performs “Wait Until Tonight” off Fif’s recent mixtape, The Big 10. Two-step […]

  98. […] Curtis and Governor performs “Wait Until Tonight” off Fif’s recent mixtape, The Big 10. Two-step […]

  99. […] is back with a new clip (pun intended) off The Big 10 mixtape and finds himself the grimmest parts of Chinatown toting guns against the Triads. Damn, we […]

  100. […] is back with a new clip (pun intended) off The Big 10 mixtape and finds himself the grimmest parts of Chinatown against the Triads. Damn, we are at war. […]

  101. […] is back with a new clip (pun intended) off The Big 10 mixtape and finds himself the grimmest parts of Chinatown against the Triads. Damn, we are at […]

  102. […] Curtis stays scheming too. But before his next video arrives, here are some shots from his and Kid Kid’s scene. More pics after the jump. The Big 10 is available here. […]

  103. […] premiering The Lost Tape has been postponed. But he decides to release his new video off his previous release. Yea, even scheming even from the hospital bed. See the drama unfold above. Share […]

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