New Music: Machine Gun Kelly x Ester Dean “Invincible”

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You might remember hearing this song in the recent commercial for the new HTC Rezound, but now MGK releases the new song in its entirety featuring Ester Dean. Produced by Alex Da Kid.

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  1. KoldCase says:

    so fuckin dope

  2. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    MGK just earned my respect.

  3. suppppp says:

    Interscope’s fail safe method… AlexDaKid on the beat and a bitch on the hook.

  4. .. says:

    Reminds me of Love the way you lie kinda. Pretty good though I dig it.

  5. says:

    bab boy over shady records any day 24/7

    alex da kid got something hot on mix buss drums insert.


  6. JHP says:

    Dope song, but I think “Words I Never Said” proved that an Alex Da Kid beat with a girl on the hook doesn’t guarantee you an actual billboard hit, and Ester Dean isn’t as marketable a name as Rihanna either, but we’ll see what MGK can do with the buzz he got going right now.Good song though by the way..

  7. Tommy Fraind says:

    MGK next big thing.. lace the fuck up

  8. Fuck Ya Life says:

    Not big on MGK but this was dope.

  9. unKut says:

    why is he signed to bad boy? this is going to be a big radio/crossover record. I commend Interscope for getting behind MGK with a big song. You can see what’s gonna happen to the rest of the bad boy crew- nothing. French maybe. Cafe – not! He’s too old and has no support on the street.

  10. unKut says:

    Interscope radio $ and he’s off. Ester Dean wrote most of Rihanna’s latest album amongst other artists.

  11. Lookin Clean says:

    I started crying for some reason while I was listening to this

  12. bane says:

    follow the formula. the only thing this accomplishes is declaring that you can make the same kind of music as other artists today, thats all.

  13. Hip-Hop Fiend says:

    I wanna hate this guy so much but this song is dope.

  14. timothy Adems says:

    Well done MGK. Shit sounds good. I heard it off the commercial and thought it could be a hit.

  15. MegaMan says:

    It’s dope as fuck. I like catchy pop songs like this. Machine Gun Kelly is the next Eminem.

  16. MegaMan says:

    I don’t like white rappers, but this is dope as fuck. I like catchy pop songs like this. MGK is the next Eminem.

  17. hopsis beats tyler says:

    alex da kid is ruining the fucking industry ugh

  18. Baby Of Stan says:

    MEN, even my dad would be proud of this one.

  19. herohiro says:

    this shit cray

  20. Someone says:

    I’m impressed…

    Dope song still doesn’t make up for “Wild Boy”

  21. Devil says:


  22. Luks says:

    MGK… LACE THE FUCK UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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